Chapter 11

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Safe to say I ignored the message. What sort of jobless creep sends hate messages to an 18 year old.?

A week. Niall's leaving in a week. The boys have already left, except for Liam and Grace. Its been four days since our date. 

I've called Niall a couple of times too, but that freaking idiot Becky, always ends up ruining it.

"Hey Ni." I said, as soon as he picked up. It's been around 4 days since our date, the countless texts between each other never stopping, but hearing his voice was so nice.

"Hello Love." he says back, making me smile. 

"So, what have you been up too?" I asked, as I smiled at Angel who was nuzzling her nose into my hand. 

"I'm writing a new song for a very special person." he said, sounding adorable. 

"Oh, really? Late night writing? It must be for someone important, then. Whats it called?" I asked, rubbing Angel's chin affectionately. 

"Its calle- You know what? I'll tell you when I finish the song." he said. I could practically hear him smirking.

"Aww, I was trying to get it out of you. Anyways, who is the song for?" I tried one last time, getting suspicious of his secrecy. No way, would he write me a song this early into our relationship?

"That's for me to know, and you to not know." He said laughing, making me groan out in annoyance, "Listen, Love I need to ask you something. Will yo-"

"Niall, will you cut the phone already? We need to leave now!" Beckys voice interrupts Niall, making me sigh.

"Pet'l, I'm sorry. I have to go. See you later. Goodnight." He said to me quickly before disconnecting.

I sigh once again. She's really pissing me off. I was really hoping Niall would ask me to Prom, since that's in a few days, and plus he knows how much that would mean to me. I mean, it's senior prom. 

I pulled up my phone to doom scroll through my instagram, bored out of my mind. The first thing I see is a distant blurry picture of Niall and me kissing.

No freaking way.

I was shocked that it got out this quick. We've been on like what two dates?

Me: Niall have you checked the news? We're all over it. 

niall<3: Yea, I know. We should ignore that. 

niall<3: Paps are always following me. It's crazy sometimes.

niall<3: You okay?

Me: Yea I'm alright, just feel like its too soon you know.

Me: I mean even we havent figured out what we are.

Me: Now we have the whole internet piping in.

niall<3: that's true :(

niall<3: I'm sorry, my love 

Me: It's not your fault Niall.

Me: Anyways, Goodnight love xx

And with a heavy heart, I went to bed.

I woke up, the next day, at around 11 and then decided to spend the day lazing around the house, seeing that I had finished all my homework.

I headed to the basement, which we had converted into a games room, to watch movies on Netflix.

The door bursts open about an hour later, mid-way through Captain America Civil war, as Jake jumped into the room.

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