Chapter 3

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Kimberly's Perspective 

"I thought you had a car." Grayson said.

"I did, but it wouldn't start and I'm running a little late, so please?" I asked.

"Fine. Let's go."

"Thank you so much."

"You owe me." He said and then walked out.

I got in the car and I told him where to take me. He drove me to work in complete silence. The radio wasn't on which made it awkward. We came to a stop and I looked out the window to see we were here.

"Thanks, again." I said

"Yeah whatever."


Work was horrible as always but I need the money. The pay is pretty good but my working condition  isn't as good. I wish my boss wouldn't treat me like shit but oh well. Ethan picked me up since Grayson was out for the night, doing whatever. Probably fucking his hoe, but who am I to judge.

"Wanna order some pizza?" Ethan asked.

"Sure. I'm gonna go take a shower, while you go that."


After my shower, I got dressed and went to my room to grab my laptop. I applied for another job. I'm really into photography. Ethan walked out of his bedroom and sat beside me. I looked at him and smiled and he smiled back at me.

"The pizza should be here in about 20 minutes." He told me.

"Great. I'm really hungry and haven't eaten all day."


"My boss doesn't allow me to take breaks, but I'm gonna quit."

"Good for you, I guess." He chuckled.


"What are you doing now?"

"Applying for photography as my new job."


The doorbell rang and we both knew that it was the pizza. Ethan got his money out and paid while I put my laptop in my bedroom. I walked back out to see Ethan grabbing paper plates and cups. He also ordered a soda. Nice. He gave me a slice and I sat down at the couch while he sat beside me, again.

Grayson came in the door with his hoe and saw us. He looked at me and just rolled his eyes. Well hello to you too. His hoe saw me and she gave me a small smile. Grayson came back from whatever he was doing and they both sat down in the living room, making such awkward tension between the four of us. I finished my pizza and threw my trash away. When I was  walking to my room, the hoe called my name.

"Kimberly?" She asked. I turned around to face her.

"Yes?" I tried being polite as much as I possibly could. I mean, who knows? Maybe she isn't a hoe. Maybe she is nice and wants to be my friend.

"Can we talk?" Where is this leading to?

"Uh...sure." I kind of hesitated to answer because I don't want this bitch pulling tricks on me. We walked into my room and she closed the fucking door. Why? I don't know. But my heart was racing and I had to be ready for what was about to come out of her mouth.

"I didn't think I would run into this problem but I'm gonna say this and I'm only gonna say it once, so listen clearly. STAY AWAY FROM GRAYSON. HE IS MINE AND ONLY MINE." She said sternly. She didn't shout at me or slap me. But this bitch is crazy, telling me who I can and can't be around.

"I don't mean to burst our bubble, but I don't even have to think about that."

"Oh please. Honey, you asked him for a ride this morning to work."

"Because my car wouldn't start and Ethan was asleep. My only option was to ask Grayson. He was the only one awake, sweetheart."

"Whatever, just stay away from him." She walked out of my room and closed the door. Ethan walked after she left.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"Nothing she just told me to stay away from Grayson."


"yeah. Well I'm gonna go to bed. Tomorrow is my last day at hell."

"Ok, goodnight." he said walking out of my room and closing the door.



I quit my job and I feel so free! I ran to my bedroom because I was suppose to get an email for my photography application. I'm so nervous but excited and I just hope that they accept me. Grayson was out with his hoe once again, and Ethan wasn't home either. My car suddenly started working again so I drove myself to work today. 

I ran to the apartment and hurried to put the key in the lock to get inside. I ran to my room and opened up my laptop. There was indeed an email and I immediately opened it and read it.

Dear Kimberly, 

I saw the photos you have sent in and your application. I am happy and proud to say that you will be working with us from now on. Your pictures were amazing. Can't wait to see what is in the future.

Sincerely, Delaney Hawkins

OMG I cannot believe that they accepted me! I really don't know when I'm suppose to start so I will email them back later. I get my phone out and text my best friend Ashley about what happened. While I was texting her, my phone dinged. It was a text from my boyfriend. I quickly sent my text to Ashley before clicking on what Dylan had sent me.


 Kimberly, I'm so sorry but I'm breaking up with you. I wanted to tell you this for awhile now but I just didn't know how to tell you. Just know that I still love you and I hope we can be friends. I hope you forgive me. I don't want to hurt you...

Read at 6:30 p.m

I guess there always has to be bad news when there is good news. I can't believe he broke up with me. We've been together for 2 years and now he's just ending it. Did I do something? Why didn't he call me so we could talk in person? My heart is literally broken. At least I didn't find him cheating on me like other girls would. I'm not saying that it would never happened to me. 

1014 words

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