Hell, Day 42

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Marvin's POV

She carries me inside and I'm tiredly laid on her shoulder as she takes me upstairs to her room

It's fairly dark inside but she seems sweet. "Alright here we are, you're safe here. Trust me" I nod a little bit. "Are you sleepy?" Again I nod so she lays me down on her bed.

"Try and get some sleep little one, if you need me I'm gonna be here for you" "a-actually....I uhm....I can't sleep without m-my big sister.." she coos slightly

"Here I'll lay with you, I'm not a big sister but I'm here" she lays down and let's me cuddle into her side

I yawn making her coo again, "Can you not tell-" I yawn again, "Not tell the others about this?" She sighs "Why do you want to hang out with us Marvin? We're bad teenagers and you're a adorable 5 year old" "m not five" I mumble

I sigh "you can't tell anyone but I'm a demon version of my 'dad' or Jack as I call him" she chuckles, "Ok sure" I roll my eyes and sit up "I'm serious. I'm a demon and so are my older 'brothers' at home. But we got into a fight with a stronger demon in our world and he made us toddlers"

I continue to explain everything to her up to me running away

She sighs and sits up "Marvin, you have a family who cares about you. Don't screw it up. My parents couldn't give two shits about me or my brother" I tilt my head "your brother?" She nods "Skip is my big brother, he's a idiot to say the least. But when you go back tomorrow I want you to apologize and compromise. If you're really a adult show them that. Show them you can work things out instead of throwing a temper tantrum about everything"

I nod "ok fine" I mumble. "Now I'm pretty sure it's past a little boys bed time isn't it?" I nod, "Yeah it is" she chuckles and picks me up into her lap before hugging me

"Hey Willow did mom and dad hi-" I look to the door where Skip is standing. I quickly crawl out of her lap "Squirt? Fancy seeing you...in my sister's room" Willow rolls her eyes

"Screw off James, he's had a tough night and I'm helping him" "Come on Squirts tough, he can handle everything" she sighs "He's 5 years old! He can't handle craping on his own, now get the hell out of my room!" He rolls his eyes and leaves

"I can go alone" I mumble, she sighs "I know, he just pisses me off. But seriously Squirt don't follow him. He's a bad influence on you. I'm being serious" I nod

She picks me up and lays back down with me until I fell asleep

I woke up around midnight due to screaming. Willow woke up too, she groans and looks to me "It's just my parents. Don't worry I always lock my door so they can't hurt me"

I guess I am lucky to have Jack and Signe. At least they care enough not to beat me

Willow knocks on the door of our apartment but I'm still half way asleep. She woke me up at 3 am to come home! What kind of person does that!?

The door opens to a very tired Jack. "Hi sir, you're Marvin's dad right?" Jack fully opens his own tired eyes and let's out a sigh of relief "Thank God! Thank you so much, we've all been extremly worried about him"

Jack takes me to his own arms and hugs me tightly before kissing my cheek. "Thank you so so much" she shakes her head  "not a problem, he's a sweet boy"

He closes the door and hugs me tighter, "you scared the crap out of us" he says quietly. "Come on, your mom will want to see you." Ugh I'm too tired for this crap

He brings me up to their room and turns on the lights "Signe? Babe wake up" he says calmly as he lightly moves her from her burrito blanket.

"What is it? Why'd you turn the lights on" she groans. "A girl brought Marvin home" she sits up and Jack passes me over to her

Signe hugs me while starting to cry, "thank God! You've ran off way too many times Marvin" I sigh, "Yeah I know...m sorry. I want to talk with y'all about stuff" I mumble

Signe let's me go and sits me in front of her while Jack sits next to her. "What's going on bubba?" Jack asks. I sigh and stand up. Willow was right, I can't act like a baby around them anymore or that's how they'll treat me

"First off I want to apologize for how I've been acting. I know it isn't right and I was completely out of line. Secondly I'm willing to make a compromise about me being your son"

"I appreciate you apologizing but there isn't anything to compromise on" Jack states, "we're your parents and that's it" I was about to go off but that'd be considered a fit

"Ok then can you guys at least dial down on it? Like I'm not gonna go around calling you guys mommy and daddy or even just mom and dad. So don't refer to yourselves as such" Jack nods "alright but you have to start listening. When we tell you to do homework or go to bed or school, you have to without fighting us "

I hesitate before I nod, "ok.....I can do that" "Ok good, well you have 3 hours till school so lets get you to bed" Signe tells me as she stands up

She picks me up and carries me down to my room.

She carefully lays me in bed and hands me Fuzz while covering me up. "Night Marv, thank you for compromising with us" She thanks as she kisses my head.

"Signe I'm really sorry for everything recently. I'm really lucky to have y'all taking care of me instead of dumping me" "it's not a problem Marv. Now get some sleep" she makes sure I'm fully covered up then leaves me to sleep and it didn't take long for me to pass out

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