Chapter 36

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Kimberly's Perspective- Skip To A Few Weeks Later...

Grayson and I have been planning for our wedding since I was 3 months pregnant and now we have everything ready. Our wedding is now in 1 month and I'm so excited. Grayson and I were just cleaning the house and Tori was playing with her toys in her play pen. I was looking at her while I took a small break. She had picked up something and put it in her mouth so I grabbed her and stuck my finger in her mouth to get it out. It was a bug. A stink bug to be exact.

"Oh my gosh, Tori, NO!" I got it out of her mouth and threw it away. Grayson looked at me confused.

"Your daughter jus ate a fucking bug!" I said starting to laugh.

"How did she even get it?" He asked.

"She must've saw it in her play pen, but I got it out of her mouth."

"Her breath probably stinks now." He says laughing.

"She is a mess!" The door opens and we see Ethan and Alyssa walk into the house. They see us laughing our asses off and give us a weird look.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"Your niece just tried to eat a bug. I got it out of her mouth though."

"Oh my goodness. I did that when I was baby!" She starts laughing making everyone laugh.


Alyssa's Perspective

Me and Ethan were in our bedroom just laying down and relaxing. I was rubbing my tummy, thinking about the baby. I looked over at Ethan who also had his hand on my stomach rubbing it in small circles.

"What do you think the gender is?" I ask.

"I don't know. I don't really care. I just want them to be loved by us and cared for. I want them to know that we will be there for them. I want to teach them right from wrong. I want to give them advice for whatever situation. I want us to support their decisions in life. Good ones. I don't care if the baby is a girl or a boy because I will love them unconditionally. I love you unconditionally. I remember when we first met and I honestly wasn't going to talk to you, but something came over me and told me to do it. I wasn't doing it to get over Kim when we were together like that, I wasn't using as a distraction. Do you know why? Because fate brought us together. Now look where we are. We are engaged and about to have a baby together. I want to let you know that everyday is a blessing, waking up to you every morning of each day. Going to sleep with you every night, seeing you smile makes me so happy, your laugh that I adore so much, and your eyes that I could look at all day everyday. You're so beautiful, don't forget that." 

He made me cry. I love this boy so much that I have no idea what I'd be doing with my life right at this moment if we weren't together. I love him unconditionally just like he loves me. He wiped away my tears and kissed me. It was so gentle and full  of meaning. 

"I love you too, E." I say sniffling. He just smiles and holds me in his arms.

Grayson's Perspective- 9:15 p.m.

"Tori is finally asleep."

"Her sleeping schedule is so messed up." Kim groans.

"All of our sleeping schedules are messed up." I left the room to go brush my teeth before getting ready for bed. I honestly just want to relax and not worry about anything. I'm so tired and I know that Kim is too. We both quite modeling and photography. It got out of hand and our schedule just wasn't doing any better. We have a daughter to take care of. 

"The mail came in yesterday and a letter from your old photography job was in there. I forgot to tell you but I just remembered because it's sitting in between the double sink." I said handing it to her.

"I saw it. I put it there."

"Oh I was wondering why it was in the bathroom." I chuckled.

"What did it say?"

"Nothing. It was just my last check that they gave me after I quite. That check was basically worth nothing."

"Oh. I still haven't gotten mine. I'll go over there tomorrow and get it."



We stayed up talking for a little while until we thought it was finally time to go bed. p

Kimberly's Perspective

I was laying down about to close my eyes when I felt Grayson's arm wrap around e, as if he was never willing to let go of me. I heard him whisper in my ear a "goodnight" before going to sleep. I shut my eyes and fell into a slumber.

The Next Morning...

I woke up and looked beside me to see an empty bed. I looked on my bedside table to see that he had left a note. 

Good morning babe, 
I just left to pick up my check. When I get back, maybe we can 
all go out for breakfast. Tell E and Alyssa to wake up. I'll be back 
soon Love you.

I love this boy so much. I got up and took a shower, deciding on washing my hair and straightening it. I haven't really done anything with my hair because I'm so fucking lazy. After my shower, I got dressed and went to go get Tori. When I got to her room, she was already awake. I gave her a bath in the bathroom sink and washed her up. I dressed her up and then woke up Alyssa and E.

"Grayson's taking us all out for breakfast. I was told to be ready when he gets back so wake your asses up and get dressed." 

We were all dressed and just waiting downstairs for Grayson to come and take us out for breakfast. Ethan called and told us that we were going to IHOP. Grayson got here and I strapped Tori in her car seat and hopped in the passenger side. Ethan and Alyssa followed us. 


Breakfast was really good and we just had a nice time. Alyssa and Ethan ended up staying out but after breakfast, Tori was crying the whole time on the ride home. I had Grayson pull over so I could see hat was wrong with her. I looked at her and saw that she was holding her ear. It was a bright shade of red. I told Grayson to go on and drive while I stay back with Tori. My poor baby was in pain.

When we got home, I gave her medicine and she went to sleep, but only for an hour. I went up there and her ear was turning a darker shade of red than what it was before. I told Grayson and we drove to urgent care. The whole time we waited in the waiting room she cried. Grayson held her while I was texting my mom. She told me that Tori probably has an ear infection. I used to get those when I was younger. (A/N: I used to those things all the time and they hurt like a bitch!) 

When we were called, we both followed the nurse and she set us in a room while I gave her the information that she needed. A few minutes later, a doctor came back and checked Tori's ear and he told us that she indeed has an ear infection. He decided to check both ears just to be cautious even though Tori only had the ear ache in her left. He gave her more medicine to take and one ear drop since she's so little. He placed a cotton ball in her ear so she won't dig her fingers into it.

We left Urgent Care and went straight home. My mom came over to see how Tori was doing and we all just caught up some stuff. I haven't seen my parents or Kevin in awhile so it was good to see her. I might come over tomorrow

A/N: just a filler i guess

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