Chapter 27

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Kimberly's Perspective

I woke up to an empty bed this morning but I saw a note. Then Victoria started crying. She's hungry. I grabbed her and carried her to my room to feed her. After feeding her, I took her back to her rom to get a onsie and put it on her. It was such a cute onsie that Alyssa bought.

I changed her into her onside and then I got dressed

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I changed her into her onside and then I got dressed. As I was getting dressed, she started crying. I tried to hurry up and finish getting my clothes on my body. Today I decided to go to the gym and lose the baby fat. My mom agreed to watching her so I can get a good workout in.

 My mom agreed to watching her so I can get a good workout in

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I Finally got into my clothes and ran to Victoria. She was just wanting attention because when I walked in and got her, she started smiling, she's so crazy but adorable. I put her in he rcar seat and walked into Ethan's room. He was akwake and on his phone.

"Hey E, I'm heading out to the gym. I'm dropping Victoria off at my mom's house."

"Ok. See ya later."


I starpped her in and buckled the car seat in. I drove to my mom's house and dropped her off then headed off to the gym. 


I had a pretty good workout. Some guy kept staring at me. Right when I was about to leave the guy walked up to me. He seemed pretty cute but I am engaged and I have  baby. He was smiling and he looked kind of nervous. Or maybe that was just because he just finished workin out or whatever, he was sweaty and his face was red.

"I don't mean to bug you but, you're really pretty. Wanna go out sometime."

"As a friend, of course. If your wondering, I'm engaged."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know but yeah, as friends." He said.


"How about next Wednesday."

"Sure. Works for me. Let;s meet a Starbucks."

"Ok. I'll see you then..."

"Kimberly." He said."

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