Chapter 8

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Grayson's Perspective

I feel like total shit. I have feelings for Kimberly but she doesn't feel the same about me. It fucking sucks to know that I can't comfor her, kiss her, make her smile, laugh, cheer her up when she's sad, or angry, listen to her rant about something, cuddling her, watching movies with her, going out on dates with her. It fucking sucks. Ethan doesn't even treat me like a brother, more like an enemy and I'm so tired of it. It's been six months and I have been waiting and waiting for a miracle to happen, that someday me and Kimberly would be together but nothing has happened. I honestly don't care how long it will take, I just wan to be with her. She has been there for me but only as a friend.

I was driving to the beach because I needed to calm myself. My phone was in my pocket and it buzzed making me jump a little. I finally got the beach and parked the car, got out of the car, and locked it. I walked out on the beach and I saw a picnic table so I sat there and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I got a text from Kimberly. 


Can we talk? Meet me at the beach...


Already here


Ok...I'll be there in 5

I did want to talk to her but at the same time I didn't. It's hard to even look at her, she's not mine. I want her to be mine. I waited for 5 minutes and she showed up a minute late but it didn't even matter. She walked over to me and she just looked so upset and hurt.

"Hey..." She spoke up.

"Hey...look, I'm sorry for making things so awkaward between us. I just needed to get it out. I couldn't hid it anymore. I just really like you. Seeing you with Ethan makes me jealous but I have to learn to get over it." I said.

"Grayson, you didn't make things awkward. It's just that overprotective."

"And that's a bad thing?" I asked.

"He won't let me talk to any other guy, even if it's just a friend. He made me block my bestfriend Jacob's number."

"Ok, I wouldn't take it that far." I told her.

"It's like he doesn't even trust me. I don't know if I can be with him any longer."

"Do what's best for you. Don't stay in a relationship if it makes you so unhappy!"

"Thanks, Grayson. I really needed that." She said hugging me.

"Hey, that's what friends are for." I told her. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

She left and went back home but I stayed. I still need some time to think. I haven't been able to be myself and it just fucking bothers me. What if everything was the same? Like what if me and Ethan never met Kim? Would I still be with Vanessa? 

I decided that it was time for me to leave and go home. I drove all the way home and nobody was there. I kind of forgot that Kim wasn't gonna be here and who knows where the hell Ethan is. I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. As if on cue, Ethan walks right in and some chick is following him. Who the fuck is this.  (Listen to song now)

"I'm gonna use that bathroom." The girl said and walked to the bathroom. I walked over to Ethan and gave him a "what the fuck" look.

"Who the hell is she suppose to be?" I asked. I hope he isn't cheating on Kim, they are still together.

"Grayson...I didn't know you were here." Hs face became red as a tomato.

"Stop changing the fucking subject and tell me who the girl is." 

"She's nobody." He lied.

"Stop lying!" I whisper yelled so the girl wouldn't here us.

"Ugh! fine...she's my friend's sister." I gave him a glare. I wasn't sure to believe him or not.

"Whatever. If you're cheating on Kimberly, you know I'm gonna tell her."

"I'm not...cheating." He said louder but then lowered his voice at the end.

I just rolled my eyes and left the kitchen and went back to my business. The girl came out of the bathroom and walked up to Ethan. I couldn't really see what else was going on but I could here everything. It sounded like they were kissing. HE'S CHEATING ON KIMBERLY!

I left the apartment and drove straight to Kim's parent's house. How am I suppose to tell her? Ethan is cheating on her it will only hurt her even more than what she already is. I called Kim and told her that I was coming over, but I didn't know where she was. She texted me the address and I realized it wasn't far at all. I finally got there and ran to the door. I knocked and she answered it. She looked so gorgeous.

"Hey." She said looking at me.


"Come in." She moved to the side and let me in.

We walked upstairs into her bedroom and we sat down on her bed. It was quiet for a moment until she cleared her throat. 

"So..." She said, not looking at me.

"Sorry. Ok. This may sound unbelievable but, I was home and Ethan brought another girl into the apartment."

"Ok." she said blankly.

"Kimberly, that's not it. He's cheating on you! He fucking kissed her while I was there. I don't know what I'm suppose to do for you to believe me. All I can say is that your gonna have to get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt, it's just that I don't know what else to do.

"G-Grayson. He wouldn't be cheating on me. He said he would he wait. Your probably making this up just so you can get with me!"

"Kimberly! Why the fuck would I do that?! I'm your friend. Friends tell each other everything! I wouldn't lie to you! I want what's best for you. I'm really trying to help you but your making this difficult."

"Whatever Gray! Whatever the hell you say!"

"S-so your just blowing me off, just like that? What happened to my friend?" I shook my head and just walked off. I couldn't believe her. Why does she think I'm lying? I would never lie to her. I have never ever lied to her.

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