Chapter 22

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Grayson's Perspective- Monday 10:00 p.m.

I was working on some stuff at work. Everybody was working on new stuff, so was I but I was kind of getting tired of this. Yes, I get paid, very well, but this is just way too much. I should be at home with my fiancé, taking care of her.

"Alright Grayson, you can go home now." said the lady I work with. She's the one who takes the pictures of me.

"Ok. Have a goodnight." I said and walked out. I drove home tired as hell. When I got home, I didn't bother to take a shower. Kimberly and Ethan wee already in bed. Tomorrow Kimberly and I are gonna go see a wedding planner to talk about the wedding obviously.

Kimberly's Perspective

I got dressed in one of Grayson's sweatshirts. It's a little big on me, and my baby bump looks small in it. I climbed in bed and waited for Grayson. I was looking through my social media but that got boring so I just put my phone on the charger and went to sleep. I felt the bed sink beside me and I knew it was Grayson.

"Goodnight babe."

"Goodnight Gray." I said. He turned the lights off and went to sleep.

Kimberly's Perspective- next morning

I woke up at 1:30 p.m. I wasn't expecting to sleep in that long. Grayson was still sleeping and the whole apartment was completely quiet. I got out of bed making sure not to wake Grayson up and I did that successfully. Nobody was in the living room, nobody in the kitchen. I checked Ethan's room and Ethan was still sleeping. I hate it when I'm the only one up. Maybe my parents are home. I got dressed into a sweatpants and a tank top with a pair of Nike slides on my feet. It was so hot out. I drove to my parents' house and parked my car into the driveway.

My mom was home but my dad was working and Kevin was out with some of his friends. My mom fixed me a cup of tea and we just talked. I love chilling with my mom, I find it nice and relaxing.

"So have you found out the gender of my grandbaby?" She asked.

"Yeah but Gray and I want it to be a surprise. We're throwing a gender reveal party."

"That's nice."

"Yeah. Then later on today, we are suppose to meet up with a wedding planner."

"Awesome! When do you want to have the wedding?" she said clapping her hands excitedly

"I'm not sure but I want it after the baby is born."

"That's good."

"Yeah. I still can't believe it's been almost a year and a half since I met the two goofs!"

"Time flies by."

"Yeah it really does." I said. I felt my phone buzz and looked down to see that Grayson was texting me.


Where are you??


At my moms


Oh ok...when are we going to meet the wedding planner again??? What time???





I locked my phone and put my cup in the sink, I was done drinking the tea. My mom put hers in the sink as well. I told her that I was gonna head home, I gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving. As I was driving I felt a kick. The baby just kicked. When I got home I literally ran inside to tell Grayson. When he saw me his eyes went wide.

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