Chapter 34

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Kimberly's Perspective- 3 weeks later...

Grayson is now home from the hospital and is on bed rest. He isn't allowed to get out of bed unless he needs to use the bathroom. I have taken time off of work to take care of him. I am working from home since I physically can't be at work. Tori was in her room sleeping, and Grayson was also taking a nap. Ethan is at work and Alyssa is home, helping me. 

It has been an hours and the babes are still sleeping. Alyssa went to bed because she suddenly felt sick. She has been feeling like this for a few days though, so something is up. It was so quiet and there was nothing to do. I finished everything that I needed to do for work. My phone was too boring, there's nothing good on TV, I don't feel like cooking, I'm not hungry, I'm not tired, I'm just bored. What to do, What to do, What to do! I don't know what the hell to do. Maybe I should go downstairs. That's exactly what I did. I looked at a door, it was a closet. I remember when we moved here and I remembered putting something in there but I can't remember so I just opened it to see a duffel bad in there. Wtf!? I open the bag slowly and find my old 'toys' in there. Fuck! I forgot that I had these. I heard my name being called, so I quickly zipped the bag back up and shut the closet door. I ran upstairs and to see Alyssa crying.

"What's wrong, hun?" I ask.

"I think I know what's happening with me..." She started. I nodded, signaling for her to continue.

"I-I think, I'm pregnant." She looked down. I was actually happy.

"But isn't that what you and E wanted? A baby?" I asked, kind of confused as to why she's so upset about this.

"I told him I wasn't ready, which was true, because I'm not. I wanted to wait."

"A, are you positive that you're pregnant though?"

"I'm not 100% sure, but from me throwing up all time and I missed my period, I'm pretty sure those are signs that I am pregnant."

"True. That's what happened to me when I found out I was pregnant with Tori."

"What am I gonna do?"

"Schedule an appointment with your doctor to make sure it's 100% positive.

"Ok. Will you come with me?"

"Of course."

"Thank you so much." She hugged me and I hugged back.

"You're like my sister, I'd do anything for ya." 


Alyssa's Perspective- The Next Day...1:45 p.m.

I left the house earlier this morning to go to the doctors. I am indeed pregnant. I am kind of nervous to tell Ethan even though I already know that he wants a baby. It scares me just a little to even think about me being a mom. I was even nervous for Kim when I found out about her having Tori. She's such a sweet baby though. 

Me and Kim just came home from having lunch. I saw Ethan's car still in the driveway which means he doesn't have to go to work. Normally if he goes to work, he'd already be gone but he's not. I walked inside and Grayson and Ethan were sitting on the couch with Tori in between them. How cute. Ethan got up and kissed me on the cheek, while Kim walked in and sat next on the couch, putting Tori in the middle. I looked at Ethan and grabbed his hand. We walked into our bedroom and I closed the door.

I turned around looking him straight in the eye. I was really nervous for the news I was about to tell him. I feel like there is so much weight being pushed on my shoulders right now and it's making it kind of hard for me to tell him.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked me.

"I have something I need to tell you."

"You aren't breaking up with me, are you?" He was worried. I thought it was kind of funny how he thought I was gonna break up with him. I would never leave him. I love him too much to ever leave.

"Baby, I love you too much to ever leave you."

"Oh, good. I love you too."

"I don't how to say this..."

"Just tell me."

"....I-I-I'm pregnant." 

"Don't joke around." He said seriously.

"But I'm not. I even have pictures, look." I said pulling them out of my purse.

"I left this morning to go to the doctors to see if my test came back positive did."

"Oh my god! You're pregnant."


"You're pregnant." He said once again, but with a little more excitement.

"MY BABY IS PREGNANT!" He shouted throughout the house. I heard footsteps running up the stairs. There stood Grayson and Kim, holding Tori. Ethan was holding me in his arms spinning me around.

"Congrats, bro!" Grayson said. Ethan put me down the twins bro hugged. Grayson came walking up to me and hugged me tightly. 

"I'm gonna be an uncle!" He cheered making us all laugh."

"We're gonna be parents." Ethan whispered, leaning his forehead against mine and holding onto my hands.

"I love you Alyssa."

"I love you too, E." I said starting to tear up a little.


Kimberly's Perspective- A  Few Hours Later...

"I can't believe Alyssa's pregnant." Grayson said brushing his teeth.

"I know. I'm gonna be an auntie!"

"And I'm gonna be an uncle." He said. 

"It got me thinking that maybe we could have another baby." He said. My eyes widened at is response.

"Can we at least wait until after our wedding, dear?" I laughed.

"Yes, anything you want. It was just a suggestion, hun." He said laughing.

He kissed me goodnight and snuggled into the covers, trying to get comfy. I snuggled into his chest and fell into a deep sleep, with the love of my life right next to me.


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