Chapter 33

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Kimberly's Perspective

I have been sitting in the waiting room all night. I got zero sleep, worrying about Gray. I called my mom and kept her updated. Ethan called his parents and told them what happened so they said that they were coming when they caught the very next flight here. Ethan stayed here with me as well as Alyssa. She was going to get coffee so we could all stay up. My legs were bouncing up and down, my face hurt from crying so much, my eyes were burning, and I just felt defeated. Ethan tried to take me home but I wanted to stay. 

A few hours have passed and I'm still worried. A doctor finally came out and told us what happened. 

"Family of Grayson Dolan?" The doctor asked. Me, Alyssa and Ethan all stood up.

"Grayson had to be rushed into surgery but he made it out. He's in room 206."

"Thank you so much." I said. We all headed to the elevator. I pressed the button to take us to the floor that his room is on. We finally reached the room. I told Ethan to go in first because I was too scared. After he fully walked in, he went to Grayson's side and just sat there crying. I burst into tears as well. I sat next to him and grabbed his hand. 

I wanted time alone but I didn't want to be rude. An hour had finally passed and I finally asked to be alone just for 5 minutes. They agreed and walked out of the room. Wen the door closed I just started to cry again.

"I know you probably can't here me but, I-I really want y-you to know that we need you to stay strong. Stay strong for your mom, dad, Cameron, Ethan, and Alyssa. But stay strong for me, especially Tori. S-she needs y-you. I need you. I love you so, so much. Ethan needs his other half. He really needs you, he loves you. We a-all do. Grayson, you're so strong, and I know that you can get through this. I don't know what to do i-i-if y-you leave me."

I walked out of the room and told them that they could go in. I left the hospital and went home. Everything in me was just full of anger and sadness. I went home and smashed everything and anything that I possibly could. Out of anger. Everything was broke and glass was everywhere. I backed into a wall and just slid down it crying and screaming just letting it all go. Why me? Why us? Out of all people!? Yes, I know it seems so selfish of me but wouldn't you ask the same thing if something were to happen like this to someone so close to you? 

After a whole 2 hours, I heard the door open. I looked up to see Alyssa. She saw what I had done and gasped. She was socked and to actually see what I have done kind of shocked me too. I wasn't thinking straight and I juts ruined everything.

"What happened?" She said.

"I lost control!" I said bursting into tears. She came over to me and sat next to me holding me. I juts cried and screamed as she comforted me.

"WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?" I just screamed over and over again.

"I believe that he will be just fine. He's a real tough guy and he will fight it. He wouldn't dare to leave you, because he loves you."

Grayson's Perspective

It was nothing but a white space around me. Nobody was here. Where is my girlfriend and where is my baby? Where is Ethan and Alyssa? Why aren't they here with me? I suddenly saw 4 shadows pop up. It was Ethan, Alyssa, Kimberly and Tori. Kim was holding Tori. 

"Where were you guys?" I asked.

"We left, because we don't need you anymore." Ethan said.

"We're fine without you." Alyssa spat.

"I don't love you." Kimberly said.


It was all a nightmare because I felt someone grab my hand, and they spoke to me. I could here everything that she said and she meant it. 

"I know you probably can't here me but, I-I really want y-you to know that we need you to stay strong. Stay strong for your mom, dad, Cameron, Ethan, and Alyssa. But stay strong for me, especially Tori. S-she needs y-you. I need you. I love you so, so much. Ethan needs his other half. He really needs you, he loves you. We a-all do. Grayson, you're so strong, and I know that you can get through this. I don't know what to do i-i-if y-you leave me." She said.

I wanted to wake up and hold her, but my eyes wouldn't open. No matter how hard I tried, they wouldn't open. She held onto my hand and gave it a squeeze before letting go. Why did she leave? I heard the door open again and I thought she came back. I tried once again to open my eyes. There stood, Ethan but no sign of Alyssa and Kim. I jolted up making the machines go crazy.

"Where's Kim!" I said.

"You need to relax, Gray. She's fine. Alyssa went with her." Ethan said.

"No. I want her now!" I yelled.

"Grayson, you need to calm down."

"I want to see her now!" I yelled once again.

Ethan's Perspective

A whole bunch of nurses and doctors rushed to Grayson's room telling him to calm down, while holding him to stay still. They had to give him a shot that would put him to sleep. I ran out of the room and called Alyssa

ETHAN-Where are you?
ALYSSA-Home, cleaning up.
ALYSSA-Kim was just really, really upset and her anger got to her and she broke some stuff
ETHAN-Is she ok?
ALYSSA-Yeah, I got her to fall asleep.
ETHAN-Good. Grayson woke up and started freaking out so they had to put him to sleep.
ALYSSA-Oh my god!
ETHAN-Yeah. Well I'm on my way home now to come and pick you girls up so wake Kim up and tell her to get ready.
ALYSSA-Ok. I love you!
ETHAN- I love you too

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