Hell, Day 28

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Signe's POV

After they all found out they all insited that Sean did everything. But that's what happens when you have 6 Sean's in one place. They all want everyone safe and happy which isn't bad at all, just annoying sometimes. Sean is already protective of me so this made it worse

The closer and closer I got to giving birth the more and more I heard "Let Jack do it" and "Let me get it" a lot of the time I did appreciate it though. Especially in the mornings when I threw up and surprisingly after the boys knew they all listened to me a lot better

None of them fought or even threw tantrums. The only problem that ever came up was with Chase since we still don't have his blanket

But then a few months later the time came. I was forced awake at around 4 in the morning in pain and screaming

Sean jumped up and set Chase on the bed before running to my side of the bed. "Babe what's happening?!" "S-Sean, hospital now" was all I managed. His eyes grew wide and full if tears and panic. "Ok!! I got it, I'll call Felix, he can bring the car and we'll  you there. Just stay calm and breath" I nod and do as be says while Chase works to help me as well though it didn't do much since he had no clue what to do

I listen to Sean talk with Felix, "Hey! Look I know we haven't told anyone about this like at all but we need you and Marzia quick! Signe's in labor and we need to get her to the hospital" I could practically here them both on the phone panicking

After he hung up he set Chase on the ground, "go wake up the others ok? Felix and I will be up to get y'all soon" he nods and runs out so he carefully picks me up bridal style but it still hurt like hell

I scream out his name in pain, "I know babe, Felix and Marzia should be here soon" as if on cue we heard the door open. "Jack!!!" Felix screams "Upstairs hurry!!"

They rush through the door and Felix helps Sean get me downstairs, out of the apartment and into their car. "Marzia stay with her, Felix and I are gonna go grab the kids" she nods and they leave

"Here Signe lay down" she helps me down so I can lay across the seats and holds my hand "It's ok Signe, just breath, we're gonna get you there quick"  I nod and do as she says and it wasn't long before the guys brought down all the egos who are still in pajamas, along with a pink diaper bag that we filled with stuff for the new baby a while back

Everyone gets in the car and the boys were all sat in the set of seats behind me while Sean sat on the floor in front of my seats so he was with me

The boys were all in the back were either, crying, panicking, or trying to get up front to help me

We did get to the hospital quicker than I thought we would, but Felix isn't exactly the calmest in these situations

"Jack bring her in, we've got the egos" Felix says. Sean nods and gets out of the car, carefully he picks me up bridal style and as soon as we entered the hospital my screams of pain and my crying echoed which alerted everyone

Nurses and doctors ran to us and got me on a gurney. I heard them ask Sean questions and luckily he was allowed in the back with me while it happened

Felix's POV

We've been told about the egos but have never met them so they were all pretty weary of us though they seemed mainly focused on Signe

We get inside and sit to the side with them all. Marzia held the youngests, Marvin and Chase who are both in footie pajamas with their pacifiers attached to their shirts, I had Jackaboyman and Sncheep in my lap and they're both just in normal little kid pajamas. Jackaboyman's shirt and pants are light blue with little clouds on them and Sncheep is wearing a white shirt and pants with a moon on his chest. Anti sat on the seat next to me and leaned against me. He's also in a white shirt and pants but his shirt says "Sweet Dreams" in colorful letters

All of them seemed nervous and scared and it was evident that Marvin and Chase needed to be changed but Jack took the diaper bag with him.

But luckily Chase, Marvin, and Anti all fell back asleep on us. Poor things must be tired. "Did you even know?" Marzia asks me and I shake my head, "they seemed to have kept it private which I understand. Fans would've died if they found out" she nods and gives both babies their pacifiers so they calmly sleep on her.

"Sncheep, Jackaboy, y'all can sleep. They're gonna be in there for a few hours." They both ignore me, seems like they're both thinking about a lot which I can understand

About 8 to 9 hours later the boys were all awake and Jack was walking out to us. "Hey guys, Signe's done. The doctor said y'all can come back" all the boys light up and run after him. Even Chase and Marvin

We laugh and Jack picks up Chase as we go to the room she was in.

"Ok boys, stay quiet in here. Signe has the baby, and shes very very tired and on a lot of medicine" Jack explains to them before we go inside.

So we all quietly walked in and Signe's in bed holding a pink and white blanket in tears. "Hey babe, I got everyone" Jack tells her. She looks up to us and smiles "Hey guys, come on in" we go to the bed and the egos egarly climb onto the bed. "Careful, she's still hurting" Jack warns

They all crawl up to her side's making her chuckle, "Hey boys, y'all want to see her?" They all nod happily so Signe moves a little bit so we can see the baby. "Why's she so small?" Anti asks in confusion making us laugh

"She's just a infant Anti" we all watch as the tiny baby yawns and leans more on Signe. "Awww she's so adorable" Marzia coos, "I already call babysitting!" She finishes, Jack laughs, "Well I'm about to tweet it out so you might have to fight Amy on it"

He gets a picture of Signe with the baby and tweets it out. "I'm pretty sure we all know her name already, but what is it?" I ask making them laugh

"Well you're right you do all know it, we named her Samantha, or Sam for short" Signe starts to chuckle and we all notice Marvin and Chase shifting uncomfortably.

"Need to be changed?" Jack asks and they both nod with a red face. So Jack grabs the bag and picks up Chase, "Here I'll help" I offer as I pick of Marvin. "Thanks Fe, Signe you gonna be ok?" He asks and she nods so we leave the the bathroom that's in the room

Inside we lay them on the ground and Jack helps me with Marvin. "Man, so you're a actual dad now?" I say as I clean him. Jack nods, "Yeah, those 8 hours of hell were worth it but my hand almost broke from Signe" I chuckle, "She's tiny, what could she have done?" "Well when she's in pain and giving a birth, she can do a lot more damage than you think" I laugh and nod

We finish them up then head back into the room, instantly Jack and Signe's phones start to ring.

"Time to talk to everyone"

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