Hell, Day 35

726 34 79

Signe's POV

"- so they are older than me? And they're like different versions of dad?" She asks and we nod

"So what's going to happen to Marvin since he drank that stuff?" I sigh, "Well he'll be like you. Marvin is going to become a normal kid and dad and I are going to raise him as our own. He's you're actual baby brother now" "so he'll grow up?" We nod

"Then how is everyone else gonna get back?" We shrug, "No idea, since before you were born we've been trying to figure out how to get them back and nothing has come up"

She sighs and looks to the egos, "I'm sorry guys, I thought y'all were just babies that wanted to act older" they shrug, "it's ok" Sncheep says "Yeah we forgive you Sammy!" Chase agrees and Jackaboyman nods but Anti stays still

Sam looks to him "Please anti? I'm sorry" again nothing so she smiles a little and crouches by him. "Anti come on, can you at least smile for me?" He shakes his head. "Please, I'm really sorry. You're my big brother I promise " he sighs, "Fine, it's ok" she smiles "Thanks anti!"

Her yelling made Marv squirm a little in his sleep. "Ok let's calm down before he wakes up" I say and they all nod. "Sammy you should get back to your friends." Sean tells her "Oh, ok. I guess" "Don't tell anyone baby" I tell her and she nods, "I won't!" "Thanks baby, happy birthday" Sean says

She runs back out to her friends and Marvin starts to fuss and move around again. He didn't sleep for long at all though so I try to sway and keep him asleep but it didn't work

He sits up a little and yawns before looking at me. "Hey Marvin, are you ok?" He stares at me for a second before smiling and giggling to himself

"It's final, he's gone" Sncheep says. Now Marvin is oblivous to everything and just starts to play with my curls. Sean sighs, "Damn it Marvin, he makes everything so difficult" I sigh, "Well I guess I'll go take care of him. And if you guys see Dark again try and get him to look for something to fix Marv too" we nod and she leaves with him

We all stay quiet and I hear Anti sniffle. I look to him and he's rubbing his eyes, "aww Anti" Jack coos, "What? I got something in my eye" he mumbles. "I am gonna miss that idiot....he was still like a brother to us" we all nod

"Hey guys it'll be ok I promise. We'll find a way to fix all of you. Even Marvin"

Signe's POV

I sit Marvin on the couch and he mindlessly crawls around and tries to walk while looking at the house. I sigh when he falls back to his hands and knees "What are we gonna do with you Marv?" I sit down and he crawls up to me

It is nice to have a actual baby back in the house but I remember clearly from baby Sam that we won't be sleeping much and he'll be with us 24/7

He starts to whine in my lap and tug at my shirt. "What's up baby? You need something?" He's fully focused on me and tries to stand up

Once he fell forward on me he grabbed onto the rim of my shirt and pulled on it. I saw the way his mouth was moving and suckling the air and it hit me. Quickly I pull his hand off my shirt which made him cry "shh Marv, let me make a bottle trust me, we'd both prefer that way."

I take him to the kitchen and start making him a new bottle. While it was warming up Sam's friend Gem walks in

"Hey Gem, you girls having fun?" She shrugs, "They are but I wanted to ask you something. If you and Sam's dad are famous why do y'all live here and have small things?" Great, best question. I was expecting her to ask for like a snack or drink

"Well, we live here because we have a lot of memories here. And we don't have expensive things because we don't really care for that kind of stuff"

I get Marvin's bottle from the microwave and shake it up. "How about you head back and play with Sam?" She shakes her head, "Sam isn't famous " What the hell is up with this kid? I told Sean we should've paid for the private school

"Mom!" Sam yells running in. "Oh Gem there you are. Mom we wanted to see if we could play outside?" I shake my head "Nope, you aren't old enough to be out there alone. Sorry Sam but we need y'all inside"

"Oh ok, Gem come on!" Gem shakes her head, "I'd prefer to stay with your mom or dad" Sam tilts her head slightly, "why?" "Duh because they're famous" "but I thought we were friends?" "Nope, I wanted to see a famous persons house but this place sucks" alright I'm butting in

"Hey!" I yell sternly making Gem turn to me. "You aren't coming into our house and speaking that way. Now if you aren't here because you're Sam's friend then I don't want you here at all. Please call a parent and have them pick you up immediately" she rolls her eyes "sure" she leaves the house and i look back to Sam

"She was using me?" She whispers to herself, I sigh "Sammy some people are just like that" "but I thought we were friends" I crouch down and hug her "I know baby"

Once Marvin starts to play with her hair again, I pull back

"What's going on?" I hear Anti ask as I stand up. "One of Sam's 'friends' was using her because we're famous" Anti scowls "where is the brat!? I'll use my magic and teach her a lesso-" "-no Anti you won't. We're just gonna forget about her and transfer Sam to the private school she was supposed to be in"

"What!?!" Sam screams and I see her actual friends come out of her room. I sigh "I'm sorry baby but dad and I were going to do it in the beginning to avoid this" "but mom I like this school!! I don't want to go to a private one!"

"It'll be better baby, trust me" she scowls at me with tears running down her cheeks "this isn't fair!! This is the worst birthday!" She runs back into her room and her friends follow to help her

I sigh and sit on the couch. While Marvin's drinking Sean comes down. "What was all the yelling?" "Sam's going to the private school we were going to send her to"

"What? Signe she loves the school here" "Yeah well the girl Gem just admitted to using her because we're famous. I don't want her dealing with that crap again"

Jack's POV

I walk into Sam's room and she's in bed and in tears with her friends trying to help her calm down. I sigh "Girls you two can head out, I think Sam's mom needs help with the baby" they smile and nod then leave

I go to her bed and sit down "Sammy are you ok?" "No! Mom is making me go to a dumb private school!!" "Hey it's ok, try to calm down. Mom didn't even talk to me about it. Maybe I can get her to change her mind ok?"

She looks up to me and nods, "alright just calm down an try to enjoy your birthday alright?" She nods so I kiss her head and leave

In the living room her friends are playing with Marvin and making him giggle. "Alright girls, y'all can head back" they quickly get up and run into her room

"See those two are good friends" Signe states as she stands up with Marvin. "Babe she loves the school here" "and she'll like the private school more. Babe I know she loves it here and you know I hate being the bad cop but I don't want her hurt"

I sigh, "alright, she goes to the private school for a month. If she likes it she can stay, if she doesn't she comes back to this school" she nods "alright, deal" "Can she at least graduate here? Then when she goes to middle school everyone will be new and she won't be left out" she nods again, "Fine, I can handle that. Besides Marvin should be in school by then"

"Speaking of, today would technically his birthday right? Considering he's a actual kid now" She shrugs, "I guess but do we really want his birthday on Sam's birthday?" I nod, "They're both close either way. Out of all the egos, she's always loved him more"

She nods "I guess, well happy Birthday Marv"

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