Hell, Day 44

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Jack's POV 

You could tell through the whole night that Marvin was pissed that JJ is here. JJ got attention from everyone, even me and the egos but the whole time Marvin sat with a pout 

"Marv you need to eat" Signe tells him but he didn't listen to her and ignored us "What has you so grouchy today?" Anti asks, "He's upset no one's paying attention to him" I answer

"I'm not grouchy and I don't want any shitting attention" He mutters out as he leans back in his booster seat

"Aww Marv, we all still love you" Signe tells him as she runs her fingers through his hair since he's sitting next to her

"Get off me" he fights as he pushes her hand away from him. "Geez you need to sleep " Chase tells him

Marvin just rolls his eyes and ignores us. Signe picks up his fork and gets a piece of cut up chicken on it and brings it up to his mouth

"You need to eat" he turns red and shakes his head with his lips pressed together "Marvin you aren't leaving the table until your dinner in gone" I state

"Fine, I don't want to move anyways" Signe and I look to each other and make a silent plan with our eyes

I go back to Marvin "Alright then I guess JJ can go lay in your room with your stuff" he jumps up a little and scowls

"That isn't fair!! It's all min-" he stops as Signe feeds him the fork of chicken. "See it isn't bad" Signe tells him as he eats but obviously wasn't happy we tricked him

"Now finish up so you can get a bath. Tomorrow's Friday so you'll have the weekend to play and have fun"

He sighs and takes the fork then slowly eats

After he was done I pick him up and Signe grabs JJ. "Babe go grab them both some pjs. Marvin's should fit JJ for now" Signe tells me so I go their room and grabs pajamas

"Marv you and Jameason are gonna sharing a lot soon and I want you to be nice to him" he doesn't answer but he isn't ignoring me either

We all go into the bathroom and set up the tub.  JJ was easy to get in the water but Marvin obviously wasn't

It took Signe and I both fighting him to get him in the water and even then he didn't want to stay in

"Let me out!" Marvin screams as he tries to stand in the water. I grab him and sit him back down "Sit down Marv, you're gonna slip and hit your head. You already have a hurt arm" which we had to wrap in a water protected over lay thing since it doesn't need to be cleaned yet

"I don't care! Let me out!" "Marvin you need to stop right now" I scold, Signe sighs "I'll start on JJ" she goes to him and starts to wash him off so I look back to Marvin "You better stay still Marv"

He rolls his eyes and hits water at me. I groan and start to clean him off. After bath time is done both of them are extremly tired.

I take Marvin out in his soft towel that wraps around him like a jacket. It has a small hood on it that has bear ears on it but JJ had a normal towel. We'll have to buy him one like Marv's

Marvin yawns and rubs his eyes "Don't rub bud, it'll make them hurt" I tell him as I grab his pjs

After their both dressed we carry them into Sam and Marvin's room. I lay Marvin in his bed and Signe lays JJ next to him

"Daddy" I hear Marvin whine making me chuckle, "What's up bubba?" "I wan Fuzz" he whines again. I nod and grab it from his bag then give it to him

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