Hell, Day 34

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Chase's POV

Jack brought us all into his recording room and closed the door, "Did Signe put y'all in there?" We nod

"Yeah and they were teasing Anti and Marv" Jackaboyman states, "it was annoying as hell" Anti mutters with a red face "They're girls Anti, they're gonna fuss over y'all" "well they need to not" I say

"Well I'm still recording and y'all know the rules" he sits down Marvin and I on a small couch he put in here while the others sat next to us

Just as he started to talk something came to me. "Jack!" He ignores me, "Jaaack!!" I whine, "shut up Chase! We have to be quiet!" Jackaboyman whisper yells at me

Alright there's only one way at this point. "Daaaaddy!!!!" I whine as loud as I can and Jack finally turns to me and takes off his headphones "What Chase!?" I smirk slightly and reach out for him with grabby hands

He sighs, "No Chase, I'm working"I scowl and start to bounce on the couch"Jaaaaaaack!!" He groans and stands up. Finally he picks me up to his side "You're annoying you know that?" "Yup!" I say with a smile, "ok so what do you want?" "I have a question, will there ever be a time where we will have to be her baby brothers? Like a time where we aren't in charge?"

He sighs, "If this lasts until she's a teen then maybe then" "Not if I have a say in it" We look to the corner where Dark is.

"I've found something small though you all won't enjoy it much" "What is it!?" Anti asks, jumping up on the couch

He holds a small vile of pink liquid, "This, but the only problem is-" "-don't care! Gimmie!" Marvin yells, he uses his magic and takes it, quickly taking a sip "You idiot child!!!" Dark yells as he swipes it back to his hold. "What's so bad about it? I feel fine" Marvin states

"What's so bad is the potion makes you age but you lose memory!!" We all freeze, "fuck" Marvin mumbles, "Yeah! Have fun being a useless 1 year old idiot!"

"Damn it Marvin!" Jack scolds, "I didn't know!! He shouldn't have brought it in the first place!" "Shut up!" Sncheep finally yells

"Az long az he uses ze restroom quick enough it should leave his system. He's young enough for it to verk" Sncheep explains so we all look to Marvin who turns red and looks away "Not why y'all are all watching" he mumbles

"For God's sake Marv, you do it all day" Jack complains "Yeah but not when people are watching me!!" We roll our eyes "Fine, every one turn around" Jack says, so everyone turns and we wait

After a minute or so we hear him mutter, "I can't, I don't need to go right now" everyone groans and turns back,  "at least you'll start to grow up. You'll be a normal kid but you'll grow up nonetheless" Jack says

"No way!! I'll lose my powers and I'll forget every one and everything! And-and-" we all stare at him as his eyes fill up with tears. Jack crouches down by him while he cries "Look bud, Signe and I are here to take care of you ok. You'll be ok and we'll all work to raise you" he shakes his head a bunch so Jack pulls his mask off him and starts to rub his cheek gently with his thumb

"Shh, you're gonna be ok Marv, I promise. We'll take amazing care of you" "but but I don't want to be a real kid! I want to be Marvin the Magnificent!! I want to do magic! I-I-I want to be with y'all! I don't want to forget!!" Jack sits me down and picks him uo to hug him

"We know buddy but maybe when you're older we'll tell you about everything ok?" Marvin doesn't answer but continues crying

Dark groans "Well guess it's back to fighting demons for more powers" he mutters. "I haven't been able to find the demon who did this to y'all so it's been a task"

Jack sighs and stands up, "Thanks for still trying Dark." "No problem, now I've gotta head back" and just like that he dissapears

It wasn't long after that Signe opened the door and walked in, "What's going on?" Jack sighs "Well Dark found a way to age them back up" she smiles "That's awesome!" "-but we become normal human kids and grow up that way." I say, "-and Marvin drank it before he explained" Anti finishes

Signe looks to Jack who's still comforting Marvin and goes to him. Gently she takes Marvin to her side. "Awww baby it's ok, we'll take care of you. Promise." "I don't want this!!" He yells through tears. "Shhh shh, you're ok Marv. Trust us, we'll be your mommy and daddy till your old enough for us to tell you about everything"

He covers his face in her shirt and cried until he fell asleep on her. "Serves him right" Anti mumbles, "anti!" Jack quickly scolds, "What!? The idiot drank it before Dark explained" "still, it isn't very nice" Signe sighs "Sean we're gonna have to tell Sam now" he nods "I know, I hope she takes it well"

Sam's POV

"Sam your dad's famous right?" Gem asks me. We're all playing with my dolls but she stayed on the bed

"Oh, yeah he's famous and so is my mom. Why?" "Then why do you live in a apartment?" I shrug, "cuz they've always lived here, I don't think they want to move" "That's dumb, hey where do they work?" 

I sigh, "here at home, are you gonna play now?" "I'd prefer talking to your dad" "You can't, he's working and most likely watching my brothers" "Samantha!!!" I jump as my mom screams my name 

"Be right back!" I jump up and run upstairs to Dads recording room. Inside they're all waiting and mom's holding Marvin they all look serious. "What's going on?"

"We have something to tell you"

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