Chapter 29

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Kimberly's Perspective

I had to stay home from work all week because Victoria got sick and ended up getting Grayson sick. Grayson has the flu and Tori just has a fever. She had the flu but not anymore, but the fever is still there. Grayson is the room throwing his guts out. I feel bad for him. Alyssa helped take care of Tori while I'm watching out for Grayson. Both of them have been sleeping a lot but that's all you can do when your sick. 

I was on my phone texting Ashley who has been MIA for so long. Honestly, I'm done with her because all she does is make up excuses of how work is really being shitty and giving her the most hours to work. All she really is doing is banging up her boyfriend and going to parties to get drunk.


So how have you been?


I've been good


Wyd? maybe we can hang out?


Sure come over...


Ok omy


Ashley got here after waiting for 20 minutes. We were sitting in the living room while she sipped on her Starbucks. I was on my phone waiting for her to say something, but she was too busy on her goddamn drink, so I decided to start the conversation.


"Oh sorry. So how have you been?" She said with a smile.

"I've been good."

"You seem different."

"Oh it's not because my friend has been lying to me for almost a whole fucking year." I said rolling my eyes and getting up from my spot on the couch. 

"Ok, what has gotten into you?" She asked.

"Honestly, you're kind of a problem and I'm trying to work things out." I said looking at her this time.

"Ok. What's the problem?"

"You're the problem." I say bluntly.

"How am I a problem? I don't understand."

"I thought I was your best friend." I said.

"Well you are." She said.

"I don't even know anymore."


"You always say how you have to work a lot but when I check your Snapchat you're out partying and getting drunk all time?! That doesn't look like work to me!"

"I am busy though. I have a job to make money, to pay bills, and rent."

"No, that isn't the thing! You have been lying to me for so long it's hard to even believe what the hell you say!"

"Kimberly, you have to trust me!"

"No, I'm done. I can't have fake people in my life." I said.

"Who the fuck are you calling fake?!" She said getting up in my personal space.

"I'm calling you fake, bitch!" I pushed her away so she wasn't al that close. I started to walk towards the door to tell her to leave. Right when I was about to, she jumped on my back and knocked me down. She started throwing punches here and there. I took control and started punching the bitch doing whatever I could. But then she wanted to push me off and get up. She grabbed my hair and pulled it to the wall and started banging my head against it.

"HEY!" I heard. It was Ethan. She was pulled off of me and I fell to the floor. Ethan kicked her out and ran to me. Then Alyssa came running to me.

"Go get Grayson." He told her. She ran up the stairs to get Grayson.

Blood as everywhere and one of my favorite vases were broken. Glass was broken and very small clumps of my hair were on the floor.

Grayson came down the steps and saw me. I instantly cried. into his arms. I hate that bitch and she is never welcome. My nose was bleeding and so was my lip. I had a few bruises on my stomach, arms and on my face. She beat me up pretty good.

"Who did this to you?" Alyssa asked.

"Ashley." Ethan answered.

The boys helped me up from where I was basically sitting on the floor, feeling defeated. They sat me on a bar stool, Ethan got ice and made me put it on my face. Grayson sat beside me. I tried convincing him to go back to bed and get rest but he refused.

"Go back to bed, baby. I'm fine."

"No, you're hurt." He said sternly. I didn't want to argue, especially after what just happened.

"Keep the ice on your face." Ethan said. I just nodded, not wanting to answer. I wanted to get up and check on Tori but Alyssa stopped me.

"You stay here. I'll go get her." She said. I got up from my seat and felt dizzy. Grayson grabbed my arm but that was the last thing I remember, everything was black.

Grayson's Perspective

Kimberly passed out. We rushed her to the hospital, well me and Ethan did. Alyssa stayed home with the baby. I sat in the back seat holding Kimberly, while Ethan drove to the hospital. We finally got there and I got her out of the car carefully. A few nurses pushed a stretcher and I laid Kim on it. They pushed her away and we waited in the living room. 

"She's fine, bro." Ethan said patting my back.

"I know. I'm just mad."

"Yeah, I know."


We waited a few hours and the doctor came out telling us she was fine. She did lose a little bit of blood but not much. Her ribs were bruised and she had a tiny concussion. The doctor w=said it was ok to go in there and see her. I walked in there and she was all bandaged up.

She was sleeping, but her body looked lifeless. I'm so happy she's ok. I don't know what I would do if I lost her, what if it was more serious than this?  Ethan sat in the room with me. He texted Alyssa, telling her that Kim was ok. 

Alyssa's Perspective

I was at home with Tori and she was really cranky. I have no idea what's wrong. How do Grayson and Kimberly know how to do this stuff? I'm so clueless. I tried giving her a bottle but she threw it on the floor, I gave her a pacifier but she spit it out. Fuck! Her diaper is full. I carried her to her room and put her on the changing table, damn what do they feed her!? She had shit all down her back, no wonder she was so cranky. I gave her a bath, cleaning up all the poop and changed her into cute onesie.

I put her in her crib and gave her a pacifier and her little teddy bear she sleeps with every night

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I put her in her crib and gave her a pacifier and her little teddy bear she sleeps with every night. I stayed in the room with her and sat down in the chair that was in here. I was texting Ethan, asking how Kimberly was doing. He texted back saying she was fine, but had a tiny concussion. What did Kim do to deserve this? 

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