Hell, Day 48

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Signes POV

The next morning was horrible. Marvin went a little too far with their ages.

Whereas Chase, Jackaboyman, and Sncheep were a year old Anti wasn't even that.

"What the fuck Marvin!?!?" Anti screams. His face goes red and he starts crying. Quickly I pick him up and cradle him "Great a actual baby, cuz thats something we missed" Sean jokes

I roll my eyes "OK less jokes and more calming down the 10 month old baby please" I say. Sean takes Anti from me and calms him down so I go to the other egos

"Is everyone OK?" They nod "but I believe Jackaboyman has a....issue" Sncheep says. I groan "Yeah I figured it'd happen"

"I-Im sorry Signe" Jackaboyman mumbles "don't be, all Marvin's old clothes are at home though so y'all will have to wait. Though Anti is gonna need new clothes all together"

We hear someone yawn so we look to the staircase where Marvin is walking down. "Oh, morning" we all glare at him

"Ok I'm guessing y'all are mad be cause I made them all younger?" "No shit! Anti is 10 months old!!" Chase yells

"Boys don't get too worked up. Dark can change you all back at anytime" "actually-" we look to where the other voice came from and sure enough there's a baby Dark

Mark and Anti die of laughter. "Shut up! I accidentally drank the age potion instead of my coffee. I really need to start labeling stuff" Amy picks him up making him scowl at her

"Put me down! I refuse to be treated like this!" "Get used to it" Jackaboyman says. I nod "and speaking of which, they need diapers now. Especially Anti" Sean sighs "I'll get to the store" Mark stands up "I'll come!"

So I take Anti back and they leave. "At least you're adorable now" Sam tells Anti as she walks up to me

"I'm not adorable!" We all laugh slightly at him. "-and stop laughing!" "OK, OK, everyone calm down. I don't want to deal with a Anti tantrum"

Marvin shrugs, "alright well just be quiet, I'm going back to bed" "No you aren't" I stop him

"You're their big brother now and I need you and Sam to watch them while Amy and I go upstairs"

He groans "really!? That's boring!" "You're older now, they had to watch you when you were younger to" I hand Anti to Samantha and Amy sits down Dark then we go upstairs

Marvin's POV

I groan and climb onto the couch. Sam sits next to me with Anti cradled in her arms. "It isn't so much fun being older huh?" I shake my head "no it isn't, but they still can't tease me"

She chuckles "no, but Anti can spit up on you and the others can and will cry about everything" "great, when can I leave" "When mom comes back" She answers. She starts to bounce her arms up and down a little. He seemed confused for a moment before he started to smile a little then giggle 

I chuckle, "Why is he calm like this?" I ask her, "most kids at this age are, unless they want something and even then the smallest thing can entertain them and distract them" There's some useful information for the future 

 "Other than Anti, Dark is new to this" Sam says, I look to Dark who's looking at his hands and legs. "So tiny, so......weak" He mumbles. We both laugh so he looks up to us and rolls his eyes, "Whatever, I'm just gonna go back to my world" He closes his eyes but nothing happens 

"Uh Dark? You're still here" Sam tells him. "Well our magic took a while to come back after this happened the first time, so he might have to wait" Jackaboyman says 

Dark groans and covers his face, "I wanna die" he mumbles. "Here, I know what to do" Sam grabs the remote and turns on the tv to Mickey mouse. "Here boys, look to the tv" She tells the others. 

we look to the tv and we're all instantly sucked into the bright colors and characters that we just met. This distracted us for...........longer than it should have 

Sam's POV 

While they watched Tv I took care of Anti with what Mark and Amy have here. He groans when I start to coo at him. "I hate this" he mumbles, "Aw come on, you know you love this" He shakes his head "No way do I love this! And do you have to hold me so close to you? Just sit me on the ground!" 

"I can't sit you down Anti" "and why not?" I sigh, "Because you're not even a year old, you could get hurt, Chica could come in and hit you down, you could run into something, you could fall while trying to walk, and Mark's house isn't baby proofed fully. I just don't want you to get hurt since I'll be in trouble" 

"That's bull" He mutters, I roll my eyes but doing so made me spot Dad's keys. I lean over and grab them before showing them to the baby in my arms. "Anti look at these" I say as I jingle them in front of him. 

His eyes focus on them and he tries grabbing out for them after a minute or so he stops, "Just give them!" he whines making me laugh, "Ok try one more time and I'll give them to you" He rolls his eyes and reaches out again. To his surprise I let him take the keys 

He moves them around and jingles them to make himself laugh. I hear moms laugh so I look up and her and Amy are watching but moms taking a picture too

I chuckle and look back to Anti who hasn't noticed them yet "you've got a audience cutie" he stops and look's to me then to mom and Amy and burns red

He quickly throws the keys making us all laugh. "Good job at entertaining Sammy" Mom tells me "it wasn't to hard" I joke

Mom and Amy sat next to me and we all talked until Mark and Dad came home

"Alright we got everything" Dad says as he sits down a few bags. "We got them each one outfit since we won't be staying long"

Sncheep turns to us "ve aren't?" They shake their heads "we're leaving after tomorrow" mom says

"Wouldn't it be better for the readers if we stayed here with Mark, Amy and baby Dark?" I ask they all nod "so we're staying?" Chase asks

"We don't mind y'all staying. Besides I feel like Dark is gonna give us a lot of trouble" Amy says. "Alright then we're staying!" Mom says

"So back to the store?" Dad whines and they nod. He groans loudly "fine, let's go Mark"

Dark stands up "so wait, I have to stay here and deal with y'all while I'm also a year old?" We all nod making him groan out in annoyance

"Damn it, OK can't I just like sit off to the side and wait until I get my magic?" Amy shakes her head, "Nope! You're gonna be taken car if by Mark and I"

"That's bull!" He yells at us, "Dark remember you did this to yourself" Amy says as she picks him up. "I said not to pick me up!!!" She rolls her eyes and takes a pacifier from the bag dad brought in

"Just take this and calm down" she says as she gives it to him. He rolls his eyes and takes it out "No way, you aren't pulling this crap on me" "Pull what? Taking care of you?" "No acting like I'm actually a child, I'm a demon" 

"Well for now, you're mine and Marks" She kisses his cheek and sits back down by us. 

mom takes Anti from me and cradles him, "You're all just gonna have to wait till Dark gets his powers back to get back to normal" Signe tells them, "That's not fair for me! at least they can walk!" Anti fusses but mom just gave him a pacifier and set her finger on the middle so he couldn't spit it out 

"You'll be fine, Sean, Samantha, and I have got you covered" Mom tells him but he just rolls his eyes and suckles on the pacifier 

I chuckle when I feel something in my lap? I look down and see JJ, "Hey JJ, you ok?" He shakes his head and lays down on my chest. With a small silent yawn he falls asleep on me. Mom starts to laugh, "Well I guess he chose his favorite pretty quickly" I nod, "Yeah I guess" 

Now we just have to wait for dad to come home so we can get all the kids dressed in the right clothes and get a room ready for them all

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