Another You

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I was playing Plants Vs Zombies 2 on my phone when someone came in.

"Hey Add." I looked up and smiled.

"Hey Trav." I looked over to the sleeping Charles next to me.

"Char. C'mon wake your lazy ass up. We're leaving." I shook him a little and all he did was move his hand. Almost hitting me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Travis.

"Did you get my clothes and can you take care of that?" I pointed at Charles.

"Yes and Yes." I smiled and took my clothes from him.

"Thanks Trav." He nodded and I went to the bathroom.

Travis got me a white tank with my varsity jacket which has my initial. I put on the gray sweat pants and plugged my beats into my phone.(She has a black 5s. Not a blackberry.) I put on my vans and glasses and walked out.

"Thanks for getting my glasses Trav."

"No problem." He smiled and hit Charles.

"Travis! Careful. We want to LEAVE the hospital." I walked over to Charles and kissed him. I felt him kiss back and pulled back. He smiled and sat up.

"Hurry lets go."

"Already checked you out."

"Thank you!" I hugged Travis and kissed his cheek.

"Alright babe hurry or we leave you here." He laughed and got up.

"Ok, ok I'm coming." He put his shoes on and I grabbed his and Travis' hand and walked out.

We got to my car and I looked at Travis.


"Where did you find my keys?"

"Your desk." I nodded and got in the back.

"Char you're In front."

"Why?!" I glared at him.

"Ok..." Travis laughed and got in the drivers seat.

"Trav...take us to Starbucks!!" He turned around in his seat and looked at me.

"Why should I?"

"I'll pay for it and you don't have to get coffee." He smiled and turned around.

"But you have to eat a coffee bean."

"NOPE FUCK YOU." I laughed and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Kidding. Char you getting Root Beer?" He turned his camera to me and nodded.

"Is that even a question?" I laughed and took the camera from him.

"Hello internet! So currently as you can tell I am in my car with Travis driving us to Starbucks!! Right Trav?" I put the camera in his face and he stuck his tongue out. I laughed and gave the camera back to Char.

I took out MY camera and started vlogging.

"Hey my beautiful gems!! As you can tell im in the car with CTFxC and Travis Clark." I turned the camera so it was facing them.

"Wait you have a channel?" I looked at Travis and face palmed.

"Ok...ANYWAYS. I've actually been in the hospital recently and that is because...oh look we're at Starbucks. Hold that thought. Well...Yea hold it. Well you can't actually hold it cause you can't hold words that are already spoken verbally..." I shook my head and turned off my camera.

"The fuck was that?" I looked at Charles and flipped him off.

"Shut up!! Gosh..." I walked in and ordered.

"I'll take a caramel frappé." She smiled.


"Addi. A-d-d-i" She nodded and looked at Charles.

"I'll have a root beer."

"Same here."

Ok guys can I have your names?"

"Charles and Travis." She smiled and winked at Travis. I grabbed Char's hand and brought him to a table in the back. Once we got there I busted out laughing.

"Omg Trav..." I looked up at him and he looked pissed.

"Are you mad?" He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I just laughed and sat down. Char sat across from me and Trav sat next to him. I looked at Travis and rolled my eyes.

"Addi, Travis, and Charles." I pushed Travis out of his chair and pushed him towards the counter. Travis glared at me and got our drinks. She winked at him again and he just smiled. He came back and glared at me.

"Fucker." I laughed and got my Frappé.

"Hey she's not bad looking." He rolled his eyes.

"Come on Mr.Mad Pants. We need to get home. Im driving." I took the keys and walked out.

"Like hell you're not." Travis took the keys back and got in the drivers seat. I sighed and got in the back.

Once we got back home I ran in.

"HOME!!" I tripped on some shoes and fell on my face.

"Addi! CAREFUL! We JUST got home." I rolled my eyes an flipped Travis off. He laughed and picked me up.

"I was only kidding Addisyn!"

"Babe!! I need an adult!!" Charles just stared at us and walked upstairs.

"You're supposed to help me!! What the fuck!? Travie!"

"Don't call me that."

"Why not Travie?" He held me upside down and was just holding onto my feet.

"Oh My God!! Travis Randell Clark!! I swear to god if you drop me!!" He laughed and pulled me up.

"Thank you." I sighed.

"Im going to up."

"So am I." I nodded and made my way to Charles' room.

"Hey babe." He looked up and smiled.

"Thanks for the help earlier." He chuckled and kissed me.

"You needed the fun." I smiled.

"But I have fun with you. Remember?"

"G'night Babe." I kissed him and laid next to him.

"Night Char."


Pic of Addi and the MOST AMAZING SONG ON THE PLANET!! *Other than Rebel Love Song, Art Of War, In The End(BVB), and so on...*

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