Hell, Day 37

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Marvin's POV

"So I've just been a normal kid?" I ask and they nod, "yup, you were adorable too. Not a lot of tantrums but extremely shy" Signe says making me heat up slightly

"So y'all are my parents?" They nod "legally yes, you're our son" Jack says, "ok what about the other egos?" Jack rolls his eyes, "Yeah the potion Dark gave them has started to kick up so every year they age up by 2"

"So how old are they?" "Chase is 8, Jackaboyman is 10, and Anti and Sncheep are both 12" I sigh, "so now I'm the only baby?" They nod, "mhm, but you're also human now" "So I'm just gonna have to act like a normal kid?" "Yeah, have fun in school" Jack says

I groan "can't I stay home? I already know that crap" you can say I was more than surprised when Signe poped my cheek. "No cursing Marvin, you're too young for that" she scolds making me roll my eyes as I rub my cheek "Ok ok fine, sorry " Jack laughs "if you can tell me the alphabet then you can stay home"

I smile and went to start it but I can't really think of the order. I know the letters just not the order they go in. "Exactly, memory is back but you're still 5. You'll have to re learn everything" Signe tells me

I start pouting when the front door opened and the other egos walked in, "Oh hey, why are y'all home?" Anti asks Sam and I. "Marvin remembers everything " Jack says, they all look to me and I wave

"Hey guys" "Marvin!!!" Jackaboyman quickly picks me up and hugs me. "Hey!! I'm not a baby! Put me down!" I whine and they all laugh. Great, once the youngest, always the youngest

Anti takes me and sits me on his side, I struggle to get down and though I tried kicking at him it did nothing. "Aww glad your back idiot" he said as he messes up my hair

"So how was your first day?" Chase asks, "we all know you were scared this morning" "Actually-" Sam buts in, "-he doesn't remember anything." Anti tilts his head "nothing? Like at all?" I shake my head

"Strange, but it isn't the weirdest that's happened to us" Chase states and they nod. "Well we need to talk with Marvin for a while" Signe says which starts to worry me

I'm passed over into Jack's arms and they go upstairs to their room and sit on the bed with me. "What's going on?" I ask

"Well we need to talk to you about being a normal kid" Jack states. Oh this is gonna be great

"We know this won't be easy at all but we need you to work with us Ok? Just because your memories are back, somewhat, doesn't mean you aren't our son" Jack says. I freeze "what? That isn't fair! I'm as capable as the others!"

"Marvin please don't fuss or you're taking a nap" Signe threatens. I pout and cross my arms "Look we know you're technically older but you're our son and you're only 5." Jack says, "you will be raised just like Sam was, ok? And you are her baby brother now"

I scowl at them "this isn't fair!! The others got to grow up quicker! Why am I still 5!?" I yell and tears start to run down my cheeks as I sniffle and rub them away

"Oh baby calm down, no need to cry about this" Signe tells me. "Yes it is!! This isn't fair at all!! I don't want to be here! I want to be a adult!!" Jack sighs "Marvin you aren't going to yell at us Ok? We're your parents" "No you aren't!! I'd rather go back to my world and be killed than stay here!!"

I jump off their bed and run into our room but it's changed for older kids. Sncheep looks up from his bed "ah your room is down vith Sam now" I scowl and run down to her room and inside there's her actual bed, and then a toddler bed in the corner with a bunch of dumb toys and clothes

I climb into the bed and cry into my pillow until the door opens. "Go away!!" I scream "Hey come on, you're ok" I hear Chase say. I sit up and scowl at him "No I'm not!!! You all get to grow up and I'm stuck as a real kid!!"

Chase sighs and sits on my bed, "Look bubba-" "-don't call me that!" He sighs again but this time he seems more annoyed "Alright, Marvin, it isn't that big of a deal Ok? Look you can have a lot of fun as a little kid" "No I can't!! I can't do shit!" He gives me a stupid parent glare since I cursed but I don't really care at this point

"You loved everything before this. Like-" he glances around the room before standing up and going to my dresser. He picks up a small stuffed fox and sits back down by me "like this fox. Do you know him Marvin?" I shake my head

"When you were about 2 a really bad storm came in and you were really scared-"

~flashback ~

Sam's POV

I woke up to Marvin screaming and crying so I quickly got out of bed. It's storming tonight so it must've scared him

He's in bed with his blankets over his head and crying. I sigh and sit next to him

"Hey bubba, you ok?" He moves the blanket and quickly hugs onto me.."aww you're ok, it's just a storm" "it's scary...can you sleep with me?" I nod, "sure you can join me in bed but I have someone who can help" I pick him up and go to my old toys. Inside I find a small Fox stuffed animal and hand it to him

"Here, he should help you sleep too. He can protect you from the mean storm" "What's his name?" I shrug "never really gave him one, you can name him though" he smiles "I like Fuzz! Cuz he has fuzzy hair!" I chuckle "that's a great name baby, now let's get to sleep before mom and dad wake up"


Marvin POV

He hands me the toy and I sigh as I hug it closer to me. "Sam is a really good big sister to you Marvin. And you two had so much fun together, she always knows how to make you smile "

The door opens and Sam walks in, "Hey bubba, mom and dad told me what happened" more tears rise and I reach out for her

She walks to me and picks me up with the toy "I see you got Fuzz, is he helping you?" I nod a little, "Sammy I don't wanna be a kid.....i wanna be a adult again"

"I know buddy but this is as best as we can do, besides I'll be here for you the whole time. I promise, you're my little brother, I could never leave you" she smiles and kisses me

But with how much crying I did today I start yawning. "But for now I think someone needs a nap" I sigh and look up to her "c-can you lay with me?" I mumble "awww course, let's nap"

She lays in her bed and cuddles me to her side. I hug onto her and fuzz until I hear her start to hum a lullaby which made me even sleepier

Finally I fell asleep against my.....my big sister..

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