Chapter 17

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A/N: I'm lazy so I'm going to skip the rest of thier trip to Hawaii so they are back home now

Kimberly's Perspective- 2 weeks later 10:00 a.m.

I woke up in Grayson's arms. I forgot to mention that he asked me to be his girlfriend our very last day in Hawaii. Of course I said yes. I got out of his grip and went to the bathroom because I felt a little strange. I flet like I ha to throw up, and to mention I missed my- Oh shit! I think I might be pregant. Grayson and I had sex twice without a fucking condom. 

I just threw up in the toilet and flushed it. I walked into my room quietly because the twins are still sleeping. I quicly got dressed and drove to the store to buy myself a few pregnancy tests. As I was on my way, I called Ashley and told her I was on my way. I bought like 4 tests and then drove to Ash's house. I opened her front door, just bardging in withought a care.

"What the hell?!" She said looking at me crazy.

"I need to take these tests." I said going to the bathroom.

"Why can't you do it at your place? I mean, I'm not trying to kick you out but."

"I don't want them finding out just yet."

"Who is the father???"



"What? We are together."

"When did this happen?"

"Well since you're so busy and we never rea;;y get to talk, he asked me to be his girlfriend our last day in Hawaii."

"That's romantic."

"Yeah." I pushed her out of th ebathroom so I could take all 4 of the tests. I waited forawhile for the relsult. Ashley was waiting with me. I set a timer on my phone and when it went off that meant it was time to check the results.

We both walked into the bathrooma nd there were all 4 of the tests. They all came out positive. I was shocked, happy, upset, and just basically every fucking emotion. I didn't know how to feel! I'm still young and I didn't plan on having kids this soon! What am I gonna tell Grayson? How am I gonna tell him??

"OMG, YOU'RE GONNA BE A MOM! I'M GONNA BE AN AUNTIE!" Ashley yelled throughout the house. I just laughed at her. I have always considered Ashley as my sister. I've known her for so long.

"Why aren't you happy?" She asked.

"I'm just shocked. I mean, how am I supposed to tell Grayson? What if he breaks up with me? What if he asked me to abort the baby?! What am I gonna do!!?"

"First, you are gonna alm down. I don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes but I would tell him. Go home and tell him. He has the right to know, especially since its his child."

"You're right."

"I know I'm right. I can't remeber a time I was goddamn wrong." I just laughed at her, quoting from the song "ispy" by Kyle.

I drove home and when I got there, Grayson was already up. He saw me and looked at me with a smile. I gave him one back. I wlaked into the kitchen where he was standing, but then ran out because I had to puke. Fuck!

"Babe, you ok?" Grayson said holding ,y hair back from my face and patting my back.

"No." I cried into his arms.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I-I'm pregnant, Grayson." I cried even harder.

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yeah. I took 4 tests at Ashely's house." I stuttered from crying so hard.

"Please don't leave me Grayson."

"I would never leave you." He said kissing my forehead.

"Go to bed and get some rest. I'll bring you a bottle of water."

"Ok." Before going back to bed, I brushed my teeth because I just puked and I couldn't stand the taste being in my mouth any longer. I pt my pajama's back on went to back to bed and instantly fell asleep.

Grayson's Perspective

I never thought this day would come. My girlfriend is actually pregnant. What am I gonna do? I'm obviously not gonna leave her but How am I suppose to tell Ethan? What are we gonna do? I mean we could move out and get a bigger place, but that means that I have to get a job. Maybe I could reconsider that modeling invite I got from Calvin Klein.

Ethan woke up and fixed himself a bowl of cereal. He saw me and gave me a small smile. He seems in such a good mood. Well he's been in a good mood all week. I wonder what's gotten into him.

"Hey bro, I have to tell you something."

"Ok, spill." He said while eating his cereal.

"Kimberly's pregnant." I blurted out.

"WHAT!?" I covered his mouth since she's sleeping and I didn't want her to wake up.


"She's pregnant?" He asked more queitly.


"By who?" He smirked.

"Me, you dumbass."

"Well yeah I already knew it but, your gonna be daddy." He laughed.

"Oh my gosh Ethan shut the fuck up." I said laughing as well.

"So why are you in such a happy mood?" I asked.

"Because I met a girl named Alyssa after you and Kim left for Hawaii. We're gonna hang out later today too."



Well that went smoother than I thought it would. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked into her room but she wasn't in there. I checked my bedroom and she was sleeping peacfully cuddling one of the pillows. I set the water down on the bedside table and got in bed with her. She let go of the pillow and snuggled into my chest. I kissed the crown of her head and went back to sleep with her. 


I woke up nd it was already 3:45 p.m. Damn That was a nice nap though. I looked beside me tosee if Alyssa was there and she was. She was already awake. I smiled at her and she kissed my cheek.

"how long have you been awake?" I asked.

"Only 10 minutes."

"Damn that was a good nap."

"Hell yeah it was. But now I'm hungry." she said.

"Let's go out ot eat." We got up an got dressed.

"So where are we going?"


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