Chapter 24

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Kimberly's Perspective

Grayson decided to go to work today, and so did Alyssa. It's just me and Ethan today. I was doing laundry when Ethan came upstairs from doing whatever. He saw me and took the laundry basket from me.

"You know that Grayson doesn't want you doing anything but to relax." Ethan said.

"Ugh! It's just laundry."

"Still. He'd beat me up just for letting you get away with it."

"But he doesn't have to know."

"Kim, he'd know that you were doing laundry because I barley do it."

"Yeah, true."

"Go lay down or something." He says.

"Ok." I go to my room and get on my phone. Grayson should be on his lunch break by now. Usually he texts me but I didn't get one from him. I decided I'd text him first.


Hey babe 

Too bad he didn't answer. Maybe he's just busy. I haven't seen or heard from Ashley. I texted her too but she didn't answer her phone either. I called Ethan into my room so he could deep me company because I'm bored as hell.


"I'm bored."

"What do you wanna do?" He asked.

"I can't really do much since I'm pregnant."

"Let's talk about baby names since you still don't know what to name her." He suggested. It wasn't that bad of an idea.

"Good idea." I said.

"How about Alana Grace?" He said.

"Nah." I shook my head.

"What about Stephanie Loraine?"

"Nope." He said.

"This one has a nice ring to it. Victoria Rose?"

"I love it!" I squealed.

"Well then, now you have a name for your baby."

"OMG! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Your welcome." He chuckled.

"Will you be ok by yourself for like 10 minutes? I had to drive Alyssa to work this morning. Her car wasn't working and now she's texting me to come pick her up."

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I told him


I was walking down stairs to get a myself a small bag of chips when I suddenly felt this sharp pain in my stomach. Damn does she have to kick so fucking hard? I spoke too soon. She kicked again but I felt a liquid rush down my legs. OH MY FUCKING GOSH! MY WATER FUCKING BROKE. I am in so much pain it hurts to move but I need my phone, and it's all the way upstairs in my room. Ethan left his phone on the counter! Thank god. I went to go call Grayson and he answered it on the second ring.

(Kim) ETHAN- Baby, I need you home right now!
GRAYSON- Kimberly, baby what's wrong?
(Kim) ETHAN- M-my water broke! AHHHHHHHHHHH.
GRAYSON- I'm on my way.

No later than5 minutes, Grayson was here. He must've sped down here because it takes him 10 minutes to get to work. He came running in the door and picked me up and carried me to the car.

"Why did you call on Ethan's phone?" He asked.

"B-because, I left my phone in our bedroom and I was downstairs."

"Was Ethan home?"

"NO! OH my god this hurts so bad!"

"I know baby just breathe."

"Ethan went to pick up Alyssa because her car wasn't working and he left t-to p-pick her u-up."


We finally got to the hospital and they immediately checked me in and sent to a hospital room. Grayson called my parents and his. Grayson's parent's are in Jersey but they said that they were gonna catch the very next flight to Los Angeles. He also called Alyssa on her phone since Ethan  left his at the house. They were on their way over. 

The doctor walked in ad they gave me an epidural to ease the pain. My contractions were extremely heavy, what the hell? Soon Ethan and Alyssa walked in the door. Grayson walked up to Ethan. He seemed pretty pissed.

"Dude what the hell? Why did you leave Kim by herself?!" Grayson said

"I had to pick up Alyssa from work. I didn't think she would go into labor!" Ethan tried to back himself up

"THIS IS NOT THE FUCKING TIME TO ARGUE. I'M IN PAIN!" Grayson walked away and sat down in a chair that was next to the bed. My parents came in the door and my mom sat on the bed next to me, rubbing my stomach. Kevin came too, I'm guessing mom and dad told him.

Another contraction hit and I was holding onto Grayson's hand squeezing it. My mom told me to relax as she kept rubbing my stomach. This fucking hurts like a bitch. It was to the point where I was crying. What if she's not even born today?! The pain went away and it didn't come back for awhile. I decided to take a nap. Everyone was still here though.


When I woke up, it was just Grayson and my mom in the room. She smiled at me and smiled back. Grayson kissed my forehead and just held my hand. 

"How are you feeling?" Gray asked.

"Better, but I know the pain is gonna come back soon."

"Honey, when you push her out, it's gonna be even worse then what you are baring with." My mom told me.

"Well, I'm fucking screwed."

"You'll be fine."

I laid back down and just relaxed. Alyssa came in the room and sat beside me on the bed. \

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"I had to run home really quick, to take a shower. I was smelling like sweat." She giggled, making me giggle too.

"How you holdin' up?" She asked

"I'm ok for now." I said being truthful. She just nodded.

Grayson's Perspective

We are all in the hospital because Kim could give birth at any moment and right now I'm hella nervous but I'm trying to be strong for Kim's sake. Later on everyone went home except for me and Kim's mom. She wanted to stay with me, and I'm so thankful for that.

It's been a few hours and Kimberly is asleep. Mrs. Anderson went to get us some coffee so we could stay up as long as possible. She came back with 2 cups of coffee, one for her and one for me. It didn't last long because I ended up falling asleep. Work has been so tiring and stressful. Thinking about Kim and trying to stay on task id certainly impossible. Its just impossible to think about to things at once.

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