Chapter 11

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"...I was thinking about you." 

"You...were thinking about me?" He said looking deeply into my eyes. I slowly nodded, looking away because I was blushing. He turned my head with his finger, placing it under my chin so I could look at him.

"Don't hide from me. I think it's cute when you blush." He smiled. I rolled us over so that I was now ontop of him. I slowly started to lean in and he did too. Our lips soon touched and we started kissing each other, lips moving in sync. He pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry. This just doesn't seem right." He said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because, you literally just broke up with Ethan. It's just wrong, Kimberly."

"Look. I know I just ended things with him him, but why can't we try?"

"Are you hearing yourself right now!? This is not the Kimberly I know. I'm out. You can call me when you sraighten up, but until then, bye Kim." Just like that he was out. What he fuck! I thought he liked me. What happened?I tried calling him but he wouldn't pick up his phone.

Grayson's Perspective

I left Kimberly's house. Why was I so stupid to lean in and kiss her? I mean, don't get me wrong, I like her, but she just needs time to think things through. It's way too soon for hr to start dating again. I want to be with her and I want her to be mine, it just doesn't feel right. She just got out of a relationship with my fucking twin brother! I drove back to my friends house and he was knocked out. I laid down on the couch and went to sleep.

Kimberly's Perspective...The next morning 10:00 a.m.

I woke up and looked around. I thought Grayson was here. Then I remembered what happened last night. We kissed, he thought it wasn't right and then he left. I realized what I did and he was right. I should give myself some time before moving on to someone else. I even told myself that I couldn't fall for Grayson. What's wrong with me? 

My mom came in my room and smiled at me. I smiled back, even though my smile was fake, she couldn't tell. She kissed my forehead and sat down beside me. She's the best, I love my momma so much.

"Good morning honey, I made breakfast. It's your favorite!"

"Thanks mom." I said kissing her cheek. I walked down stairs and saw that  she indeed made waffles with whipped cream, blueberries, starwberries with a glass of orange juice. I swear my mom is the best! 

"Where's my bacon?" I asked.

"In the microwave on the plate. I had to hide it in there so Kevin wouldn't come down here and eat it all." She chuckled. It's true though, it's happemed before. I ate my breakfast and washed my plate. I thanked my mom for making me breakfast and went upstairs to take a shower.

I washed my hair and body then rinsed. I got out and let my hair air dry while I got dressed. I put on a balck crop top and some high waisted skinny, ripped skinny jeans. I sprayed perfume on and put on some cute sandles I got about two months ago. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I pu my hair into a nice bun and put in small hoop earrings. I was looking pretty cute today, I was cheking myself out in the mirror to see if I looked good. I applied some makeup to my face, not too much though. It was just mascara, I filled in my eyebrows and eyeliner. I glossed up my lips and I was officially ready for today.

Ashley said she was coming to get me so we could hang out. I haven't seen that girl in forever but she's always busy. I grabbed my phone, keys, and my purse. Kevin came down the stairs in his pajama pants and no shirt. 

"Where's mom and dad?" He asked.

"They ledt for work about an hour ago. Mom made breakfast too, there's a plate for you in the microwave."

"Ok. Why are you al dressed up and fancy?" 

"No reason. I'm going out with Ashley in a few so you'll have the house to yourself."


"Whatever." I went back to scrolling through Instagram on my phone until I heard a car horn beedp. I looked out the window to see Ashle outside waiting for me. I ran out with my stuff and hopped in the passenger side. She looked at me with a huge grin.

"What?" I said.

"You look hella sexy." She said making me laugh.

"Shut up!"

"Girl! I would turn lesbian to be with you!"

"OMG!" I said looking down because of how embarressed I was. She always knows how to make me embarassed. It's like it's her job to do so. We left my house drove to the mall, because why not? We love going to the mall.

" have you been?"

"I've been ok. Still kind of handling the break up but I'm getting better. In fact I almost immediatly got over it too fast because..."

"Because what?"

"I kissed Grayson."


"I know, I know. It's way too soon, but he pulled away and told me to just think about it and I took in his words. When I'm sure of myself then we can start talking again but for now I just need to chill...which boys!"


"Ash?" She stopped talking.

"I'm sorry. I'm just shook. This is not the Kimberly I know! What happened, Kim?"

"The twins happened..."

"Don't blame this on them. It's all on you. What happened?"

"While me and Ethan were together, Grayson confessed his love for me. I honestly didn't know how to feel about that, but as soon as it processed in my brain, I realized that I was kind of crushing on him. As we got closer, as friends...My feelings for him grew a bit. The more we hung out, the more they grew. I just don't know what came over me last night."

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