Chapter 25

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Kimberly's Perspective

I woke up and looked over to my left to see Grayson and my mom knocked out. My mom's head was leaning on Grayson's shoulder. and Grayson's head was tilted back with his mouth open. Thank god Alyssa ran home yesterday when she was here and she dropped my phone off. I turned it on and decided to take a picture. When I pressed the button, the flashs went on and they fucking woke up. Nice, going Kim.

I just looked at them and laughed because it was just so funny. Grayson just rubbed his eyes while my mom was fixing her hair. I sat up in the bed and texted Alyssa and sending he the picture. 


Everyone was back over and the twins' parents made it. They hugged me and stayed with us. The room was filled with all of my family and friends. We were just chatting an dhaving normal conversations. I suddenly felt a slight pain in my stomach. I was thinking it was just another contraction but this was worse. Fuck, I think she;s ready to come out now. Everyone was laughing about something but I was just sitting ther ein pain. Grayson looked at me and his smile faded.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"I don't know if it's another contraction or if she's wanting to come out now." I said my eyes shutting tightly because of the pain. My mom ran out of the room to get the doctor. When they came in, the doctor told me it was time to give birth. Everyone left the room except for Grayson who held my hand the whole time.

"Ok Kimberly, I'm gonna count to 10 and as I'm doing so I want you to push until I say stop. Ok?"


She started counting which meant to start pushing. It hurt so bad, I was screaming in pain. I bet the all the paitents in the hospital could hear me. She told me stop and to breathe, which I did. The doctor told started counting again which meant tot start pushing.

"Come on, keep pushing! I see the head!" Grayson was there with me encouraging me to push. He wiped the sweat off of my forehead and held my hand the whole time. The doctor told me to stop pushing to catch a breath but then started counting. 

"The baby girl is here!" The doctor said handing he rto the nurses so she could be cleaned off. Once she was cleaned off they handed my baby to me. I was instantly in tears, looking at my beautiful baby girl. Grayson was also crying. I gave the baby to him and he was holding her. I saw the love in his eyes. He was so happy and you could just tell by the way he was looking at her. I already kniw that he's gonna spoil her. 

"Grayson, I have the perfect name for her. Victoria Rose Dolan."

"Beatiful just like her mother." He said.

"Everyon ecame in the room to see the baby. Grayson passed the baby to my mom. They all had 5 minutes to hold her each. After my mom held her, my dad did, then Kevin, Alyssa, Ethan, Lisa, Sean, and then back to me. The baby fell asleep in my arms.

Soon they all left and the doctor told me that it was my choice to breastfeed her or I could bottlefeed. I guess I can breastfeed her. I am just so happy that my baby girl is here and healthy. She looks more like Grayson than me, but I dont care.

Two Days Later...

We were free from the hospital and I sat in the back with my newborn baby. I love her so much. We finally got home and brought the bag inside while Grayson carried her in her littl car seat. She's so sweet!

"Yay, my sweet niece is here." Alyssa said.

I carried the baby to her room and laid her down in the crib since she was sleeping. I stayed in the room with her for awhile. Grayson came in and we both watched her sleep peacefully. We basically have baby monitors everywhere in the hosue. There is one in Ethan and Alyssa's bedroom, one in the living room, kitchen, mine and Grayson's room. Grayson wrapped his arms around me frombehind. I love it when he does that. I turned around o face him and kissed him. His hands were now on my waist. He pulled me closer to his body, but then pulled away and pecked my lips. I smiled at him and he did the same to me.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more, babe." He said.

Words cannot describe how thankful I am to have him in my life. I love you Grayson Bailey Dolan.

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