Chapter 43

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Damn, never thought i'd regret opening my eyes.

"Turn off that fucking light." I groaned, shutting my eyes again. 

Someone laughed, making me groan and turn over. I felt someone beside me and immediately cuddled close to the sleeping body. Niall.

"The room reeks of sex." Someone else said, making me frown. I don't know who that was but I flipped them off, cuddling Niall, his cold skin pressed to mine. Niall put an arm around me, pulling me closer in his sleep, making me smile.

"Bee." another voice said, "Wake up, It's my birthdayy."

How many people were here?

I opened my eyes and turned my head to the door, seeing Jenny, Louis and Grace standing there, fully clothed and smiling by the door.

I screamed, pulling the blanket over my naked body, as Niall jolted awake.

"What the fuck?" he said, rubbing his eyes. It took him a second to figure out why I was under the blanket, before turning to the others and groaning.

"Get the fuck out!" he yelled at them, as he grabbed one of his shoes that were on the floor and flung it at Louis. Grace giggled, rushing out of the door.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." Jenny said, laughing as she left the room, followed by Louis, who showed us  his middle finger because the shoe hit him rather hard.

"Fuck off, Jennifer!" I yelled out, as Louis shut the door behind him.

"Losers." Niall groaned, falling back onto his pillow, as I lied down beside him, the blanket pulled up to my chin.

"Good morning." he said to me, turning to face me.

"Good morning." I said back, turning to face him. He laid his arm around my waist.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked, as I smiled.

"Well I have this killer headache, and I'm feeling a bit sick. The others didn't make it any better." I said, Niall chuckling.

"You?" I asked, my hand on his head playing with his hair.

"I'm feeling fine, had a great night with the love of my life." he said, making me blush a bit, as I kissed his nose.

"I did too." I whispered back, making him smile at me, his eyes moving from my eyes to my lips.

"How do you not have a headache?" I asked, frowning as he laughed.

"The Irish don't get hangover headaches." he said, pride evident in his voice, making me laugh.

"Show off." I said, turning to get up.

"Noo, don't get up. The bed's cold." he said pouting making me laugh at him, as I shook my head. 

I got up from the bed, grabbing his t-shirt and putting it on. I turned to him, seeing that he had been watching me, biting his lip.

"Horan, get that ass up, before the birthday boy and Jenny come back, except this time with everyone." I said, opening the bedroom door, and turning to him.

"You love my sexy Irish ass." Niall muttered, making me laugh.

Niall jumped up, picking his boxers up from the floor, and putting it on, before following me to the bathroom. Liam spotted us, as he was eating his cereal, walking over to us.

"Are you two gonna do it in the bathroom again?" Liam asked, the bowl of cereal in his hands, laughing at us both, as we stood at the bathroom door. Niall flipped him off, before walking past me into the bathroom.

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