Chapter 32

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Grayson's Perspective

I had to leave and clear my head. All this fighting was getting us nowhere and I just needed a break and she did too. Bills have gotten complicated but my jo wants me to work more hours. I have to cut them down or else I'll be working full time. I'm only working half time right now. 

I was on my laptop looking at pictures that have been previously taken a few months ago and the pictures came out really nice. I used one of them and made it into an Instagram post. It was starting to get late so I turned my laptop off and charged my phone and went to sleep.

Kimberly's Perspective- The Next Moring...

I woke up and got in the shower. I was still pretty upset about last night. As I was in the shower, Ethan was making breakfast and Alyssa was still sleeping. I got out of the shower and got dressed into some comfy clothes because I'm a lazy bitch.

Alyssa woke up and we all ate breakfast. Ethan and Alyssa washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen up, while I drove to my parents house to pick up Tori. She was still sleepy, so when I got home, I made her a bottle and put her to sleep in her room, making sure to turn the baby monitors on.

Today was pretty boring if you ask me. There was nothing to do since Grayson isn't here. He was always making stuff around the house interesting. Ethan ended up going to work so it was just me and Alyssa and the baby. She woke up from her nap a few hours ago so I just put her in the play pen, but she ended up tiring herself out and went to sleep in the play pen.

A Few Weeks Later...

Grayson was still gone and we haven't talked in awhile. I miss him so much and it makes me cry every night. I literally cry myself to sleep every single night and I'm sick and tired of it. My phone was buzzing suddenly, it was...Grayson! I quickly answered it hoping he as calling to tell me that he was coming home today.

KIMBERLY- Gray-Grayson?
GRAYSON- I was calling to let you know I'm coming home today. I love you
KIMBERLY- I love you too, Gray
GRAYSON- I missed you
KIMBERLY- I missed you too. I cried myself to sleep every night knowing you weren't beside me
GRAYSON- Well I'm coming back, and I'll be right there with you. I'm on my way. I gotta go. I love you
KIMBERLY- I love you too

He hung up the phone and that smile that I had from the moment he called, never left my face. I waited and waited for him to come home, but he wasn't here. Maybe traffic is backed up and its making it harder for him to come home. It's now been an hour since I talked to him but he still hasn't come home. Then I suddenly heard the front door open and I ran down the stairs, but it was only Ethan. Fuck!

"WE HAVE TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL." Ethan said. It looks like he has been crying.

"W-what's going on?" Alyssa asked.

"It-It's Grayson. He was in an accident!" He said.

"No." Was all I could say. I couldn't believe it. Ethan pulled me and we were all out of the door and in the car. We dropped off Tori at my mom's house and told her to watch her while we go to the hospital. I told her and ran out of the door. We finally got to the hospital and before Ethan could park the car really good, I hopped out and sprinted to the entrance. 

The nurse looked up at me like I was some kind of crazy woman but I didn't care.

"I'm looking for Grayson Dolan?"

"Are you family?" She asked.

"I'M HIS FUCKING FIANCE NOW WHERE IS HE!?" I screamed. Alyssa and Ethan ran to me, trying to calm me down. She was just typing away on the computer that was in front of her and then looked up at me.

"H-he's in ICU." When those words came out her mouth, my whole body shut down and I fell to the floor crying, not knowing what else to do. It's my fault! It's my fault that we had these stupid arguments, it's my fault that he left, it's my fault that he's in ICU. It's because of me! He didn't deserve me. He still doesn't.

(A/N: Short chapter...sorry)

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