Chapter 10

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Kimberly's Perspective

I ended up driving on the way back since we took my car. I'm still staying at my parents house and might be there a little longer than planned. I just cannot face Ethan, not after what happened. I dropped Grayson off and headed back home. 

I finally got home after awhile and I went up to m room and crashed. I seriously need to stop thinking about Ethan. He has been on my mind ever since I broke up with him. Would it be bad to talk to him now, or maybe I should wait by tomorrow and see what happens. I heard a knock on my door and looked up to see Kevin and his friend Blake.

"What?" I asked.

"We heard what happened."


"Ethan called me and asked if you were here and I told him no. Then I asked why and wondered if you and him were still on that break."


"Sis, why didn't you come to me. You know we tell each other everything."

"Because Kevin! I hate talking about him. I hate thinking about him! It's already hard and-and I c-can't do this anymore!"

Kevin's Perspective

"Because Kevin! I hate talking about him. I hate thinking about him! It's already hard and-and I c-can't do this anymore!" She yelled. I have never seen my baby sister like that.

She just stormed off somewhere. I ran downstairs and went to the kitchen. Mom was in there drinking a cup of coffee while looking at her phone. She looked up and saw me walking to her turned her phone off.

"Honey, what's wrong with your sister?"

"She's just kind of upset. I borrowed something from her without asking and then I put it back but apparently I broke it and she got mad."

"W-why did you break it?"

"I didn't mean to. She said it was expensive, so she went to buy another one."

"Ok. Where are you and Blake going?"


"Ok. Well I'll be leaving soon. I have work to do at the office. So dad is going to be cooking dinner."

"Ok. Love you, bye."

Kimberly's perspective

I just couldn't stay at the house anymore. I couldn't get Ethan out of my head as hard as I tried. I started driving to the apartment. When I got there, the whole apartment was completely trashed. 

"what the hell?!" Trash was everywhere. 

"Grayson!" I called. He came out of his room with a duffel bag.


"What is all this?"

"I don't know. I just got here. I was at a friends house, and I came home to grab some clothes, since I'm spending the night. When I got in here the place was trashed."

"Ugh....d-do you think it's because I broke up with him?"

"There's only one way to find out." He said.

"What should I do?" I sighed.

"Talk to him."

"Seriously? I-I d-don't think I-I can do that."

"Why not?"

"I literally just saw him a few hours ago. I can't go running back seeming desperate."

"Nobody said that you'd be sounding desperate. Just talk to him, and see where it goes. Call me and tell me how it went. Before I leave, let me get him."

"Grayson, wait-"

"Here he is. Bye!" Grayson just left so now it's just me and Ethan. It was so awkward, I didn't know what to do. 

"Listen, we need to talk."

"Yeah, I know." He sat down next to me and we just stared at each other. He looked so depressed and like he's been crying.

"Ethan, what you did was wrong. I don't have to really tell you because you already know. I just wanted to say that I still care about you. I know we-we aren't a couple anymore but I-I think we can still be in each other's lives. Like friends."

"You really think that I would take you as a friend?"

"Well....yeah. I thought you would understand."

"I loved you. I really, really loved you. I loved being around you, holding, kissing you, even just looking at you, made me smile. I know I can't have that anymore because I blew it. I just don't have the strength right now, to be...just friends." Ethan walked away  leaving me there hurt. 

"You know, it hurt me way more than it hurt you?"

"So-so you're just saying that I felt nothing towards you?! Because I sure as hell felt something when you fucking left!"

"Ethan, that's not what I'm saying, goddammit! I'm saying that I was hurting more than you, it hurt me to watch you sit there kissing that whore in front of me! It hurt me when I stopped getting text messages from you! You constantly would text me, saying how much you want me to come back, or how much you miss me, or when you can't sleep! It fucking hurts to know, that the guy or girl you once loved, doesn't...doesn't love you back. I hope you're happy Ethan Grant Dolan." 

I walked away not wanting to be there in front of him. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. There is no more of me and Ethan. I just really hope that he doesn't fuck up his next relationship, because I actually care too fucking much. I care about him. Is that bad? All I wanted was for us to be friends, but he couldn't even accept that. I don't know what else to do. I drove home and went straight to my room. My dad was on the couch doing some work on his laptop, but I didn't want to disturb him so I just ignored him.

I Face Timed Grayson, telling him everything that happened, after he left. He decided to come over but I told him not bother, since he was hanging out with a friend. After arguing about it for 20 minutes, he won and said he was on his way. We were sitting in my bedroom and just laying there, doing nothing. My head was on his chest while his arm was wrapped around me. We were just staring at the ceiling. He glanced at me, knowing that I was deep in thought.

"What's on your mind right now?"

"Nothing." I sighed.

"You're lying."

"You always know when I'm lying. How?"

"Kim, you always turn the other way or look everywhere else except me." He laughs.


"Tell me."

"No. Go and hang out with you're friend."

"I'm not leaving."

"Yes, you are." He all of a sudden got on top of me and started tickling me. I squirmed and tried getting out of his grip while I was laughing, but he was just too damn strong.

"Grayson stop!" I said laughing. He just tickled me more until I told him what I was thinking about. I was thinking about Grayson.

"Ok! Ok! I'll tell you!" He stayed there, not moving.

"...I was thinking about you." 

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