Chapter 2

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Friday 7:00 p.m.

Grayson's Perspective 

Ethan and the our new roommate left. I texted my girlfriend, Vanessa to come over and she is on her way over right now. It takes Vanessa about 30 minutes to get here and I had no idea what to do for that time being. Should I snoop in the girl's room? Nah. Fuck it. I went in her room and looked around. There was a box that was already opened and it was labeled Pictures with sharpie. I took a scrapbook out and saw some drawings. They were really good to be honest. I looked through all of them and took out another book. This one had pictures of her and I'm guessing her brother. I came across this one picture where she and this guy were holding hands. There was another picture next to that one and it was of them together. She was standing on her toes, kiss the guy in the picture. Soon I heard a knock on the door. I quickly put her stuff back in the box and walked out to open the door. There stood Vanessa looking at me with a smile.

"Are you gonna let me in, silly?" She giggled.

"Sorry." I said stepping aside to let her in.

"So, I was thinking that we could go the mall. What do you think?"

"I have something better in mind." I said pulling her closer to my body. She just smiled and wrapped her arms around me. I leaned in and kissed her. Let's just say we ended up in my bedroom, throwing each others clothes off.

Kimberly's Perspective

Me and Ethan walked back into the apartment. I had a really nice time with him. He's so funny and even if we are in public, he doesn't care if he's making a fool out of himself. I wish more people were like that. I was always like that. When we walked inside, I heard something that I wasn't expecting.

"Fuck, Grayson. Faster, baby!" I heard a girl moan. What the fuck?

"Maybe we should...go?" I said to Ethan.

"I'm right behind you." He said and we headed for the door. As we were walking we started to talk.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have an older brother."

"That's cool. I have an older sister."

"Nice. I've always wanted a sister."

"Having a sister is nice. She isn't around a lot. She's still in school."

"Oh, I could never do that." I chuckled.

"Yeah me either."

"Are you from here?" I asked.

"Nope I from New Jersey. What about you?"

"I used to live in New York, but then, when I turned 12, my parents wanted to move here in LA."

"Why?" He asked.

"Well...let's just say my grandmother got sick and died. We came here for the funeral but ended up moving here." I explained.

"Oh. Sorry about your grandma." 

"It's fine. My mom and my grandma were never on good terms so me and my brother weren't really around her, which mean we weren't close."

"That's too bad."


"So what should we do since your brother is fucking some chick?" I asked

"I don't know."

"Me either."


"Maybe we should start heading back. It's getting late and my feet are killing me." I said.

"Get on my back and I'll carry you." He said bending a little.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, now get on my back so we can go home."

He carried me on his back, back to the apartment. We got inside and I went straight to my room and got a towel, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and obviously my pajamas. I went to the bathroom to take a shower because it's hot outside and I was sweating like a pig. Once the water was warm enough for me to get in, I stripped my clothes off. I locked the door so the boys wouldn't walk in on me. I had my body wash, shampoo and conditioner in the bathroom so I could wash my hair. I felt fresh and clean after my shower. My hair was still wet so I wrapped it up in a towel and brushed my teeth. I put a tank top on with some pajama shorts and got all my stuff out of the bathroom to put back in my room. I honestly don't trust these boys just yet. Ethan saw me and smiled.

"Someone's ready for bed." He said.


Ethan went to his room and I was about to walk into mine when I accidently bumped into something and fell. I looked up to see Grayson. He helped me up and looked at me in the eye. I would be lying if I said it wasn't a bit creepy.

"Sorry." He spoke.

"I-it's fine." I stuttered. Shit! I have always had a problem with that. He walked off and left somewhere. I walked into my room and said goodnight to Ethan. It was so late and I felt tired, but I couldn't go to sleep. Maybe it's because I don't feel at home.


I woke up and it was pretty late. Shit! I have to work today. I got up and made my bed and walked into the kitchen to eat some cereal. Grayson came out of his room with bed head but he was shirtless. Omg he looked like a god! How is he even human?!

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer." he smirked then walked away. I blushed hard core. I realize d that i wad gonna be late for work if i didn't start to get ready now. I got dressed and ran out of the door. I got in my car and put the key in the ignition. My fucking car wouldn't start. I ran back inside and looked for the boys to see if they were up. Only Grayson was. Fuck.



"Can you give me a ride?"

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