Chapter 14

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Kimberly's Perspective

Grayson was already ready for the beach while I was still getting ready. I felt his eyes looking at my ass while I was walking to the bathroom. I purposely took forever to get ready. He was banging on the door but then he stopped. When I finished he was putting his phone away.

"Finally!" He said.

"Chill." I laughed.

"You took too damn long."

"Sorry." I just laughed at him.

Grayson put some towels in a bag with sunscreen. I put on a black shear and put it over my black bikini. Grayson had sunglasses on as did I. We started walking and the room key was also in the bag. The beach wasn't too far so we decided to walk. As we were walking we were just making small talk.

We finally got to the beach and we put our stuff down. There were beach umbrellas everywhere so we just sat underneath one. I laid my towel down on the sand and looked through the bag for the sunscreen. I grabbed it and started rubbing it on my arms and legs. 

"Gray, can you help and put the sunscreen on my back?"

"Sure. Then you can help me put some on my back?"

"Yeah." I handed him the sunscreen and he rubbed it on my back. After he finished, he put some on his chest and his stomach, as did I. I grabbed the sunscreen from him and also rubbed it on his back.

"You're done."


"No problem."

"Come on and get in the water!" 

"Ugh! Fine, but only because we are in Hawaii." He just laughed. We got in the water and it wasn't that bad. It wasn't as cold as I thought. I started swimming closer to the deep part of the water when I suddenly felt water being splashed on me. I look up to see Grayson laughing his ass off. He stopped laughing when he saw the look on my face.

"OMG! You're gonna get it!" I chased him out of the water. He was faster than I was but I was still pretty close.  After running for quite awhile, I just gave up.

"Ok, you win." I said out of breath. He just looked up at me and laughed. We spent a few more hours at the beach until we got tired. We walked back into the hotel and both of us were just beat. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower." He said getting up.

"Ok." I replied. I got on my phone and texted Ashley for a little while Grayson was in the shower. 



I sent the text but she didn't respond. Maybe she's working. I was so bored that there was nothing to do but I didn't have the energy to do something fully out. Si I just decided to text Kevin, since there's nothing better to do.




What's up???


Nm I'm just bored...


WTF are you doing bored??? You're in Hawaii!!!


ik but Grayson is in the shower


Do somethin' w/ Ethan


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