Chapter 33

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I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It's the moment I've been so hesitant about. 

"Hey!" he said, opening the door. He pulled me into a hug and gave me a short peck, to which I pulled away quickly, the guilt building up inside me.

"I came here to talk." I said, looking into his blue eyes. 

"Yeah sure." He said, moving to open the door more as I entered inside and took in the scent of his home. I walked to his couch, and sat down as he offered me a drink, to which I refused. I looked around, remembering all the memories in this house. 

"I want to break up, Luke." I blurted out as I awkwardly sat, staring at him. 

He froze and then gave me a worried look. 

"Huh?" he said, confused. It did come out of nowhere, and I get why he was confused.

"I want to break up." I told him, hesitantly. He looked at me and then nodded after a few seconds of silence.

"Okay." He said in a small voice, not looking up. I looked at him before getting up and hugging him, feeling bad.

"Glad Niall finally realized what he lost." Luke whispered to me, making me pull away, and look at him, shocked that he had pieced it together.

He knew about my history with Niall, as I had told him when we were dating. I smile a bit in return before nodding. 

"He did." I muttered, "And I didn't want to lead you on, but you mean a lot to me, Luke. I'm sorry."

He shook his head, smiling at me, before taking my hands, and pressing a kiss on both of them.

"No hard feelings?"

"None at all." He replied, chuckling a bit. 

I get up again, and give him another big hug. 

"Thank you." I whispered, "for everything."

"Thank you." he whispered back, as he let go of me. I smiled at him and walked to his door. I gripped the handle and looked at him once more, before I walked out and closed the door behind me. 

I let out a breath of air, as I stood at his doorstep. It felt like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I walked to Veras car and got inside. 

I missed my car so much. I had gone home the day after the wedding and met Jake, Thomas, Tess and mum. I hung out with Tess for a couple of days and we made so many memories along the way. 

I started the car and reversed out of his driveway before driving back home. I had stayed in Brooklyn for about a week before going back to LA.

I was seriously content with the things going on in London. So I decided, it would be better to either move back home, with mum and Jake or move to London, with Lou, Rach, Grace, Li and Ni. 

And I guess, I chose London.

Then I decided to bring my car to London with me. I had been worried about the documents for a while, but everything is done now, and my sweet baby is with me once again. Niall had helped me get an apartment there. Jenny said she would stay with me for a while to help me out. 

And right now, in my house in LA, were loads of boxes filled with my stuff and a crying Vera, watching an old video of us both shit drunk.

"You've been living here for a year now. Don't leave!" she wailed, as soon as I entered. She put down her phone and stared at me before bawling again. I stood there and stared at the girl bawling on the couch. I threw my bag and her keys on the floor and went to hug her. 

"I'll miss you, Anybeth." she muttered in my hair.

"And I'll miss you, crapass." I said back, before she snorted a bit, causing me to let out a laugh. I pulled away from her and smiled at her. She scrunched up her nose and pulled my arm up. 

"Phew! You stink!" she said, as I rolled my eyes. 

"I do not. I just had a shower before leaving." I said, pouting a bit. 

"Yeah, right." she said with an eyeroll. I just shake my head before sitting next to her. 

"When did we take that video?" I said giggling at it. 

"A few months ago." she replied smiling. 

There we were. Standing at a random bar, singing along with Ed Sheeran, drunk off our asses. 

"God, I'm gonna miss you like hell." I said to her, turning to hug her again. 

"I'll miss you too." she whispers to me.

"Anyway," she says pulling away and nonchalantly wiping her eyes, "what's for dinner?" 

And then we ordered Chinese and sat in watching old movies till the crack of dawn. 


"Hello?" said a muffled voice. 

I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling. I sat up and looked around and saw that I was on the couch with blankets all around me. On the floor, was Vera. I don't know how she managed to reach the floor but she seemed comfortable.

"Hello?" said the voice again, followed by a knock. I got up and stretched and then walked to the mirror in the hallway to check my appearance, before running to the front door and swinging it open.

"Hi." said a hyperactive Jennifer Winston, cheekily. 

"Jenny!" I squealed before hugging her, "Oh my god! it's been so long since we hung out!"

"When did you reach?" I asked her, cupping her face. My precious little baby, she is.

"I reached an hour ago. I came directly here from the airport." she said, pointing at her suitcase which was behind her, making me nod.

Jenny had moved to London with Harry a few months ago, so she has been developing a beautiful british accent now, whereas I was still American.

"Well, come on in. Let me just wake Vera up." I said, leaving her and walking towards Vera. 

"Vera!" I said, nudging her with my foot. She didn't move a muscle. "Vera." I whined. When she still didn't move, I grabbed a cushion and hit her hard on the head. 

She shows me the finger, making me frown at her. 

So I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a few ice cubes and walked back to the living room. Jenny had found a seat and was now looking through her phone.

"Jenny." I said, making her look up. I pointed at the cubes then at Vera, and she nods understanding. She opens her camera and starts a video, just as I put the cubes on her cheeks, and on her arms.

"What the fuck??" she exclaimed suddenly jumping up. She looks at me and then gives me a big glare and I laughed. Soon, Jenny was also laughing, causing Vera to glare her too. 

"Fuck you." she muttered before walking away. 

"I love you, too." I yelled back at her making Jenny laugh some more. 

God, these idiots are my everything.

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