Chapter 4

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Kimberly's Perspective 12:15 a.m.

Its so late and I can't fall asleep. Dylan broke up with me and it has been driving me insane. I've been crying non stop this whole entire time and I just can't seem to get a hold of myself.

I grabbed my books that had pictures of me and Dylan and just started to rip them. I got too carried away and and ended up ripping the whole scrap boom with pictures of us in it.

Grayson's Perspective

I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep and it was bothering me like hell. I got out of bed to go to the kitchen and get something to drink. I kept hearing noises and it sounded like it was coming from Kimberly's room.

I opened her door slightly to see her crying and tearing up pictures. She then throws the whole book. I walk inside and just pulled her into a hug. I don't know why she's upset but I know its not a good time to ask her so I'll keep my mouth shut.She seemed to calm down a bit. I tried to get up but she held onto my hand.

"Please s-stay." she said trying not to cry.

I have in and got back in bed with her. I held her close to my chest and She wrapped her arms around me. Even though it was a bit dark, i could still see her clearly. She drifted off to sleep. I soon felt myself falling asleep.


Kimberly's Perspective

I woke up and looked over to see that Grayson was in my bed. I remember everything that happened. Dylan broke up with me and I was just a wreck. Grayson's arm was wrapped around me and I moved just a little and he woke up. We looked at each other and stared deeply into each other as if we lost something.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"B-better." I stuttered. Fuck!

"Do you mind telling me why you were so upset?" 

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Ok." he said and walked out of my room. I got u and made my bed and grabbed my stuff so I could take a shower. 

The arm water hit my body making me feel at ease. It calmed down my nerves and I felt a whole lot better than last night. My mind was filled with thoughts and I just wanted to stop thinking about everything for just a moment. After my shower, I got dressed to go to Ashley's house. My hair was in a messy bun. I decided to wear a black crop top with high waist, ripped skinny jeans and my white converse. I put my stuff in my bedroom and closed it. I grabbed my keys and made my way towards the door.

"Where you going?" I heard. It was Ethan.

"I'm going to my friend Ashley's. I'll be gone all day." I said.

"Ok. See ya when you come back." He said and smiled. I gave him one in return then left. I started my car and drove off to her house. It was only 10 minutes away.

I finally got to her house and knocked on the door. She came to open the door. I told her about Dylan and I'm still upset. Why do I have to be such a fucking crybaby? She pulled me inside and closed the door looking at me with sad eyes.

"You poor thing, come here." She said pulling me into a hug. I cried onto her shoulder. Everything I felt was just one big sack of tears that I let out onto my friends shoulder. 

"I-I don't know w-what I did wrong." I cried harder, which made me stutter from hyperventilating so much. 

"You know, that you deserve better. He left you because he thought that was best for you."

"I-I thought he l-l-loved me." I said.

"He does, and maybe that's the reason he let you go. You know that you deserve so much better, Kim. I want you to be happy and he does to. He wants you to have better, to be better, to do better, and so much more." She explained trying to calm me down.

I wiped my tears as she handed me some tissues. I had a little snot coming out of my nose (Sorry if I grossed ya out lol). She's right. This is why I love my bestfriend. She gives awesome advice. I don't know what I would do without my bestfriend, I love her so much. 

We watched some movies while eating so much junk food but I didn't want to spend this day any other way. My disastrous day because a good one. It was starting to get dark and I hate driving in the dark

"I think I'm gonna head home, Ash. You know it's getting dark and I hate driving at night." I said.

"True. Text me when you get home." 

"I will. I love you."

"Love you too, Kim."

I left her house and headed home. I still need to email Delaney. As soon as I got in the door, Ethan saw me and smiled. I gave him one in return. I put my keys in the little bowl sitting on the lamp stand and went to my room. I opened up my laptop to email Delaney.

Dear Delaney, I'm emailing you to ask when I can come in for work. I still gradually appreciate you accepting me.

Sincerely, Kimberly

I sent it to her and closed my laptop, letting out a huge sigh. Next think I know, Ethan comes in my room. I looked up for a split second then let my head fall back. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone. I got my phone out and told Ash that I made it home safe. Ethan sat next to me on my bed and we sat in silence.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, Just great." I said sarcastically, trying not to be rude.

"What's been on your mind? You can tell me." He said. He is so sweet. I don't deserve such a good friend like Ethan.

1024 words

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