Hell, Day 11

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Signe's POV

"Let's hurry" Sean whispers as we buckle the boys into car seats on the plane.

The workers let us take the whole back rows to ourselves so we could see them.

Closest to the window were only 3 seats so we sat Doctor Schneep, Anti, and Jackaboyman there and since the middle row has 4 seats Sean and I sat in the middle and next to me is Marvin then Sean has Chase next to him

"We're so lucky their asleep" I whisper to Sean as I fix Marvin's blanket on him. Sean nods "Yeah, let's hope it lasts"

But of course it didn't last and as soon as the plane got into the air they all woke up.

Marvin yawns and moves around "mmm, where are we?" He asks as his pacifier hits his lap.

All the others start asking questions as well until we all hear whimpering. We all turn to where it's coming from and it's Anti?

He has his eyes tightly shut and is grabbing onto the chest straps of his car seat. "Anti, hon what's wrong?" I ask and he shakes his head

"T-To high up" he stutters out. "Oh baby, it'll be over soon" I promise but he still shakes in his seat

I turn to Sean, "Do we have anything to calm him down?" "Uhm, I have Chase's blanket but all their toys are with our suitcases"

"No!" Chase whines as he hugs his blanket closer to him. "Bud, Anti is actually scared right now-" "-am not!" Anti interrupts, "- and your blanket would help calm him down ok? Can you please hand me your blanket?"

Chase thinks for a moment, "Can I get it back later?" Sean nods, "of course, it's still yours. Anti just needs to borrow it" Chase hands it to Sean who hands it to me

I unbuckle and go to the next set of seats. "Anti, here baby" I hand it to him so he finally opens his eyes a little and grabs the soft blanket as tight as he can. "See you're ok" I promise again as I move hair from his face.

I go back to my seat and we continue the flight.

Just close to landing Marvin starts to kick his feet on the car seat. I sit my hands on his legs, "Marv, you can't do that. It'll annoy people" "but we're bored" he whines which earned multiple agreements from everyone

"We're almost there so just wait" Sean tells them. "Why should we?" Chase asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. "We didn't ask to come with y'all"

"Well you 5 are too young to be alone" I explain "no we're not" Jackaboy says. "Boys we aren't fighting, besides we're already here in La"

The plane starts to land so people work on getting everything out of the top compartments

After everyone has what they brought and the plane lands we work on figuring out how to carry all 5 out into the airport.

Sean picks up Chase, I get Marvin, then Sean sits Anti on his shoulders and I grab the Doctors hand while Sean takes Jackaboys. "Anti make sure you hold on ok bud?" Anti nods with a smirk and grabs Sean's hair

I chuckle slightly and we make our way out of the airplane and into the airport

As soon as we get inside where everyone is rushing around making Jackaboy and Doctor grab onto us tightly

"Y'all are ok" I promise, "Once we get our stuff we can head out to find Mark and Amy"

So we quickly collect everything and head out

Marvin's POV

We get outside and they walk towards Mark and Amy who are by their van. "Hey guys!" Mark greets as Jack sits Anti down on his feet.

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