Chapter 26

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I was cleaning up a lttle around the house. I walked into my room to grab my phone when I saw Grayson all cuddled up with Victoria. I jut had to get a picture and post it on Instagram. They way Grayson was hold her just melted my heart, It was the cutest thing I have seen.

 They way Grayson was hold her just melted my heart, It was the cutest thing I have seen

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Instagram Post: My 2 babies cuddling 

#s'cute    #myloves   #mywholelife

I put my phone down and left them alone, not wanting the baby to be all cranky. Alyssa just got home and was asking where the baby was. I showed her the picture of Grayson holding Victoria and she awed.

I decided to make dinner and Alyssa volunteered to help. I had a baby monitor in the kitchen and started to hear the baby crying. I looked at Alyssa and we both decided to listen.

"What's wrong?" Gray said in a baby voice.

"Oh. You need your diaper changed." I just laughed out loud.

"Babe, you know I can hear you right?" Gray said talking to me through the baby monitor.

"Yes, honey, I forgot." I said.

I got back to cooking dinner. I'm making lasagna, which is my mom's recipe. Grayson loves when I make it.


Ethan came home after dinner time and went straight to bed. Me and Alyssa looked at each other knowing something was off. Ethan never goes to bed without eating first. I had the baby, because I was breastfeeding her. Grayson was sitting next to me on his phone. I had a very light, see through blanket covering my boob and the baby's head. After she was done eating, I put the little towel/blanket over my shoulder and held her to burp her. She let out these tiny, tiny burps and they wee so adorable.

Grayson was now holding her and she soon fell asleep. He got up from his spot on the couch and put her down for bed. It hasn't even been 48 hours and Grayson is already starting to spoil her, but it's precious. I'm still wondering about Alyssa and Ethan. Gray came back downstairs and sat where he was before. I straddled his lap and laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me, making me so safe and secure.

"I was thinking, that maybe, we could get my parents to watch Victoria, while me and you have a night out." I suggested.

"I'd love that."

"Me too." I said leaning in to kiss those soft and plump lips of his. He slid his hands all the way down to my butt and gave it a tight squeeze. I let out a small moan. I pulled away before anything got too serious.

"I just gave birth to your daughter."


"I need a break from being fat."

"What did I tell you about that? You were not fat, you still are not fat. You were just pregnant."

"And fat." I added.

"If I hear you talking negative about yourself, your getting punished."

"We are not having sex." I say.

"We don't have to have sex for you to be punished, it could be something else."

"Like what?"

"I'll think about it." We stayed silent for a few seconds and that's when we heard Ethan and Alyssa arguing through the baby monitor.




We heard footsteps come down the stairs and it was Alyssa. She gave us small smiles and sat next to us. I'm surprised that Victoria didn't wake up yet. 

"I'm guessing you heard everything." She said.

"Well most of it." I said to her. She just started crying and I comforted her. I know she's upset and I want her to work things out with Ethan. This is their first fight in awhile.

"I uh, I should go and pack some stuff. I'm gonna stay at a hotel." She sniffled.

"You don't have to go!" I tried to persuade her to stay.

"NO, I think it's best if me and Ethan have a small break."


"See ya. Text me if you need anything."


After she left, it was just me, Grayson, Ethan and the baby. I wish Ethan wasn't such an ass to her. Yeah, we get it you're stressed but don't lash out on your girlfriend, she was just concerned about you. Ethan came down the stairs and he looked pissed. Grayson got up from his spot on the sofa and walked towards him. I went upstairs to go check on the baby, and she was awake. I smiled at her and picked her up and carried her around.

"Your uncle was a big meanie to your auntie today." I said even though she can't understand me, I still like to talk to her.

" I said even though she can't understand me, I still like to talk to her

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I heard the door open and looked over to see Grayson. He took her from me and held her. A smile was on his face. He truly adored her and I love him for that. I took at picture of them both and put it as my wallpaper on my phone.

"You know I have a picture of you cuddling the baby?"

"No you don't." He smiled. I nodded my head and showed the picture to him.

"Send that to me." I sent the picture to him and he made it as his wallpaper on his phone. His lock screen was a picture of me holding Victoria when she was first born. In her room, we have a frame with er birthday on it. It's not like we would forget but it was for decoration.

She was born on September 16th. I find that coincidental because Grayson's birthday is December 16th. Grayson started rocking her in his arms and she soon fell asleep. He put her back in her crib. I looked at my phone to see the time and it was already 11:56 p.m.

I walked into our room and picked out my clothes to wear to bed. I picked out a pair of Grayson's sweatpants and a black tank top of mine. Then I was looking through my closet to see what I would wear tomorrow. It's not like I was going anywhere, and I would wear it around the house, I just don't want to be in my pajama's all day.

My shower felt so refreshing. I got out and brushed the tangles out of  my hair before putting it in a French braid. Grayson got in the shower and when he got out, all he wore was his boxers to bed.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight." He said back and pecked my lips. I snuggled into his chest before closing my eyes and going to sleep. 

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