Chapter 19

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Kimberly's Perspective- 3 months later

I'm officially 3 months and I feel fat. I have a little baby bump and it's kind of cute. Grayson was at work s it was just me and Ethan. I was on my phone just checking all of my social medias because there was nothing else better to do. Ethan and Alyssa have been dating for about a month now and they are a really cute couple. It's kind of weird to think about it though beause me and Ethan used to date and now we're just close friends.

"UGH! I feel fat." I said

"Your not fat, you're pregnant."

"I'm both."

"No, you're just pregnant."

"You sound like Grayson." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Well we are twins." Ethan laughed.

"Shut up. You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know. I jus thought it was funny."

" Alyssa coming over?" I asked

"Nah, she has work."

"Oh ok. Well I'll tell Ashley to come over."

"Fine by me. I'm gonna go take a nap."


I texted Ashely to come over since I'm kind of alone. Grayson is at work. Alyssa's at work. Ashley quit working and found herfelf a boyfriend. She replied and said that she was on her way over so thank god I'm not alone. 

I had fallen asleep on the couch, it has been an hour since Ashely said she was coming over and she still isn't here yet. I heard a knock on the door so I woke up and went to answer it. She had a smile on her face and I just gave her a glare.

"Why do you looked so pissed?" She asked.

"Well you texted me an hour ago, saying you'd be hour ago. When you finally show up, you interrupt my nap!"

"Sorry grouchy pants." She laughed. I let her in and we just chilled and ate what was here.

"When is Grayson coming home?" She asked.

"Not until a little after 10:30, why?"

"Oh because I don't want to be here too long."

"Ash, it's only 5:15."

"Oh." She laughed and so did I


It was super late and Ashley has already left. Ethan left to go see Alyssa, so I'm here by myself. It's currently 10:30 and Grayson should've been home. Just as spoken on time, he comes through the door. He sees me and kisses me on the lips.

"I'm so fucking tired." He said sitting next to me on the couch, resting his head in my lap.

"Baby, take a day off. You need to stop overworking yourself."

"I know but I seriously need the money. I want to work so I can help you out with the baby."

"You have done so much for me. I am so thankful that you do so much for me. I love you, but seriously, take tomorrow off or I will call in for you." I said looking at him sternly. He finally agreed and called so he could take the day off. They accepted.

"Now go to bed." He got up and went to the room, I followed. He got undressed and put some sweatpants on and got in bed. He is gonna take the day off and I'm going to go to work tomorrow. I have been working on this project for quite some time now but I want to finish and start on a new one.

I stayed up all night looking through different pictures I have taken throughout the whole year. My project is all about landscape and just outside nature in general. The pictures turned out really nice and all I had to do was print them. I checked the time and it was 4:55 a.m. Dammit. I heard footsteps and I turned to see Grayson.

"Why are you not in bed?"

"I was working."

"Bed, now." He said.


"Yeah I will be soon. You're carrying my child." He said slapping my ass.

I got up from my seat and turned my computer and the lights off before walking down the hall to Grayson's bedroom. We practically share a bedroom because we decided to use my room as the baby's room. Once my head hit the pillow, my eyes instantly shut. 

Grayson's Perspective

I told Kimberly to go to bed because I don't want her being tired. I ant her to get enough sleep and not be so fucking stressed. It's not good for her, especially since she's pregnant. It was now 7:05 in the morning.  I decided to take a shower, make some breakfast and then maybe go back to sleep.

Kimberly's Perspective

It's now 7:15 and I'm leaving to go to work. I know Grayson doesn't want me to, but I don't want him to feel like he has to do everything. When I got there, I walked straight into my working space and got right into work. Delaney came in and we discussed some things about the project, and how we will start a new project. I even got a few pictures of some people to post on the company's Facebook page. It was fun but exhausting. I didn't home until 8:45. Grayson was home all day and when I got home he was kind of upset. He really didn't want me to go to work.

"Babe, are you seriously mad at me?" I asked.

"'s just I don't want you working while you're pregnant."

"I'm sorry if I upset you. I just don't want you to feel like you have to be the only one working. I don't want you to feel so much pressure on yourself. I want to help, and be there for you, because I love you."

"I love you too. I'm serious though. I just want to look after you. Do you understand?" He said.

"Yes, baby."

"Good. I made dinner by the way."

"Yay! I love it when you cook."

We ate steak, baked potatoes and salad. It was delicious. I cleaned up and did the dishes, we even made sure to fix a plate for Ethan when he got home from wherever. I washed the dishes and put the plates away.

"Babe, go rest. I got this." Grayson said.

"I can do it Gray." I said.

"At least let me help you."

"Ok, you can help." I giggled. He's too sweet.

We finished cleaning up and went to go take a shower, but Grayson insisted for me to take a bath. He even bought me bath bombs which I really love, so I decided to take a bath. My feet were kind of hurting anyway. Grayson kept me company and even massaged my feet. Honestly, this boy is the love of my love.

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