Hell, Day 22

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(First off I love y'alls comments and how interactive y'all are, it's so great and makes me really happy so I love y'all and continue!)

Jack's POV

I sigh and lean back in my chair, finally finished recording and surprisingly they've been pretty quiet

I haven't even really heard anything from the baby monitor. I made sure to set one up downstairs before I came to record so it's odd they're quiet, a little too odd

I get up and first I check on Sncheep since I promised Signe I'd watch him. He's fast asleep still so I walk downstairs "Boys!? What are y'all-" I stop when I see them all sitting on the couch, each with a different toy in hand and simply playing. I look around the room and nothing seems to be broken or messed up

"What'd y'all do?" They all 4 look up to me "nothin" Chase says bluntly. "Hmm, what'd y'all do while I recorded?" I ask still skeptical of the toddlers. "Played" Marvin says, but they're answering really briefly. That's when I hear a loud thud from one of our extra rooms that Signe uses for art

I sigh and look to the "kids" on the couch, "Anti if this is a illusion it's over!" I yell and all 4 dissapear. Yup that's what I thought

I run into the room and freeze at what I see. All 4 are covered in paint, and oil pastels. "Signe's gonne kill me" I mumble to myself. "Everyone out right now!!" I yell sternly. They all scurry out as fast as possible and I follow behind them as they get on the couch

That's why the baby monitor didn't pick up anything, cuz they were in the other room. Jesus, I just need to buy baby gates for around the house

"One why were you 4 in there, two, how did you get in there!?" I ask sternly. They all seem pretty guilty still, "Is someone gonna tell me or am I punishing everyone?"

"I open tha door" Anti mumbled, "I got all the paint down" Jackaboyman confessed. "I found the crayon thingys" Chase says so he got the oil pastels. "I knocked over the paint and got it everywhere" Marvin admits

"So it was everyone?" They all nod. "Ok everyone separate corners now and depending on how bad the room is, is how bad the punishment will be" they all run to a corner and I go back to the room.

They got paint in the carpets, a few blank canvases and some on the back of her drawing tablet. Luckily the oil pastels aren't anywhere expect for on them

I sigh and start picking up all the paint bottles and oil pastels that are spread across the ground. While trying to clean up I hear the front door open. "Whoa, what'd you four do?" She doesn't get a answer, "Sean!?" I sigh "In here!"

She walks in and gasps a little "I'm guessing this is why they're all in time out?" I nod "Yeah sorry babe, I'm getting it all picked up and then I'll get the paint out of the carpet and everything" "it's fine babe, how's Sncheep?" I shrug, "last time I looked he was fast asleep"

"Poor baby, well I did make sure to get them all something for Easter, along with a little surprise for one of them"

"I'm sure they'll love it" she nods, "mhm! Now come upstairs, while they're in trouble we can spend some time together" I nod, "don't mind if I do"

She laughs and we leave upstairs to our room. We spent all day in our room other than when we had to give the boys lunch and when Sncheep needed medicine

But other than that, they were in time out until bath time and bed time at 7

The next morning we dressed Chase and Marvin last but Signe took Chase instead

While I'm dressing Marvin in his light blue shirt that says, 'my first Easter' I hear Chase scream and the others laugh. Looking over I find that Signe dressed him in a soft white footie that has a hood with little rabbit ears and a pink circle on his belly where the buttons are.

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