Chapter 30

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Kimberly's Perspective- a few hours later

I woke up, looking around the room, not sure of my surroundings. Gray and Ethan were in the room with me. I tapped on Grayson's shoulder, making him jolt up. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. 

"Why am I here?" I asked him.

"You passed out, you had a tiny concussion. The doctor should be back with your meds and when you get home, your going straight to bed." He said sternly.

"But Gray-"

"No, I mean it." He said.

"Ok." Ethan gave me a hug, but a very light one.

"You also need to keep your ribs bandaged up, they're bruised." Gray said. I just nodded. The doctor came bac and gave Grayson my medicine for m to take home. We left the hospital and they gave me clothes. Ethan ran home really quick so I could put clothes on. He gave me a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. I checked out of the hospital and we left. It was kind of hard for me to walk because my ribs are bruised up pretty bad. The doctor told me that I am not allowed to pick up anything that is heavy and to take my meds when feeling pain. 

When we got home, Grayson was not kidding about me getting straight to bed. But before I did, he wanted to change the sheets so I let him do that. After that was all done I climbed in bed carefully not wanting to hurt myself. Gosh I'm so fucking sore.


I woke up, but Grayson was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up. I texted Ethan to see if he was up and he was. I asked him to help me up, out of bed, so I could take a shower. He came in the room and helped me up. Grayson didn't wake up, nor did he move. I walked to the bathroom and with Ethan behind me watching me so I wouldn't hurt myself. I still can't believe what happened yesterday. 

I told him to check on Tori and to see if she's awake. Sometimes she wakes up but she's so quiet. I turned the water on and unwrapped the big bandaged that was wrapped around my ribs. I got in the shower and washed my body and my hair, moving slower than normal because of how sore I am. 

Ethan's Perspective

I checked on Tori and she was awake. I picked her up and made her a bottle. I have seen Grayson and Kim do this so many times, that I've gotten the hang of it. I gave her the bottle and she held it by herself. Alyssa soon came down the stairs and kissed me on the cheek.

"Morning." She said.

"Good morning." I said back.

"Where's Kim?" 

"In the shower. She told me to see if Tori was awake so I just decided to make her a bottle."


"Yeah, I woke her up because she didn't want to wake Grayson up."

"Well just by the looks, you would make a great dad." She said making me blush.

"Are you implying that we should have a baby?" I asked.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Uh huh." 


Kimberly's Perspective

I walked downstairs already dressed in comfy clothes. Ethan was watching TV while Tori was in her play pen. I got a mug from the cabinet so I could make some coffee. While I was watching it, I was on my phone, checking emails, looking through social media, and texting some people from work.

 While I was watching it, I was on my phone, checking emails, looking through social media, and texting some people from work

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I wasn't paying attention because I was looking down at my phone, when I felt a hand slap my ass. It was obviously Grayson. I turned around and gave him a look. He just smirked. I hate when he does that. He grabbed a mug from the cabinet for coffee as well. He poured the coffee in his and my cup and we made it how me wanted it.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

"Is it because of my ribs?"

"Yes, I don't want you getting hurt."

"But I'm fine."

"You are not. I know you had Ethan help  you get out of bed this morning."


"I heard."

"Just kidding, he told me, but still."


Kimberlyyyyyyy. I meant what I said."

"Can I at least hold Tori?"

"No. You heard what the doctor said. No carrying heavy things. Tori isn't heavy but I still don't want you holding her. I know its hurtful that you can't hold her, but until your ribs are healed, you cannot hold or carry anything that is heavy. Understood?"

"Yes." I huff. He's such a dad.

Grayson's Perspective

I walked back into the kitchen and reminded Kim to take her medicine. She did and I walked out again. I put my cup of coffee on the coffee table and went to Tori's play pen to hold her.  Kim walked out of the kitchen, with a pouty face. I just shook my head and laughed at her.

I sat down on the couch and placed Tori on my lap but she wanted to stand. She was bouncing around, it was adorable. Ethan took a picture on my phone of us and I posted it on Instagram. I love her so much. Kim sat next to me and Tori wrapped her small hands around Kim's finger. I looked at her and her eyes were tearing up.

"Babe, why are so upset."

"Because I can't hold my baby!" She said bursting into tears. I put Tori in the play pen and sat back down with Kim, hugging her, but not too tight.

"It's that bitch's fault!" She said again through tears.

"We know." Was all I could think of to say.

"I want to sue her."

(A/N: Friend, f-r-i-E-N-D. Some people who you thought were your friends weren't/ aren't really your friends)

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