Hell, Day 40

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Marvin POV

I run inside the apartment and slam the front door closed making the other egos jump

"Woah, someone needs a nap" Anti says, "fuck off Anti, I'm not in the mood!" I yell as I storm into mine and Sam's room

I face plant on the bed and listen to Jack and Signe explain everything. I hear the door open and Sam's voice "Bubba, you ok?" I shake my head

"Here look up to me, I want to check something" I groan and sit up. She looks to my eyes and coos slightly. "You're eyes are all red, did you nap with everyone else today?" I shake my head

"How about you nap then, maybe you're just fussy" I scowl and push her away from me. "Leave me alone " I mumble

I see Signe walk to us "Sam let's give him time to calm down. Go start your homework" Sam leaves and Signe sits down then pulls me to her lap

I struggle and try to get away from her, "Marvin what's going on? You used to love being with me" "no!! Let me go!" "Alright fine, but you need to do your homework" I shake my head "I hate that shit! It's too hard and there's no point!"

"If it's too hard then we'll help you, now come on" she stands up with me on her side and brings me to the kitchen table where Sam is working

I'm sat in a booster seat at the table and Signe sits my papers in front of me with a pencil. "Ask Sammy if you need help" she tells me

I sigh and look to my work, it's the same thing we did in class today. "Can you do it?" Sam asks me. I nod and start the paper well kinda. It took me forever when I had to write everything but when I got to the colors I didn't care and randomly scribbled the colors on 

Quickly I went to go to the room so I don't have to talk to others but Jack grabs my arm and pulls me back to the chair before I even got to the floor. "Nope, one of us has to check it" I groan and lean back in my chair. "There isn't anything to check!" I whine but he still flips through the pages I did 

"Marv you didn't get the colors" I shrug "So? You can't erase crayon, now let me go" "At least tell me where the right colors go" I groan more and sink down in my chair, "Jack let me-" "-Marvin, I'm your dad and I'm telling you to do something. Now do it" I cross my arms, as much as I can and mumble "you aren't my dad" 

"Then why'd you call me 'daddy' for 3 years of your life?" "Cuz that wasn't me!" I yell "Marvin if you're gonna throw a fit you can do it in time out" I stare up at him "Are you serious!? I'm not your son!" I get out of the booster seat and run past him but he grabs my good arm 

"Marvin you aren't leaving until you're done" "Let me go you asshole!!" I rip my arm from him and run back to the room 

Jack's POV 

Marvin slams the door and I look to Signe who's on the couch. She shrugs, "We knew this would take a while" "Yeah but that little boy is testing my patience" she chuckles, "Aren't you the calm one? Besides we both know he isn't our real son. I didn't give birth to him" "-No but Jack did!" anti said making them all laugh. I roll my eyes "Watch it, I can ground you too" 

"I'm gonna go upstairs and calm down" "I'll help!" Signe jumps up and we go upstairs to our room 

Inside we sit on the bed and Signe moves behind me and gives me a massage, "thanks babe" "No problem, you just have to take your time with him. Besides he's had a rough day. It was his first real day of kindergarten and he got bullied" 

I sigh, "yeah I know, still we need to work on getting him to listen to us or he isn't going to listen to anybody"

The next morning I went to wake up the kids. Sam was easy to get up, although she tried acting sick but I didn't believe her. Marvin....now he's a different story 

"come on bud, time to get up for school" He shakes his head and covers himself up tighter in the blanket. I sigh "Marvin I'm not fighting you, get up and get dressed" I hear a mumbled 'fuck off' from under his blanket 

I pull away his blanket making him groan again, "I'm not going today" he mutters, "Why not?" He sighs and sits up "I don't want to deal with that kid" he mumbles so quietly that I can barely hear him. 

I sit down and pull him to my lap, "Marv if you're getting bullied try to ignore him alright? You're small but you're smart." He sighs, "I don't want to go Jack. Please don't make me"

"Is that kid the only reason you don't want to go?" He doesn't answer. "What else is going on?" "It's hard...people don't talk to me...it's scary, I'm alone. I just don't like it"

"Well how about you try and talk to the other kids?" I look to his cast and I see a name with a heart making me chuckle "What about her? Lily signed your cast, you can talk with her!" He shakes his head

I sigh, "Marvin you're going. Come on I'll help you into your uniform" I sit him back on the bed and go to his dresser where I take out a red shirt and a pair of grey pants.

After he's dressed they eat breakfast and we drive them back to school

Marvin's POV

Sam drags me into the school and back to class. "Sam no! I don't want to!" I scream. "Marvin you have to go to class, now stop throwing a fit"

She drags me into the classroom and I scowl at her as she leaves. "Ok everyone take a seat!" She caller but I'm done with this

I run up to her "Can I use the restroom first?" She nods "Of course, do you know where it is?" I nod and run out of the room. But instead of running to the restroom I run to the front doors 

I push as hard as I can against the door but it doesn't move. I groan out in annoyance, stupid 5 year old body. Now I need another way out! 

I sigh and leave the doors, maybe I can trick a office worker? But I'm in the school uniform so it probably wouldn't work. Damn, uhm, maybe there's a way out that has a normal door that I can reach 

So I leave in  pursuit of another door but a older kid walks up to me. "Out of the way brat" He kicks me away with his foot as he walks to the front door. He must be skipping! "Can I come!?" I ask running up to him 

He rolls his eyes, "No way" "Please!? I don't want to stay here! It's all bullshit" He chuckles and looks down to me, "You got some balls for a 5 year old, fine, just don't get me caught" I nod and he opens the door for me 

I run out and he follows behind me. "Where are you going?" I ask him, "I'm feeling hungry so I'm gonna go grab some food with friends. Wanna join?" I nod, Jack was right! If I talk to people I can get friends!

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