Chapter 12

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Kimberly's Perspective- 8 months later...

Grayson and I are talking and on good terms. We are actually closer than before. About 2 months after everything happened, I told him what I told Ashley. He was quite surprised when I told him I had feelings for him. We are just friends. On the other hand me and Ethan are talking as well, we aren't as close as we were but I believe we are getting there. 

I decided to move back in with the twins and everything is kind of normal like back when I moved in with them. It's only been 5 months that I have been living here though. I officially got all my stuff unpacked and away after having my stuff in boxes for the longest time ever.

Grayson nocked on my door and I told him to come in. Ethan was out with some of his friends so it was just me and Gray. He walked in my room and sat beside me on my bed. We just sat there in total silence until he decided to say something.

"I'm so bored."

"Well what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't know."


"Are you crazy or something?"

"Hell yeah! C'mon!"



A few days later...

Grayson bough the tickets for us to go to Hawaii two days ago. He also bought one for Ethan but he said he didn't want to go, which I found strange. Him and Ethan have always wanted to go to Hawaii. Tomorrow morning we leave and I'm so excited. 

"I can't wait! I'm so excited!" I said.

"Me too. Have you ever been on a plane?"

"Yeah, but I don't really remember. I was like 2 years old?"

"Oh I've been on planes so many times, it's nothing."

"I am kind of nervous."


"Because it's been forever since I've actually been on a plane! I don't know what it's like."

"You'll be fine. I'm gonna be there with ya."

"Yeah." He stood up and left me in my room. I got on my phone and got on Snapchat. I put on my story: "Excited for Hawaii tomorrow!" Ashely saw and immediately texted me. I forgot to tell her that I was going. Whoops?


You never told me you were going to Hawaii!!!


I'm sorry I forgot


Yeah whatever...


Are you seriously mad at me???


No...go have fun but who's going with ya???




Ethan isn't going???


Nope...he didn't want to and I found that strange because him and Gray have always wanted to go


Could it be because he still has feelings for you and he just doesn't want to be around you???


Idk but my feelings for him are completely gone...




I'm getting tired I'll text ya before I leave to go to the airport...


ok, goodnight babe



I put turned my phone off and plugged it in so it could charge overnight. I had to get out of my bed to turn my light off since Grayson turned it on. I got back in bed and went straight to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.

The next morning...

I was sound asleep until I felt someone violently shake me. I opened my eyes but only for them to be squinted. I looked up to see Grayson standing in front of my face. He had this huge smile on his face but I was looking at him like he was stupid. I looked at my phone to see it was 4:00 in the morning!

"Grayson, what are you doing in here?"

"We need to get ready for our flight. I woke ya up at 4, because I know you take forever to get ready. Get out of bed we have to be at the airport in an hour and a half."


"Shhhhhh! Ethan is still sleeping and you know how he is when he wakes up, so be quiet."


I got out of bed and put on a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt over my spandex and t-shirt. Grayson was wearing sweats too. What a coincidence, huh? I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and face to wake myself up a little since I felt dead from waking up so early. Grayson came in and he brushed his teeth and did his hair. I just put my hair into a messy bun, because I honestly could care less. I didn't bother putting makeup on because I'm not trying to impress anybody.

We had our suitcases and we were just sitting in the living room, on our phones. Grayson stood up and turned his phone off, putting it his pocket of his sweat pants. I looked at him and he just smiled at me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied. He put his arm around my shoulders and we walked out together outside. We waited for at least 5 minutes for our Uber to get here. Grayson saw our Uber and he put our suitcases in the back. I was still sleepy and it took about 20 minutes to get to the airport. I ended up falling asleep on Grayson's chest. His arm wrapped around me, making me feel so safe and protected. I have such an awesome best friend, but I kind of wish we were more than friends. 

Grayson was shaking me, so I guess we are here, at the airport. We got our luggage  (A/N: idk why but I just hate that word) and walked inside. We walked up to a lady at a desk and asked when our flight would be called. She said that it wouldn't be called for another hour since it got delayed. We sat down in the chairs and I laid my head on Grayson's shoulder and my eyes instantly shut.

An hour later Grayson was shaking me for the third time today and said that our flight was being called. Indeed it was, so we got up from our seats and started walking to board the plane. I was a little nervous since we were on the plane. I have never really experienced it for me to remember what it's like. Grayson held my hand giving me the "You're gonna be ok" look. I jut smiled at him and he gave one back to me. I really am thankful for Grayson and I'm glad that we met. This boy is such a goof and I wouldn't trade him for anyone better.

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