Chapter 8

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Inside was the most prettiest bracelet I had ever seen. It had multiple charms on it, and it looked like it had been specially picked.

But there was one that caught my eye. It was a yellow circle charm. I looked up at Niall, curious to why he decided to get this for me. I turned it over, reading the letters on it.


My initials.

I looked at him with curiosity in my eyes.

"Thank you." I whispered to him, wrapping my arms around him to hug him. I inhaled his scent, as his arms snaked its way around my waist. I immediately wore the bracelet on my hand. It's the best gift I ever received. 

"But why?" I asked, looking down at the bracelet on my hand. He shifted from foot to foot, before putting his hands in his pocket.

"I know it's like really soon to give you a gift, but I don't know. When I saw it, it just fit you so much." He said, looking down at his feet, before looking back up. He was nervous, and it made my heart flutter a bit.

The moonlight on his face, just made me want to stare more at him. He was so beautiful. 

He slipped his hand in mine, as he looked at the beautiful scenery in front of us. He peeked at me through the corner of his eyes, making me smile. I was already looking at him, slowly my heart beating more for him.

"Thank you." I said once more, making him turn towards me. He smiled at me, his eyes falling down to my lips, before they went back to my eyes.

I inched a little closer to him, hoping that he'll get the hint.

His grin grew bigger, as the hand that was once in my hand, slyly went around my waist.

I laughed once he turned to me completely, his other hand also grabbing my waist, as he too chuckled. My both hands went around his neck, both of us staring at each other, my eyes falling onto his lips.

"Niall! There you are!" said a voice from behind me, breaking our moment. I turn to see who it was entering the balcony, my hands immediately falling down my side, in disappointment.

A blonde girl is standing there, shaking her head at Niall. 

"Niall, come on. The party's inside, not here! The 5sos lads are about to sing. Come on!" she said, completely ignoring me. That was already a sign that she didn't like me.

"Yeah, I'll be right there, Becks." He tells her, making her nod. She turned to walk back inside, Niall turning back to me.

"That's Becky. She's like a sister to me. She's an childhood friend of mine." He said walking to the balcony door. I follow him, smiling.

"Thank you." I said once more, showing him the bracelet. He chuckled, holding out his hand for me.

"You don't have to thank me, pet'l." He said smiling, my heart melting. He tugged at my hand as we moved to go inside. Our arms swing in between us making me laugh a bit. 

We walked in Jennys direction, waiting for the band to setup. Niall left my hand and turning to smack Zayn in the back, as I turned to Jenny.

"Niall gave this to me." I told her raising my arm, as her eyes opened wide. She grabbed my arm, looking at the bracelet in shock.

"Are you serious?" She exclaimed, her jaw dropping, "But it's so soon!"

I shush her, frowning at her before telling her exactly what happened. 

"You both love birds were going to kiss." she giggles. 

"No." I replied, my cheeks flushing.

She giggled, as I sighed, as we turned to stage where Louis was being the entertainment, while the 5sos boys set up behind him.

"Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks, "What's your favorite kind of music?" The other says, "I'm a big metal fan.""

"Louis, no ones laughing." we heard Liam whisper to the latter from beside the stage. Louis scowled, walking off the stage all grumpy, making everyone chuckle.

As he got off the stage, music starts to play, as the boys finally got ready to perform, the lights going crazy.

"How we feeling tonight?" Calum said into the mic, making everyone cheer in support. 

Niall turned to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder. He grinned down at me, as I wrapped one arm around his waist, waiting for them to start singing. My first 5sos concert technically.

"You enjoying, pet'l?" he asked me, as I nodded, "I'm enjoying this a lot."

"What's not to enjoy huh, Horan?" I asked back, knowing he wasn't just talking about the night. His eyebrow raised up as he grinned back at me. I leaned closer to his ear, him automatically meeting me halfway.

"You enjoy a lot of things, who's to say I don't too?" I asked, his jaw visibly locking, as I watched his adams apple bobble.

"You're such a tease, ya know that?" he said, giving me his little smirk again.

"Simmer down, simmer down." Lukes voice interrupted us as he started singing, making everyone cheer once we recognized the beats to She looks so perfect.

We all cheered, singing along to the words. Niall and I bopped our heads to the beats, laughing at each other.

"If I showed up with a plane ticket, and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it." we sang to each other, him throwing his head back in laughter, his arms holding me closer.

"Cause all I really want is you!" Calum exclaimed, as the whole room yelled out the chorus with the band. I peeked a glance to Jenny who was standing next to Harry, having their own moment.

It was like a dream in that party. 

"Bee, I need to leave." Jenny suddenly said turning to me, as the song got over. I didn't expect it but I nodded nevertheless, turning to look at Niall. He grinned at us, understandingly.

"Today was a really fun day, Beth. I enjoyed it." he said, making me smile at him. I really didn't want to leave.

His arm that was still around my shoulder pulled me in, as he brought me into a hug, catching me off guard. I rested my cheek on his shoulder, hugging him back with my arms around his neck.

"Goodnight." he whispered, making me look up at him and smile.

"Goodnight." I replied, before leaning up and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He flushed, his skin turning red as I smiled at him.

We soon got out of the hotel, calling for an uber. As we waited for it, my phone buzzed in my hand, making me read out the message on my lockscreen to Jen.

niall<3: Tomorrow, 4:30, Star Movie Theater? 

She laughed in excitement for me, hugging me. 

"This is absolutely insane, Bee. Today is the best day of our lives." She exclaimed, clutching her coat tighter to her, as she jumped up and down. I laughed with her before typing a reply to Niall.

Me: Sure, it's a date :) Thankyou for today.

niall<3: One more thank you, and I won't let you show me what you enjoy.

I laughed. Little horny boy.

Me: either way I wasn't going to show you, sorry </3

niall <3: :(

I dropped Jenny home, the exhaustion really hitting me, as I dragged myself to my front door. I finally made it to my room and while I was changing into my Pajamas, I found a note in my pocket.

Stay away from Niall or you'll be sorry.

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