Chapter 23

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Grayson's Perspective- 4 months later

So Kimberly is now 9 months pregnant and she could deliver any day now. We have already moved into the house and we freaking love it. Alyssa ended up moving in with us since her and Ethan are still together. 

Kimberly has been in a lot of pain lately which means it's making it harder for her to move around. She usually only gets up to take baths, or use the bathroom or if we eat. Laura has to come over here so we can still discuss things about the wedding. We went to the doctor about Kim's pain, but all she said was that it was apart of the pregnancy. I know for sure that mood swings are apart of it. One day Kim was so stressed out about the wedding she threw an envelope at my eye and scratched it. I know she didn't mean it but she cried and blamed herself for it. 

Alyssa has been a huge help too. Ethan has been working for quite awhile now. Alyssa has been staying home from work to watch Kimberly. It sounds crazy but she can't stay home by herself. I have also been crazy with work, but I stayed home. Alyssa went to work along with Ethan so it's just me and Kim.

"How are you feeling baby?" I asked.

"I feel way better than yesterday." She said.

"That's good. Do you want anything to eat?"

"No, I'm not hungry for some reason."

"Oh ok."

"Gray can you help me up, I gotta go to the bathroom."

"Sure." I helped her up and she walked to the bathroom. As she was in the bathroom I walked into my baby girl's nursery. (A/N: the baby's room. Ignore the K that's sitting above the crib lol)

 Ignore the K that's sitting above the crib lol)

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I can't wait to hold her in my arms. We still don't know what to name her but, I know it will come around by the time she is born. I heard a door open, it was Kim coming out of the bathroom. She walked in here and wrapped her arms around my torso because of how short she was. I smiled at her and kissed the crown of her head.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you more." I told her.

"I can't wait for her to be here." She said smiling down at her stomach.

"Neither can I."


Me and Kim were siting down in the living room watching TV, she was laying between my legs. Alyssa soon walked in the door with a ton of grocery bags. Me and Kim looked at her confused.

"I'm cooking dinner tonight. I just didn't really know what to cook so I bought a whole bunch of shit." She said. We just laughed.

"Its fine, as long as your cooking food, I'm ok. Just don't poison me." Kimberly said laughing. Which caused me to laugh and then Alyssa. Ethan walked in the house and he was staring at us like we were crazy. We weren't able to stop laughing which caused Ethan to join in the fit of laughter. The laughing soon died down and we just went back to what we were doing. Ethan sat down in the living room with us and walked over to Kim.

"How' my niece doin'?" He asked rubbing Kim's stomach.

"Oh, she's fine. I'm not. I want her out." She said. Me and Ethan just laughed.

"She will be soon." Ethan said.

We were just having a conversation about random shit and just having a good time. Alyssa finished dinner so we all sat in the dining room to eat. The food was so good, I went back for seconds, well everyone did. Since Kimberly is feeding for 2, she went on had a third. I don't criticize her or anything. I love her just the way she is. Alyssa and Ethan went on ahead to clean up while me and Kim went upstairs to get ready for bed.

Alyssa's Perspective

I was cleaning up the kitchen, while Ethan was helping by washing the dishes. It's been awhile since me and him have really been alone like this. Work has ben so stressful. Normally we would come home from work, eat dinner, take a shower and then go to bed.

"So how has your day been?" Ethan asked.

"Stressful." I said.

"I know baby, but it will get better. I promise." He said hugging me from behind and j=kissing my cheek.

"I love you, E."

"I love you too, A."

We finished cleaning up and went upstairs to our shared bedroom. I got undressed because I was going to take a shower. Ethan was watching my every move. I guess you could say that I did it to tease him. He walked up from behind and snaked his arms around me.

"You think you can get away with teasing me like that, baby girl?" He whispered in my ear. I didn't say anything. In fact I was just standing there. My breath hitched from his touch. I hate how he has this affect on me.

"Answer me, baby girl." I could feel his hot breath on my neck which sent shivers down my spine.

(A/N: SMUT!!!!!!!!!!)

His finger starts to rub my clit, in a fast motion. I threw my head back which ended up landing on him shoulder. I let out a small moan from this small amount of pleasure he was giving me. He went even faster if that was even possible. Without any warning he slid his finger into me pumping very slowly. I moaned held his hand for it to stay there.

"You like that don't, don't you?" He whispered. I didn't say anything I just moaned.

"Use your words, babe."

"Y-yeah." I said, more of a moan."

"He started pumping his finger faster and then added another finger, sending over the edge. He added one more finger pumping faster than before, if that was even possible. I was about to release but he pulled out.

"You don't get to cum. You're on punishment. Get in the shower and if I catch you trying to pleasure yourself your getting punished even more. Do you hear me, baby girl." He said seductively.

"Yes." I said.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, daddy." I said. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I got in once the water was warm enough. I was thinking about what Ethan said and as I did, my hand slowly started to make its way to my area. I started fingering myself since I didn't get a chance to release. I held in my moans so he wouldn't hear me. I finally released onto my fingers, making sure not to moan. I successfully did and washed myself up.  I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into the bedroom. Was I really in the bathroom that long? Ethan was dead asleep in some sweatpants, but he was shirtless. I got dressed and climbed into bed. I snuggled up to Ethan and felt his arms wrap around me.

"Goodnight, baby girl." He said and kissed.

"Goodnight, Ethan." 

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