Chapter 20

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Grayson's Perspective

Ethan was helping me out with a surprise birthday party for Kimberly since her birthday is tomorrow. Ashley has also pitched in and said that she would be taking her out all day that way me, Ethan, Alyssa, and Kevin, Mrs. Anderson, and Mr. Anderson can help decorate. It's a small party, though. Delaney, someone who works with Kim, also decided to help. I want this surprise to be perfect too.

Right now it is only 9:25 but we're getting ready for bed. Today wasn't too bad. I had to work today but I left early. I sometimes can't stand posing in front of the camera's, it just gets too tiring. Kimberly was already in the bed but neither of us were sleeping. I had just got out of the shower and we were just making small talk.

"So what do you want on your birthday?" I asked.

"Honestly nothing. Maybe go out or something but my birthday is no big deal." She replied

"Your birthday is too important. It was the day your mother brought you into this world." I said.

"Yeah all I do is turn one year older than what I was the last year. Tell me, Grayson, what's so special about that?"

"Put it this way. What would the world be like if you weren't here? We would've never met, gotten together, or start our future together, having this baby, my baby, that you're carrying. That's why I consider it important." 

"Ok. You got me there, it is important."

"Well tomorrow is your day so get some rest. I love you." I said giving her a peck on the lips.

"Love you too."


I made sure to wake up before Kim did. I'm making her favorite for breakfast. Ethan woke up and just watched the whole time. The waffles were done so all I needed was to get her orange juice and then I was all set. I decided to wake her up by a little prank. Ethan is gonna record. I have a can of Whipped cream. She usually sleeps with an arm out off to the side. I sprayed the whipped cream in her hand and tickled her nose. She wiped her face and the whipped cream was everywhere on her face. She jumped up and looked at me.

"You fucker!" She said laughing but licking it off of her face.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMBERLY!" Me and Ethan shouted at the same time.

"Thank you Ethan. and thank you baby." She said kissing me getting a little whipped cream on my face.

"I made you your favorite for breakfast." I said.

"OMG! You are the best."

"Yeah I know. Hurry up and eat so you can get dressed. Ashley will be here in 2 hours to come get you."

"But I want to spend my day with you."

"You will, just not now." I said with a chuckle. I wiped her face off with a towel and got in the shower as she ate. 

I got ready for the day and did my hair. Kim finally finished and got in the shower. I called Ashley to let her know what she was doing. Today should be eventful. She finally got out of the shower and got dressed into a cute dress, tight enough to see her tiny baby bump. Her hair was in half up and half down, curled. She was so beautiful but when is she not?

Ashley came and picked her up. Ethan called everyone else to tell them to come over so we could decorate. I was in charge of getting the cake, Mrs. Anderson was in charge of food. Kevin Alyssa, and Ethan were putting up decorations while Mr. Anderson made punch, sweet tea and lemonade. I called a few friends to see if they wanted to come and they said that they were gonna come. They all got super close with Kim and I'm really glad that they did.

Kimberly's Perspective

Ashely drove us to the mall and we bought a lot of shit that was so unnecessary. Ashely thought is was funny to buy me lingerie for Grayson. I scolded her for that because I didn't think that was funny, I thought it was embarrassing.  


We've been shopping for hours and I'm ready to go home. My feet hurt like hell an d I'm really hungry. Ashley was taking me home but I thought she was gonna stop buy somewhere to get something to eat but she drove us straight home. How nice.

" Thanks, today was...eventful." I laughed.

"Yeah but today isn't over."


I opened there door to the apartment only to see tons of people in it. Decorations were everywhere. All of my friends and family were here. What the fuck!!!

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMBERLY!" They all shouted. Tears were in my eyes. I cannot believe they did this for me. Grayson came out and gave me a hug and a kiss.

"Don't cry, baby. Today is about you."

"I-I'm just shocked. H-how did you pull this off?!" I laughed but was crying at the same time.

"He has been planning this for weeks." Ethan said.

"Thank you, all of you." I walked in and gave everyone a hug and it was just a good time. This year was a really good birthday. I put all of my shopping bags in my room and closed it. I don't want Grayson to find that lingerie that Ash got for me.

We all ate cake and just had a really awesome time. I couldn't have asked for a better day then to spend it with the people I love most. The party died down and everyone was starting to clean up. I started helping as well until Grayson made me sit down. 

"I don't want you to get up yet."


"Just please, stay here." He said laughing.

"Fine." Whatever he is up to, I'm kind of scared. Grayson came back out and he was hiding something behind his back. I hope this is something small.

"Ok, so the other day I ran into someone at the store while I was trying to find you a birthday present. They told me that this would be a good gift so I'm just gonna go ahead and do it."

He walked in front of me and got down on one knee. I covered my mouth with my hands and just started to silently cry. Omg is he proposing?!

"Kimberly, I don't care if we have only been dating each other for 3 and a half months. I know that fate brought us together. We have been through a lot in so little time and now look at us. We are having a baby together. I just wanted to say that I'm so happy that I met you, I'm so happy that you are my best friend, my lover, and I just am so thankful that you accept me for who I am as a person, inside and out. When I first met you, I knew that I would be with you someday and that someday is from here and now on. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and my baby, because I love you both so much. Kimberly Renee Anderson, will you marry me?"

I was just at a loss of words I couldn't even speak. I just nodded my head and hugged him so tight. Apparently Ethan, Ash, and my parents were recording it the whole time. He kissed me and it was like we were the only 2 people in the world. He slid the diamond ring on my finger and we just stood there hugging each other. I am so happy to call this man mine. What did I ever do to deserve him?


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