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Sooo first off sorry if the chapters are short and second...Have you guys heard of My Chemical Romance?? They are my favorite band!! OTHER THAN WE THE KINGS OF COURSE!!!!

Anyways...=/ umm so ill be uploading as much as possible its just that it TAKES SO LONG TO TYPE WHEN YOU SUCK AT IT!! Ya so also... I was going to describe what Addisyn looks like. Soo here you go!

Addisyn has long deep blue hair and is cut in a scene type hairstyle.*i reccomend you look it up cause i suck at describing.* She has deep purple *nope their different now. You will see in a few chapters.* eyes. And yes, that is her "natural" eye color. no contacts. She dresses in emo/tom-boy type clothing.*which will always be on the side. On every chapter.* Ya... I think thats it...If you want anything else described then feel free to tell me in the comments!!!!! ya bye!! cya in the next chapter!! BYEEE!! =P

PS: im going to start doing inspirational quote things on every chapter and songs maybe in the next chapter so ya. No srsly bye..,

Was our forever meant to last forever?(a Creatures and We The Kings fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now