Chapter 1

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May 31st, 2018- Wednesday 3:30 p.m.

My name is Kimberly Anderson and I live in Los Angeles, California. My parents are forcing me to move out of the house. I'm old enough to have my own place but I just don't want to move away from my parents just yet. My older brother, Kevin, doesn't have to move out yet. It just doesn't make sense. He was suppose to move out before me! Why are my parents kicking me out?! 

My mom has found a place online and they are apartments that are like 10 minutes away from where I live right at the moment. The place looks nice, to be honest. The pictures were very clear and the place is so beautiful. It's a 3 bedroom apartment and has 2 bathrooms. That's nice and spacious but why would I need 2 extra bedrooms? 

"Mom, I love the place, but why would I need 2 extra bedrooms?" I asked.

"Maybe your brother can move in with ya so that way, you guys are moving out at the same time!" She said. Oh hell no. Living with him here is bad enough. 

"No thanks." I said grabbing my laptop from my mom's lap. I walk in my room.

I sat on my bed with my laptop still on the page of the apartment I might end up staying in. My dad said he would pay for it. I'm glad I don't have to pay for it. My brother walked into my room and plopped right onto my bed.

"'re moving out, huh?" he said looking at me.

"Yes. Why?" I asked.

"Because...I want to love in with you. PLEASE!" he begged.


"Why not?"

"Because. I love you but I don't want to live with you forever. You don't do shit. You don't have a job, your messy and never clean up after yourself."

"Kim, please."

"Sorry, but no."

He walked out of my room, making sure to slam the door. I move my finger on the pad of the my laptop moving the muse to purchase the apartment. It is offically mine now. I called my mom and told her that I decided on the apartment. She told me that dad was going to send in the money. Well I guess I have to say goodbye to my bedroom.

Grayson's Perspective

I was in my room when Ethan barged into my room. Have you ever heard of knocking? I could've been masterbating or something. You never know. 

"Bro!" he shouted.


"We have a roomate."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. The manager of the building never told us anything about this place having roomates and shit. 

"I ran into Markus on my way up here and he told me that someone was looking for somewhere to live. Which is here." he explained to me.

"What the actual fuck!" 

"Grayson, we might as well just let them live with us. We have 1 extra bedroom. Who knows, it could be a cute girl!"

"Whatever man. Do you know when they are moving in?" I asked.

"Either tomorrow or Friday." he said. I just rolled my eyes and got on my phone. I'm honestly not looking forward to this. I don't even care if our new roomate  is a girl. I already have a girlfriend and she's amazing. 

Kimberly's Perspective

My brother and parents are helping me back up my stuff right now. I am moving out on Friday which gives us the rest of today and tomorrow to finish packing up my stuff. At lest I get a place to myself and don't have to worry about my brother blasting music in his room. It irriates me so fucking much. 

Skip to Friday...

I am officially moving out today and I don't know what to do with myself. I swear that I will be coming back home every single day. Well, I can't even call this place home anymore. Yesterday my dad got a Uhaul truck to put my stuff in. He already put it in the Uhual truck so all we have to do is leave, and I'm not ready. 


It's been a few hours and my mom is basically dragging me out of the house so I go to the new apartment. I have my own car so I'm gonna follow my dad to the buliding. Kevin is with my dad. He is gonna help us unpack all of my shit. 

After 10 mintues of driving behind an old man, which is my dad, we finally arrived at the building. My dad drives so slow it felt like 20 minutes instead of 10. I parked my car in the parking lot which was behind the building. I met my dad and Kevin in the front of the building to unpack my stuff. We walked inside to the front desk and there stood the manager. His name was Markus. He saw us and smiled.

"You must be...Kimberly."

"yeah that's me." I replied.

"Your apartment is number 308. You also have roomates."

"I-I'm sorry what? Did you just say that I have roomates?"

"Yes. Yes I did."

"Dad! Did you know about this?" I aksed.

"Kind of." He said not looking at me.

"So you just decided not to tell me?!" At this point I was beyond pissed.

"Look, you're gona be fine. There is nothing to worry about." He reassured me. 

"Whatever." I grabbed some of my stuff and Markus handed me a key so i could get into my apartment.

My dad, Kevin and I got into the elevator. The entire time it was silent. I unlocked the door and saw two boys that looked about my age. What the actual fuck! No one told me that my roomates would be boys! I looked at the two and to be honest, they were quite attractive.

I walked inisde with my stuff on a cart that carries suit cases but in my case they were boxes. I was a bit shy considering that the two highly attractice boys were starring at me. Kevin and my dad brough the rest of my stuff inside and then they left. All of my belongings were at the door. One boy with a snapback on came up to me.

"Hi, I'm Ethan and that's my twin brother, Grayson." he said introducing himself and his brother. Grayson just stared at me with an evil glare. Geez, nice to meet you too. I smiled at him and shook his hand that was sticking out.

"I'm Kimberly." I said.

"Do you need any help with your stuff?" he asked.

"Can you help me please?" I asked.

"sure, it's no problem at all."

Ethan helped me move all of my stuff from the front door to my bedroom. This place is actually pretty spacious for an apartment. I settled in and laid down on my bed that was brough the day before, thank god. I was on my phone just scrolling through Instagram when I suddenly heard a knock on my closed bedroom door.

"It's open." I said. Ethan walked in the door and sat onmy bed.

"Wanna go out and get something to eat?" He asked.


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