Hell, Day 46

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Marvin's POV

Willow didn't even let me do anything all night but at least when she brought me home I got good news

"Marv go to y'alls room. Sammy is gonna get you dressed" Signe tells me. "Why? Where are we going?" "Chase wants to go to Disney so we're flying to California. I know Mark and Amy want to see you" Jack tells me

"Why?" "They've been asking about you since they saw you when you were just a baby. You loved laying with Mark and playing games with him." I roll my eyes, I wish they would forget that shit

Either way I go into our room and Sam is on her bed with my clothes "ready?" I nod so she stands up but I freeze at what she's holding

"No way! No to the outfit and no to the stupid pull up!" She sighs, "Marvin come on, it isn't that big a deal. It's just for the flight over there"

"No!! I'm 5! I don't need that crap!" Sam groans, "dad!!" Jack walks in and sighs, "he givin problems?" "No shit!!" I yell

"I'm not wearing that crap! I'm not a baby anymore!" "Marvin you're wearing it and that's the end of it" he states "and if you fight it, I'm going to spank you and you'll stand in the corner until we leave"

"You're such a bitch" I mutter. Luckily he ignored it and left. "Alright lay down and I'll get you set"

Just so I don't get spanked I lay down and let her dress me.

I was dressed in the Mickey mouse pull up along with a white shirt and a pair of light blue overall shorts that have Mickey on the leg

She puts white socks and blue shoes on me and helps me to my feet "Awww you look adorable" Sam coos

"Shut up" I mutter as she grabs her brush and starts to brush out my hair. After I'm ready and Sam made sure my cast was good we left to the living room

"Everyone set and have their bags packed?" Signe asks as she fixes JJ on her side, but I shake my head. "I packed yours bubba" Sam tells me as she picks me up to her side. Great, I'm being carried again. Just what I love

Chase is standing by the door smiling but Anti doesn't seem too happy but he doesnt seem made either. He seems....scared? Oh wait, he hates heights

Signe's POV

We all board the plane and I have Marvin sit in my lap the whole flight and Sean has JJ in his lap, but as soon as the plane took off Sam held tightly onto Sean with her eyes closed as tight as possible

And in the aisle next to us Anti was panicking as well. I'm not sure what I can do this time. He isn't a baby, I can't give him a blanket to make it better and I can't hold him like I can Marvin and JJ

"Anti, honey you good?" I ask him. He nods a little so I look to Sncheep. "Sncheep try and help him calm down" he nods and starts helping him

Half way through the flight Marvin started to whine in my lap "Shhh baby, what's wrong?" He shakes his head, "Nothing. I'm ok" he mumbles but I can tell from how he's sitting that he needs the restroom

"Do you need to go potty?" I ask. He just turns red and shakes his head again. "Marvin don't lie unless you want to sit in a dirty pull up the rest of the flight"

"Ok ok! I have to go badly! It hurts!" I nod and stand up with him. Quickly we go to the bathroom

I get his overalls and pull ups down and sit him on a training potty they have set up.

"Signe! Can't I sit on the big one?" "Not with how fast the plane is going. I don't want you falling in. Now go before you get sick" he pouts at me "turn around first!" "Marvin are you kidding me? I changed you for 4 years and part of 5"

He doesn't say anything so I turn around until he's done. God, he's
more trouble than Samantha was at his age

Jack's POV

As soon as we got to Marks car him and Amy got out. "Oh my Gosh you all are so grown up now and Hi JJ! " when'd you happen?" Amy says "few days ago actually" I say

Mark instantly picks up Marvin "there's my buddy! What's up little guy?" He asks, Marvin just groans and lays his head on Mark

"Sorry Mark, he napped on the plane and is still slepy" Signe apologizes. "No big deal, he's grown up so much since I saw him" I laugh "you saw him last year" Mark shrugs "So? A lot can change in a year, though by the feel of it him being in pull ups hasn't changed yet" the other egos start to laugh so Signe hits them all in the back of the head

"That was just for three flight here, he's been pretty good about going alone" Mark nods, "well let's get to our house and catch up before we go"

Marvin's POV

I try moving to wake up but I'm laying on someone. "Hang on Bubba don't move yet" it's Mark? When did the plane land?

I pick up my head and he's sitting me up in his lap

"There's my buddy!" Mark cooed as he blew into my stomach. I couldn't help my laughter and started laughing and kicking at him until he pulled away

"Mark before anything else can you check?" I hear Signe say, Mark nods and looks to me "Did you go potty Marv?" I burn red and when he went to move my overalls to check I hit him away

"Stop! I did not have a accident, I'm not a baby" Mark chuckles "Alright no need to fuss, you should be happy! We're about to go to Disney!"

I roll my eyes "I'd be happier if I wasnt the only one dressed like a child for it" "you aren't, Chase is dressed up and JJ is in the same outfit but in red" Jack says

I look to Chase who's playing with Chica and he's in a toy story shirt and shorts and JJ is with Signe

Chase looks to us, "Are you ready for Disney?" Amy asks and he nods, "I can't wait! I wasn't allowed to leave my world last time y'all went!" 

"Yup, and we might have to go on baby rides because of Marvin and JJ" Anti teases, I just roll my eyes at him and JJ seemed to ignore him. "We won't have to, if anything they can stay with Amy. She doesn't really like roller coaster" Mark says. "No! I wanna go on the big coasters too" I bite 

"Marvin with yalls size, and your broken arm, I don't think the workers will let y'all" Signe tells me. "I don't care, I'm still going" I say as I cross my arms but that was obviously a bad idea. Because of how I moved my arm it made the cast pinch my skin causing me to scream out in pain 

"Jack when was his cast changed? It isn't supposed to pinch him" Mark asks, "We haven't changed it since he broke it" he sighs "Give me the stuff and I'll change it out. Better to have a new one before we go anyways" 

After Mark has everything he starts to unwrap my cast which hurt a lot. I tried my best not to scream or cry so the others wouldn't tease me but as soon as water and medicine hit it, it hurt like hell and I lost it 

"You're ok Marv, I'm almost done" Mark assures me but it still hurt. I had Signe sitting next to me and petting my hair slightly until he finished 

"There, now you're ready" mark tells me as he stands up. Signe hugs me, "You did good, and after a few more months it should heal" I jump out of her arms, "Months!? I don't want a cast that long!" "It's gotta heal" Mark tells me, "And we gotta hurry" Amy says, "To the van!" 

We all pile in and again Signe holds me in her lap but I see a medium sized bag with her that's nemo themed 

"What's in there?" I question trying to pull at it but she stops me. "That's a bag for you ans JJ, in case y'all need something" I decided not to ask anymore questions and we drive to Disney 

Hey guys bad news, I don't have WiFi at home right now and I'm losing my data today so unless I can get everything written and posted at school things are gonna be pretty quiet here. I'm really sorry and I'll update as soon as possible. Sorry again and hope y'all will be here next time I post

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