Chapter 37

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Grayson's Perspective- The Day Before The Wedding (Sorry for skipping the time so much)

Ethan, Nate, Jack G, Jack J, Jack D, Cameron (Dallas), Aaron, Kevin, and I and I are all staying at a hotel while Kim and her friends stay at the house. The wedding is tomorrow and I'm so excited but nervous at the same time. She'll officially be Mrs. Dolan and I cannot wait. I love her so much and I just want to spend the rest of my life with her. 

Kimberly's Perspective

I'm getting married tomorrow and just the thought of it makes me so happy. Alyssa, my good friend Emercyn, Tessa, Maya, Jordan, Madison, Natalie, Stephanie, and I are all staying at the house while the boys are staying at a Hotel. Lisa, my mom, my dad, and Sean are all at my parents house and they have Tori with them. 

"So are you excited for the wedding?!" Alyssa cheered.

"I am!"

"Lets play a game. We all have to ask Kim a question and she has to answer it honestly!" Tessa said.

"I'll go first. What did you think about Grayson when you first met him?" Maya asked.

"When I first met Grayson, I thought he was a fuck boy and a jerk." I answered honestly. He did seem like he didn't like me at first but that all changed.

"He was a fuck boy?" Jordan asked with a shocked expression.

"I know it's hard to believe that he was but it's true." I said.

"Next question." Alyssa spoke. "How many times have you and Grayson had sex?" All the girls smirked or even 'ooohhed'. 

"Do I have o answer that?" I whined.

"YES!" They all yelled.

"Ugh! This is embarrassing. I can't even count how many times we did the nasty." I said blushing hard core because of how embarrassed I was.


Grayson's Perspective

"We have to play a game!" Aaron said getting all the guys' attention.

"What game?" Ethan asked.

"How about we ask Grayson a whole bunch of questions about Kimberly. He has to answer honestly."

" Why this game?" I asked.

"We want to know, man!" Jack said. (Jack Dail)

"First question." Ethan said. "Do you and Kim plan on having more kids?"

"Yeah." I said. I really want another baby but Kim wants to wait.


There were more questions. They made me take shots to questions that I couldn't answer. I was drunk but not too drunk. I knew what I was saying and doing. I was intoxicated but I wasn't drunk. 

All the guys joined in taking shots with me. I just didn't want to have too much to the point where I'd have a massive hangover the next morning. That would be pretty dumb if you ask me. I want my wedding to perfect. I can't wait for her to say I Do.

Kimberly's Perspective

We chilled on the game, and just drank a glass of wine. I haven't really had anything to drink in a bit. I was just talking to the girls and having a really good time, but I was missing Grayson. That's so funny because I can't go a full on freaking hour nowadays without him. I love him so much. 

"Hello! Earth to Kim!" Alyssa said waving her hand in my face, snapping me out of my deep thought.

"Huh?" She just laughed.

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