Tell you some other day Chapter 2

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Internet is down... NO!!!! Srry if this is short...If its not then yay!! I accompleshed something. Best speller in the world here.

I woke up next to eddie and he was staring right at me"jeez ed stock much?" "huh oh hehehe... well i was kinda debating on whether(im an awesome speller) i should get up or not." i looked down at where his hand was. It was on my stomache. i blushed and asked Eddie if he could take his hand off of me. "umm... eddie could you get your hand off of me...?" He looked down and started blushing really hard. "S-sorry Addi. i wasnt really paying attention." I giggled a little bit and wrapped my arms around him."its ok" and with that i kissed his nose and went downstairs.

Eddie's (Sly) POV

"Its ok" she then kissed my nose and went downstairs. 'was i blushing?' i decided to shake the feeling off and went into Clem's exes room and picked out some clothes. when i went downstairs and i was greeted by a bunch of yelling. "thats not even fair!! I call hacks!!" 'ughhh now what i mean like we arent even at home. we are at our hot neighbors house. i feel weird saying that but its true.' "GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! IF YOU WANNA YELL, GO HOME!!" They all just looked at me like i was crazy. "well damn eddie i didnt think you could yell. I thought it was just james." They all bursted out laughing at what Addi said. 'aww shes so cute. why cant i have her?? EDDIE STOP YOU HAVE NATALIE!!' "so what are you guys doing?" "well ed if you MUST know, which you dont have to but imma tell you anyways cause m adorable and the nicest person you have ever met...Heh umm ya anyways, we were playing a game..." "NO FUCKING SHIT ADDI!!" she giggled and ran up to me. "oh sly please forgive me.I dont know what ill do if you dont." 'oh i get it. ugh dan would be recording.' "well i dont know if i can Princess Addi. You have betrayed me and everyone else." "oh Sly please your the only one that can save me from this deppresion. Please just say you forgive me." She started to cry. 'why is she such a good actor??' " well princess Addi...i guess...ill forgive you." she looked up at me with the cutest eyes. "YAY thank you oh mighty Sly!!!" she got up from the floor and hugged me.She also gave me a kiss on the cheek. "whoa slow down there eddies taken right now." 'Damnit Aleks' "then i should probably get the fuck off you before anyone thinks anything." " ya but we're not taken. just saying...Well Jordan is. hes actually married." 'ugh why does Aleks have to ruin everything?now everything between me and Addisyn will be awkward. *sighs*' "anyways thanks a lot for letting us stay here Addi." "no problem! it was fun having you guys over anyways."

Aleks' POV

'yep k good i ruined everything between Addi and fucking Sly.What was going on between them anyways?' Addi came over to me before we all left asked me for my phone."Hey Aleks can i see your phone for a sec?" "uhh sure i guess." "dude you know i need your password right?" "right..." i told her my password and she took out her phone. it took her awhile to give it back but when she did all she said was "Contacts" she kissed me on the cheek before i left. Eddie was glaring at me. 'heh serves him right for flirting with Addi when he has Natalie.'Once i got home i went straight up into my room and just crashed on my bed. I decided to text Addi.

*umm i guess ill do... Ad= Addi Al=Aleks*

Al: Hey Addi your favorite guy here

Ad: umm sure Aleks,Whatever you say you smexy guy...

Al:oh so now we're getting pretty straight forward huh?

Ad: dude!!! you know i was kidding!!

Al: Sure...

Ad: whatever you fucking russian

Al: hey i never told you i was russian...

Ad: ill tell you 2morrow =/ Cya!!

Al: ok... D= Cya...

A/N Addis outfit is on the side!! ----->

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