Chapter 40

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"Shut up! You have no right to speak about her like that!" I heard someone shout, making me open my eyes. I could hear a couple more shouts which made me frown.

I looked around the bedroom, Jenny still asleep beside me. I moved the covers, and got out of bed, shivering as my feet hit the cold tiles. I quickly did my ponytail, and walked out of the room, wrapping my arms around my body.

I walked towards the increasing voices, to see Niall shouting at two men. My presence made Niall immediately shut up, making the other two men turn around and look at me.

"She's here?! Are you kidding me! Niall, you know the drill, when there are pap pics, you get them the hell away from you-"

"Why the fuck should I do that?!" Niall yelled out, outraged.

What the hell is going on?

"You are not meant to be seen with her, Niall! You both were together once, and you can't be seen together again. It's bad for your image and-"

"I don't fucking care if its bad for my image, I love her, god dammit! I can be with her if I fuckin' want to! You shouldn't be worrying about who I'm with, worry about promoting my fuckin' music. I have an album coming out in three months and people only know because I posted it on my social media! If you're such a great manager, why don't you fuckin' learn how to fuckin' promote me." Niall growled out, glaring at the pair.

All three men went silent.

I soon realized that was Marcus, Niall's manager. And he obviously still wanted me out of Niall's life.

"I've told you a billion times, Simon's told you a billion times, Don't you get it in your fuckin' head?! Focus on my music, and not my love life. I think it's high time I fuckin' fire you." Niall said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me turn around. Jenny gave me a small smile, making me return it and turn back to the men.

"You can't fire him, Mr Horan. You have a contract with him saying that you have to have him for another 2 years, after which-"

"Yeah yeah, I know what its says," Niall interrupted the other man, who spoke for the first time since I entered.

"It also says, If you fuck around with my family, you're fuckin' done."

"But I haven't-"

"She's my family." Niall interrupted, pointing at me, my heart immediately warming at the sight of Niall saying that.

I'm his family.

"Out. Both of you, Get the fuck out!" Niall bellowed, making them flinch, "Cunts!"

They turned around and quickly left the flat, as Niall sat down on the couch, trying to get a breath.

I gave Jenny a glance before moving to sit down beside him. I watched him with his jaw still tightened and his fist still clenched.

"Ni." I whispered placing a hand on his knee, which was bouncing like crazy. I kissed his cheek, making him loosen his jaw, as he turned to me.

"Calm down, my love." I whispered, making him smile a bit at the nickname.

He placed a hand on top of mine on his knee as his eyes bore into mine. We silently sat there, staring at each for so long, but we just couldn't look away.

I glanced at from his eyes to his pretty pink lips. I couldn't get over staring at him. I glance around the room, checking if Jenny was still standing there only to see that she had gone back inside.

I then turned back around and leaned towards Niall, my lips locking in with his. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me back, being such a sweetheart. My hands ran up his arms, wrapping around his neck and across his shoulders. I climbed on top of him and straddled him, my hands trailing up his clothed chest.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, my hands running down to the hem of his shirt. I couldn't help it.

I lifted up his shirt and traced up to his chest, making him shiver due to the coldness of my hands. He pulled away from me before he lifted up his t-shirt and threw it somewhere behind me, his hands falling back on my waist. We just fit so well.

We stared at each other for a small second, both of us breathing heavily. He pulled me close again and he kissed me, my hands flying up to his hair and my fingers running through the soft strands.

"The things you do to me, baby." he whispered against my lips, making the butterflies multiply in my stomach. I grinned into his lips, hands tugging on his hair.

He flipped us, so I was on my back and he was on top on me. He kissed me again, before kissing my jaw, making a small gasp erupt from my mouth. My breathing became heavy, as his lips trailed down my neck.

He stopped at different spots on my neck, making me groan out. I moaned as his lips worked to leaving marks all across my collarbones. My hands tightened around shoulders, pulling him much closer.

His hands slowly slipped under my tshirt, squeezing my sides. My heavy breathing turned into gasps and moans as I felt his lips softly kiss down my body.

"Hey Niall, I know that guy who just left was your manager, but I-" Jennifer said, entering the room but abruptly stopped, once she saw Niall was shirtless and on top of me. Niall and I raised our heads, both our jaw dropping as we stared at Jenny.

"Oh my-" she said covering her mouth and hiding her smile, before she retreated back to the guestroom.

I groaned, my head falling back onto the sofa, knowing that she was going to give me so much shit for this.

Niall chuckled, giving me a peck on my lips, before he rolled off me. He offered me a hand, making me let out a smile, as I placed mine in his.

"Right, she's gonna give us both shit now. I'm just gonna shower and there's food in the kitchen for you two." he said, "I love you, darlin'." 

He picked up his shirt and leaned over to kiss my cheek. He smiled cheekily at me, before walking towards his bedroom, leaving me blushing like mad.

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