Hell, Day 8

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Jack's POV

After sitting here for a while I feel Singe lay her head on my chest. I look down to her and she's asleep making me chuckle "Babe?" I whisper making the others look to her. "hmm?" She hums quietly "want me to take you up to bed?" She nods "please" She mumbles

I take Marvin out of her lap, which made him happy, and stand up slowly. I pick her up bridal style and look to everyone "Y'all be good, I'll be back in a sec" they nod so I carry her up to our room

I lay her in bed and she sighs "Thanks babe, I'm a lot sleepier than I thought" I chuckle and nod "Yeah plus the time zones are so different that it'll take you a while to get back on track" She nods then yawns "I'll be awake to cook dinner though" "You sure? I could make it tonight" She shakes her head again "I wanna make a new recipe my mom showed us for spaghetti" I chuckle "Sure the boys will love it" She nods

"They're all so cute, they're mini baby, you and I love it" I chuckle "Yeah I know, night babe" She yawns "night"

I go downstairs and pick up Marvin then sit him down with the others "Why did she have to baby me the most?" Marvin asks in annoyance making me laugh "Like she said, your the cutest" "We wook da same!" Anti yells

I look to him and chuckle "Aw someone getting jealous?" He scowls "I hate you" "You love me and you know it Anti" I say making him roll his eyes

"Vhat are ve doing for food?" Doctor asks "Ah, Singe's making us dinner when she wakes up" they all 'oooo' and that's how you know we're all the same person

We all love her cooking

After a hour or so Singe woke up and came downstairs. I hop up from the couch and run over to her. She chuckles slightly before we kiss "You ready for spaghetti?" I nod "Of course, do you want any help?" She nods "Just to get stuff from the cabinets, other than that I'll be ok"

We go into the kitchen and I get all the ingredients that she can't reach then go back to the boys

"Ok while she does that do y'all need anything?" "To be let out of here" Jackaboyman says as he grabs onto the bars

"I guess since y'all have been there all day and have been good I'll let y'all out. But stay out of the kitchen" they nod so I let all of them out

Anti's POV

Once Jack gets back onto his phone I go towards the kitchen. Carefully I look in and she's cooking and dancing around slightly. I want to know what she's making. We all ignored them earlier after they kissed

I would've been fine to stand here, if she hadn't noticed me

She smiles to me "Hey Anti, you wanna help?" I guess it's better than getting in trouble with Jack, plus now I can find out what she's making

I nod and walk in. I try to look at what she has on the stove but instead she picks me up to her side. I watch as she dumps some noodles into a pot of boiling water. I try to grab one of them but she moves my hand away from it

"Ah, it's hot baby. You'll get hurt" "I'm na' a baby" I tell her making her chuckle "Course you aren't honey, but you can still get hurt" I scowl "Don' patrow'ize me" I bite but instead when a song came on she starts back up with dancing but this time with me

After a few minutes she's pouring sauce into a bowl with the noodles. She puts in a few other seasonings so I guess it's time to ask "Wha' 'ou making?" "Some yummy spaghetti, y'all will love it but it's gonna be messy "

Oh yeah cuz that's great. She puts the spaghetti into two big bowls then 5 small ones.

She puts the smaller one all on the high chair trays then puts the others on the table "Babe! dinner's done" She calls

Jack and the others walk in and laugh as Singe puts me in my high chair "So that's where you went" Jack comments as they put the others in their seats

"Shut up" I mumble as I pick up the fork she gave us. Well all of us other than Marvin and Chase. None of us can help our laughter when she gets spaghetti on a fork and holds it to Marvin's mouth

"Come on and eat, I have to give Chase his food too" We all watch as Marvin fights her until he finally gave in and she fed him

We all laugh, even Jack, and go back to eating ourselves while she eats and feeds Chase and Marvin

Afterwards I realized she was right, this shit is messy. "Guess it's bath time" Singe says but I perk up

"Not wif you!!" I scream "Yeah, Jack can do it cuz he's us" Marvin says trying to wipe at the food that surrounded his mouth "Why not? Y'all are him and I've been dating him for long enough. It won't be weird for me" "Yeah for you " Chase says and I nod

She looks to Jack "I could actually use help bathing them, it'd get everything done quicker" but we all know he just said that cuz he either wants to torture us or because it made her happy

They let us out and get all of us into the downstairs bathroom

We all try to open the door while they fill up the water but it's too high up and they locked the door

Singe and Jack lift us up one by one and undress us, I'm not pleased that Singe picked me up

She pulls my shirt off me and I fight her when she goes to my pants. I kick and hit at her but she just laughed "Anti come on stop fussing and let me get you out of these dirty clothes and into the water" "No! Never! Wet me go!!" I scream but she was able to over power me and get me undressed and in the water

I cross my arms and scowl up at the two adults who are starting to bathe us. I hit at Signe as she runs shampoo through out my hair but she just laughs it off and ignores it

"I despise you bof" I say looking up to them. "Nothing new bud" Jack said as he dumped water on Doctor Schneep.

"Lean back Anti" Signe says as she gently pulls my head back and dumps water on my hair

After that hell was over for all of us they got us dressed but after that we all started to get tired

Signe's POV

"Bed time guys" Jack tells them as we walk out of the bathroom. They all nod and yawn but Marvin raises his arms to Sean. Sean picks him up to his side then glances to me "Can you grab Chase?" I nod and lift him up

We all go upstairs and we lay Marvin and Chase in their crib. After that I go to Jackaboy's bed, "Hey bud, you ok?" I ask pulling the blanket over him. He nods "Thanks Signe, you're *yawns* you're great" I chuckle and nod "Thanks, and anytime. Night" "night" He mumbles

Next I go to the doctor but he's already asleep so I simply cover him up then go to Anti who's sitting up and rubbing at his red eyes. "You know if you sleep they'll stop hurting" I say sitting on his bed. He shakes his head "I don't need sleep" he mutters

I chuckle at how fussy he acts all the time "Alright well can you at least lay down for me?" he shakes his head again "What if I turn on some nursery music?" He doesn't do anything so I get my phone out and start playing soft and calming nursery music. I sit it on the floor by his bed and he starts to yawn even more until he finally lays down and falls asleep.

I slowly stand up and leave the room with Sean. We sit on the couch together and watch youtube but we knew there was gonna be a problem when thunder boomed in the sky

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