Chapter 42

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"We're late, Ni!" I said, slamming the car door behind me. He shut his door as well, running behind me.

"We should've left when Jen did!" I exclaimed, as Niall chuckled walking beside me. Thankfully, none of the paps knew that Niall or any of the other lads were here, so we were free to enter through the main entrance.

"Well if we had left when Jen did, then I wouldn't have been able to kiss your pretty lips." Niall said with a pout, just as we reached at the entrance.

I laughed, grabbing his hand.

"Ni, could you put my phone in your pocket? I don't have my purse and I don't want to lose it." I asked, making him nod and put it in his pocket.

The upbeat music, the chatter of people talking, the flashy lights, all together made me smile.

About time we went clubbing.

I held on to Niall's hand, as I headed towards the bar. I called over the bartender, asking him where the VIP section was.

He frowned at first, but then I guess he recognized Niall and directed us to the small spiral staircase at the back.

We climbed up, hearing laughter and loud talking. We entered through the curtains, smiling at our friends, as they were all laying down lazily on the couches.

"Fucking hell, is it just me or is it hot in here?" Jen said staring at me, her eyes twinkling, making everyone turn to me and Niall who were standing there and laughing.

"Finally." Louis huffed, getting up to hug Niall, before kissing my cheek.

"Zayn!" I exclaimed, rushing to hug him, not seeing him since last year. He laughed, hugging me back.

"and Gigi." Gigi said laughing, as I turned to hug her. I remember meeting her last year, the girl is so gorgeous.

"Why didn't you two come for the wedding?" I asked them, making them glance at each other, before smiling at me.

"Gigi hadn't been feeling very well, and I got really worried about her. So I didn't come. I told Lou and he understands." Zayn said, as I smiled back. I glanced at Louis who gave me a look, remembering the conversation we had at his wedding.

"Right, now that we're all here, let's get pissed drunk!" Grace said, as she jumped up and grabbed the shot glass.

"Not like we weren't already." Liam said snickering with Zayn.

We all cheered as we downed more shots, the tequila burning my throat. I giggled as Jenny was already close to falling from the couch, her hands holding onto me.

Gigi and Zayn seemed to be drinking the least, being probably the only two sober people in the room. Harry, Rachel and Louis started singing some song, making Niall laugh loudly at their slurred words. We just laughed with each other, forgetting everything else.

"Guys, we're going down to dance a bit, want to come?" Rachel said, as she dragged Louis to the curtains. Zayn, Gigi, Tessa and Jenny all decided to go downstairs and the rest of us stayed here. Jenny and Tess decided to stick together for the night.

Harry scrolled through his phone, as Liam and Grace drunkenly laughed, leading me to sit beside Niall, who had just downed another shot.

"Pass me one, Ni." I said pointing at the tray of shots, which Niall gave me. I downed the drink, cringing once again at the taste. No sooner had I slammed it back down on the table, Niall had pulled me onto his lap, making me giggle.

"You look so sexy." he whispered into my neck, peppering kisses there. I shut my eyes and hummed in satisfaction, feeling his lips leaving marks and kissing my hot skin.

I tried to clamp my legs together, suddenly feeling the heat, making Niall let out a loud laugh.

He tangled his hand in my hair and he pushed my head towards him, kissing me. He kissed me feverishly for a bit, before slipping his tongue between my lips, making the butterflies in my stomach rise up once more.

I straddled his lap, my hands moving to his shoulders, his hands holding the bottom of my dress down, making sure I didn't flash anyone. The kisses became more open-mouthed, as we stared getting desperate to take breaths, but didn't dare to pull away from each other.

I suddenly pulled away from Niall, looking around the room for the others, thankful to find it empty. They must've left seeing us.

I laughed once more, before moving back to kiss Niall. His hands moved up my thighs, before he flipped us over on the couch. He laid me down before kissing me one again, his arms holding himself above me. His lips trailed down my clothed body, stopping at my stomach. I wrapped tugged his hair, one of my favourite things to do, as I impatiently waited for him to do something.

He then suddenly brought his face back to mine, my breathing increasing once more, but he didn't kiss me. He just stared at me, before kissing my nose and getting off me.

He stood up beside me, offering me a hand, which I accepted, before he pulled me to stand up. I ran my fingers through my hair and down my dress, trying to look a bit better, as Niall did the same.

"Would you care to dance with me, madam?" he said walking towards the curtains, and holding it open.

"Would I?" I smiled, before following him. We walked down the spiral staircase, the music becoming more louder and walked towards the crowded dance floor.

I moved my body to the beat of the song, as we made our way deeper into the crowd, Niall laughing from behind me, as we danced together to the loud music.

I felt him behind me as we danced, his breathing way too heavy and loud, as he grinded up against me. I moved my hips loving the feeling, making me groan a bit. Niall grunted, before placing his hands on my hips. My eyes glanced behind me towards him, our lustful stares holding each other's gazes.

I started to move my body, my back pressed hard against his front. It was so hot in the club, but the feeling of Niall behind me, made me feel hotter. The thrill of being in a crowded room, and grinding against each other, left both our adrenaline high.

"You're so sexy, darling." he whispered again into my ears, as we moved against each other. I wanted more, I needed more.

Niall slid his hands down my thighs, and pulled my body closer, if that was even possible. I whimpered, feeling his body against me, the adrenaline making me feel like I was on top of the world.

My head fell back onto his shoulder, as he kissed my neck, still grinding against my body. My hands now reached for behind me, holding his head steady against my neck, as his hands moved on my thighs. He spun me around, his thigh sliding in between my legs, my body immediately grinding onto his thigh, chest to chest.

I moaned out as his hands moved to hold me, making him smirk. I shut my eyes in ecstasy, loving the feeling of Niall so close to me, as his hands directed my body to move with his.

"We need to leave now." he muttered to me, my hands running up to his neck once again, before nodding. He pulled me close and kissed me, my jaw slack as his hand held onto it.

He then moved through the crowd, his breathing heavy, as his hand wrapped around my waist. He turned him head and kissed me once more, as we made our way out of the club.

The night had only begun.

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