Chapter 24

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There he was. Standing on stage and singing his heart out to the arena. It was beautiful, considering I've never been to a Niall concert. It was amazing, seeing my boyfriend do what he loves, to the people he loves.

"Beth, lets go backstage. There's Vera!" Jenny said, causing me to break my trance and turn in the direction Jenny was pointing to. I see Vera standing near a corner, trying not to be recognized by anyone, with a couple of guards by her side.

"Vera!" I called out, turning in her direction and waving. She turns around to look at me and then smiles once she notices me and Jen.

The guard comes forward and put his hand out in front of us, not allowing us to even look at Vera.

"You are not allowed to pass." he said, making the both of us look at each other, before turning to the guard.

Vera comes forward, pushed her blonde fringe from her eyes, before tapping the guards shoulder.

"Let them through."

"But Mr. Horan said-"

"Let them through, Kenny." Vera said, sternly. 

He moves his hand and Vera moves forward, opening her arms and encasing us with hugs.

"It's good to finally see you." She said, smiling at us. 

"You too, Vera. After months of bonding." I said back, chuckling. 

"Follow me girls." She said, walking past the guards and entering the door that said 'backstage'. She walks ahead, leading us into the main room. 

As I follow her, we stop as we see someone standing a little ahead of us, with his back facing us, looking down at his phone. 

Louis William Tomlinson. 

I motion the girls to keep quiet, and take my phone and message him.

frodo: "When no one else was ever behind me." -Drag me down.

I see him frown and type down at his phone, as me and Jen held in our laughs.

dodo: What do you mean?

frodo: Turn the fuck around, rat.

He slowly turns around and sees us, his eyes widening. He gasped, before rushing forward and wrapping his arms around me, holding me tightly.

"Oh my god." He breathes out, making me laugh. 

"Its been way to long." I said, smiling up at him, as he laughed.

"Ahh, the other queen's here too." he said, moving to hug Jenny as well.

"Niall and Harry better freak out." I said laughing, making Vera, Jenny and Louis chuckle too. 

He then goes to give Vera a hug, before poking her arm.

"You knew about this, you little shit." He said, making her smile wide, and laugh.

"Yeah. I did. Thank me, you dipshit." She said, poking him back. 

We follow then to the main hall where Niall would come right after his show. I stood next to the curtain which let to the stage and watched him sing and perform. He laughed at something, making me smile wide, knowing that his last show is almost over. 

Maren Morris enter from the other side to sing 'Seeing Blind' with Niall. I move back to see Lottie and Gemma entering the room. 

"Lots! Gems!" Louis calls them, making them look up and smile. Lottie frowns when her eyes fall on me, but I kept smiling at them. First impressions are always important.

"This is Beth and that's Jenny." Louis said, pointing at me and Jen.

"Beth is my bestie."

"You're my bestie too, unfortunately."

"Hey that makes two of us." He says, poking his tongue out.

"We just came and we were looking around. Weren't you in the other room with Liam, just now?" Gemma asks me, looking confused. I frowned at her in confusion, before turning to Louis, who held the same expression.

"No. I've been here with Lou, Jen and Vera." I said, making Gemma and Lottie exchange a look. Did they not like me?

"Hey, Gemma is Harry here?" Jenny asks, trying to break the silence that seemed to have formed in the room. Although this was Jenny's first time meeting Gemma, it wasn't awkward, as they have talked over the phone a couple of times, thanks to Harry.

As soon as Jenny asks that to Gemma, a door opens and Harry enters the room, eating a banana. 

He freezes when his eyes fall on me, before they fall onto Jenny. He literally drops the banana on the floor, peel and all, before running up to Jenny and hugging her. She laughed, her twinkling eyes meeting mine, before she hugged the curly headed lad.

"Hi Harry." She said, running her fingers through his hair lovingly.

"So I guess Jennys the girlfriend he keeps on talking about." Lottie said, making us all nod in agreement. 

"I don't mean to be rude, I know you're Louis friend, but how do you know Niall?" Gemma asked politely, making me smile.

"I'm Nialls girlfriend." I said, understanding that no one seemed to have told her about me. Gemma frowns.

"But isn't his girlfriend-"

"Beth! Gosh it's been so long." Harry exclaimed, moving to hug me. I hugged him back, confusion filling my features as to why he cut Gemma off.

As Lottie follows Gemma out of the room, I sit down on one corner sofa. The sofa couldn't be seen from stage. So Niall won't be able to see me as soon as he comes backstage, but if he turned he would. Louis comes and sits next to me, deciding to chat with me, while Jenny and Harry sit on the other couch, talking.

"So what have you been doing, Boo?" I asked him, as he grabbed my hand and looked at the rings on my fingers.

"Nothing much really. Hanging out with Rachel and the boys. Doing a bit of songwriting, and spending time with the fam." He said, just as the crowds screams loud, indicating the end of the show. I embrace Louis' hand, the adrenaline rushing through me, as I stared at the curtains waiting for my boy to walk through it.

Niall comes inside with his guitar around his neck, wiping his sweaty forehead with his hand. He doesn't see any of us. He heads into the other direction. 

He opens the door in which Gemma and Lottie had entered before, and goes through it. 

Louis and I exchanged looks with Harry and Jenny, confused as to how he missed us, although Harry gave me a queasy smile, making me seriously question his actions today.

A second later, Liam and Grace enter hand in hand. Liam gasps once he sees Jenny.

"What are you doing here?" he said, before moving to hug her, as Grace's eyes met mine.

"Woah Bee?" Grace said, her smile widening at me, as she opened her arms wide for a hug. I smile, getting up and hugging Grace. I didn't, however, fail to notice the nervous look Liam and Harry exchanged with each other.

What is going on?  

And then next person to come through that door is Niall, hand in hand, with a girl. 

I gasp out loud, my eyes meeting hers once again.

The girl I met in the mall. 

The girl who looked exactly like me. 

That girl was Tessa.

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