Hell, Day 5

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Dr. Schneeplestein's POV

I sat back in my highchair while Jack set Anti down "Can I say what I learned now!?" Marvin whines "Sure, after your bottle's empty" Jack tells him but he just rolls his eyes "Ok, so what happened was-" He was cut off by Jack forcing the bottle into his mouth

I chuckle as Marvin scowls at Jack and suckles down his milk

After I finished my food I look up to Jack "Jack can I get down now?" "Sure bud, Marvin, finish it" he stated letting go of the bottle and coming to me.

He lifts me up and sits me on my feet "Since you're one of the oldest I trust you're ok to walk around without me?" He says so I nod, He ruffles up my hair "Good, now go play"

I was gonna leave until I heard a sneeze. Quickly I press my mask into place and turn around to see Jackaboy man rubbing at his red nose.

I went back to Jack who was now holding Marvin and bottle feeding him.

I tug on his pant leg "Jack, ze germs are out. You must be careful" He chuckles and looks away from Marvin's annoyed expression "Thanks Doctor, but I don't think a 2 year old sneezing will get me sick"

I shake my head "I am your doctor, I know vhat's best. Here" I take out a blue mouth mask from my pocket "Take! It vill keep ze germs away "(hehehehe l-like German people, the Germ's hehe, I can make that joke, I'm half German XD)

He chuckles "Thank you Doctor but I'm good, now go on and play" I roll my eyes "You're going to get sick" "Doctor, I don't get sick-" He stops when I sneeze into my mask

"-but it seems like you do" I shake my head "I'm ze doctor, I don't get sick. Zat is just cra-" I have to stop to sneeze again "Ok here lets take this" Jack says pulling my mask off "We don't need the germs staying contained with your mouth" "I always do zat tho"

Jack sighs "That's why you're sick, human children can get sick extremely easily. Especially with how young you 5 are. Just stay over here for now and after I feed Marvin I'l get you medicine then lay you down" I scowl slightly

"I am a real doctor! Ve don't get sick!" "Schneep, don't throw a fit about being sick." he says sitting Marvin back in his seat

He picks me up and takes me into the restroom. As he sits me on the counter I watch him look through the cabinets for the right medicine

After he got it and I was forced to drink it he brought me out of the bathroom."Alright, now it's bed time Schneep." I try to hit at him but he has a tight hold on me "Jack no! I just voke up!" "Doctor it's fine, this medicine will make you really sleepy ok?" I shake my head

He walks around the living room bouncing me on his side, to my annoyance, I started to get tired. "What are you doing?" Jackaboyman asks leaning over his high chair tray to look at us "Making him tired so he'll listen. When y'all get tired you're much easier to handle" "That's bull!" Anti yells.

"Actually it's not, you all start acting your current age when sleepy. It's pretty cute actually" I try not to but I end up yawning and laying my head on his shoulder "-and looks like the doctors already sleepy"

Jack's POV

"Ready for a nap buddy?" he nods and snuggles into me, and closes his eyes fully"Ok I'll go lay you down" I look back to Anti who's mouth is wide open.

I chuckle "Anti close your mouth and eat. You'll catch flies" I tease "Besides I told you, he'll fully listen to me now" "Prove it!" I look to Schneep "Hey bud, can you drink a little water for me before nap time? Not a lot though, we don't want accidents. I know you didn't drink a lot during breakfast, plus it'll get the medicine taste from your mouth "he nods so I go to get his sippy cup and Marvin is bright red but still drinking his milk

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