Chapter 2

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I stood there, unable to process the information that I had just received. I'm definitely meeting Niall. The Niall. The Niall James Horan.

I turned around, rushing up to Jenny, who was still standing against her locker. She too seemed pretty dazed. We both looked at each other and just stared at each other, our mouths dropped. 

"We're gonna meet Niall in TWO days." I whispered, as Jenny wrapped her arms around me in a hug. We both jumped up and down, our fangirl hearts fluttering.

Valentine's day was a day to look forward to. 

During lunch break, we were speaking non-stop about Niall. Jen was such a good person to fangirl with, it was insane how alike we are. 

I rushed home after club, without Jenny because of detention, and I started picking our outfits and planned what we would say to him. 

Jenny came home later on and seemed to be the only person who'd be this happy upon returning from detention. Mom entered and looked at both of us confused. Then she lets out a huge smile. 

"Oh, you girls must have heard about Niall coming to Brooklyn!" she exclaimed. 

Typical mom. Not telling us anything.

"You knew?" I asked frowning at her, showing Jenny aside a bit. She tossed over on my bed, her phone clutched to her face, looking for outfit inspos.

"Yup, Jane messaged me last night and warned me about it." said mom, making us all smile. Mom knew how we got when it came to the One Direction boys. I laughed, knowing that being a fangirl was a lot of work.

The next 24 hours went by pretty crazy. All we could talk about was Niall coming. It was like we really couldn't contain our excitement.

"Wake up early tomorrow, We can't be late!" she whispers to me, as she walks down the stairs, heading home. I walk her our, waving at her.  I eat dinner, chatting with Jake and then go to up to my room to sleep.

The next morning, my anxiety woke me up at 6 am. I dragged myself to the bathroom, rubbing my eyes, tiredness eating me up. I took a shower, using my nicer smelling shower gel.

"Mom, mom!" I yelled out from the bathroom, very much rushed. I put on my clothes, one shoe missing from my foot.

"What!" she yelled back from downstairs.

"I can't find my phone!" I exclaimed, walking around my room, inspecting the whole room. I spotted the other shoe under my bed, making me grab it.

"It's here, on the kitchen counter!" mom exclaims, making me rush downstairs. I quickly get it, spotting the missed call from Jenny. 

I grabbed my backpack and rushed out the from door, screaming a goodbye for whoever was willing to listen.

I rushed up to Jenny's, ringing her doorbell, Mrs Winston almost immediately opened the door. She said a hi, allowing me into their house.

"Come on Jenny! Let's go." I yell up the stairs, as Mrs Winston watched up, sipping her tea with an amused smile.

Jenny jumped down the stairs and rushed out of the house with me.

"Bye mum! Love you." Jenny yelled, once we ran across the lawn, making Mrs Winston laughing and waving.

Our school is filled with crazy fans like us. There was a big crowd outside the school waiting for his arrival, just as we ourselves came. We joined the crowd and waited, because according to them, Niall was arriving soon.

This is it.

When he did arrive, everyone rushed to him, screaming and yelling. He stepped out of his White Audi, handsome as ever. I was just another fan, a person who was barely noticed in that crowd, but I saw him, and that's all that mattered. He smiled at everyone, raising both his hands to wave at everyone, the noise of the crowd immediately rising. His security guards held the crowd back. 

Jenny and I got separated, but I managed to make it up to the front, adrenaline pumping through my veins. 

He walks in th direction to our school, the guards surrounding him and when he reached the spot, a few feet from where I was standing, he turns to look at all of us and he smiles. 

His eyes stop at me, our eyes connect and then he grins his most handsomest smile that I have ever seen and waves, maybe because I seemed to be the only one not jumping and crying in my row, but I was just staring at him, my phone in my hand. I could not have imagined that in my life.

I just lifted my phone up and clicked a picture of him, my eyes never leaving his.

He grins and laughs at my dumb move, his eyes glancing at someone beside me. Turns out a fan seemed to have escape and was running towards him. A security guard quickly stopped her, so he was pushed and ushered by the guards into the school.

I stare at the sight, my mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"Beth! Bee! Can you hear me?" I heard Jennys voice. I turn, as she drags me through the fans, and towards the back where there was no one. She drags me to a bench, and sits me down.

"Are you alright?" she stated, my hands on my eyes, and knees up on the bench. I could not believe this.

"This is insane, Jenny, my hands are shaking right now." I said. She rubs my back trying to calm me down. 

"Well, it's not over yet." she grins pulling my hand. I stood up knowing she was right. She dragged me towards the group of people, rushing into the school.

We walked to our indoor basketball court, and saw a massive line leading towards the center of the court and there were security guards everywhere. 

"Okay, only students that actually go here can stay here. Other people, leave!" said a guard with a microphone, as he checked the line, asking everyone for their school identification. We thankfully carried our IDs in our bags.

We went and waited in the massive line for like what seemed like, eternity. 

As we got closer and closer to Niall, more guards came to check our ID's. We got more and more excited, the closer we got. My hands could not stop shaking, thinking about my previous interaction with him.

"Fuck, we're next." Jenny said, her hand grabbing mine.

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