Chapter 18

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Ethan's Perspective

I met Alyssa at Starbucks and we just talked. We ended up going home and then meeting each other at the beach and just hung out. I gotta say I really like her after knowing her for only 2 weeks. I have never felt for anyone this fast.

"You ok?" She giggled.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I replied.

"Just making sure. You were staring."

"Because you're beautiful."

"Oh stop it." She said smiling, she turned her head so I wouldn't see her blush.

"Don't turn away from me. I think it's absolutly cute when you blush." I said making her look at me.


Today was a really good day and I didn't want it to end. Unfortunately it was getting late and it was time to leave. I put all my stuff in the car and walked over to hers.

"Hey, maybe you can spend the night at my place?" I asked

"I would love to but I don't want to be a bother." She said.

"You could never be a bother."

"Well let me go to my place and grab a few clothes then." Her smile is everything.

"I'll follow you. You can drop off your car and I'll drive you to my place."

"Ok." We drove away from the beach and I followed her to her apartment. I waited outside of her house because I didn't want to be rude and walk inside. About 5 minutes later she came out with a bag of clothes. She hopped in the passenger side of the car and I drove off to my place.

When we got there, Grayson and Kimberly were in the living room watching a movie. Their heads snapped towards me and Alyssa. My smile never left my face, I was just so happy.

"Hey guys, this is Alyssa. Alyssa that is my twin brother and his girlfriend, Kimberly." I introduced them to each other.

"Hi." Kimberly said getting up from her spot on the couch and walked over to Alyssa.

"Hi. OMG you're so beautiful." Alyssa said.

"Aww thank you, but you're gorgeous." Kim said with a little giggle. I like how they got along so quickly.

"Hey. I've heard about you." Grayson said shaking her hand.

"Wow. That's a first." Alyssa said with a small giggle.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well any boy that I've went out with never talked about me. Which means they never really cared about me they way you do." She said.

"Ethan could talk about you all day." Kim said making everyone laugh.

"It's true. Gray said.

"Well, I'm gonna go get in the shower and head to bed. Goodnight." Kim said.

Grayson's Perspective

Kim went to go to take a shower and I stayed out for a little while and then left so Ethan and Alyssa could have time to themselves. Ethan seems so happy. I haven't seen him like this ever since he got with Kimberly, but he wasn't like this. He didn't talk about Kimberly the way he talked about Alyssa.

I went in my room and waited for Kim to get out of the shower. When she got out she went to her room first and then walked into mine getting dressed right in front of me. She's such a fucking tease.

"Do I have to fuck you right here." I whispered in her ear.

"Did I turn you on daddy?" She said with a smirk on her face. Fuck! I hate how she has such an affect on me but it's the same with her.

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